
My World Traveling System

After my world is flipped upside down, I find myself with a system with the sole ability to allow one to travel the Omniverse...

itachi1010 · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Super Smart

'Hey system, I was wondering if Doof Intelligence is something like Toon Force.' I thought while holding a rat, which I went on to put a metal arm band-like thing around its stomach. I sat back and went on to turn on the generator and watched as the armband went on to start glowing. 

{Indeed host, but you need not worry. You can still gain his Toon Force, and even be better than him.} the system said while I looked at the rat which was walking around, shaking its head for some time, before it stopped and looked at me.

'Well, I just want to be able to create some of the stuff people of this world have created.' I thought with a sigh, remembering how Phineas and Ferb had created a computer that knew pretty much everything. they created stuff that could form a barrier around the whole galaxy in less than a minute, and the list went on. those two were geniuses. Doof was also a genius, some of his creations could have destroyed the universe if they had malfunctioned.

"Do you understand me?" I asked while looking at the rat, the rat nodded its head, and after a moment, it tried speaking. My eyebrow raised as after a moment, in a deep voice the rat began speaking the human talk.

"Indeed human, I can speak. this thing is so uncomfortable, were you not able to create anything more comfortable?" The rat said to which I just gave it the blueprint of the Great Mind Inator.

"Go ahead, if you can improve it, then you can speak like that," I said calmly, the Rat snorted disdainfully before going through the blueprint.

the great Mind Inator gave one 3 abilities. The first was the clear mind, a mind so clear that they could use 100% of their thinking capability. this also comes with a perfect recalling of your memory. 

the second was the thinking speed boost. your thinking speed would be far faster, allowing you to quickly scan many possibilities 

Lastly, you are better able to collect information, and use said information in concluding. It would be like you're in an enlightened state, easily able to reach the most likely conclusion using the said information given to you.

So, I gave the rat some books for it to read. it should be far smarter than both me and Doof at the moment. the rat just learned to speak thanks to the sound it has been hearing from humans, broke down the human language, and was now about to start learning how to read.

it didn't need my help as it could use human language to quickly understand how to read. So, I watched as it taught itself how to read after flipping through some books. With its perfect memory, all it needed was a look to remember the whole page, so it flipped through the countless books on tech, before pushing them aside and closing its eyes to process all of that information. 

Afterward, it went on to start writing and improving the design of the Great Mind Inator and even changed its name to The Chair of Wisdom. He created a small throne-like floating seat, this chair had a helmet for the rat, which would allow it to not only be far smarter than it was now but also strengthen its mind to the point it could control stuff with its mind.

"all under 10 minutes." The rat said with an arrogant smile, it looked at me, and I just looked at it before smiling lightly. Taking a pencil, I went on to remove a few things from the Blueprints, which were traps set by the rat for me to fall into just in case I tried to steal the design.

It wasn't in the blueprints as it's something I removed. but on the back of the rat was a flashing light that showed the rat's current thoughts. through this, I knew if the rat was thinking ill or not.

"one more strike and I will kill you," I said scaring the rat. it looked at me, and seeing the killing intent, he fearfully went on to write down on the paper, this time avoiding setting up traps.

"I don't want to be your enemy, but you also have to understand there countless animals out there I can replace you with. you are not irreplaceable, but it would be a pain to go out and buy another animal. So, this is your offer. I will create a way to make your intelligence that of a human without the need for anything. That is the pay i'm offering you. it's either this or back to living within a cage." I said to which the rat nodded lightly,

"You don't learn," I said seeing the light flashing on the rat's back. the rat panicked as I turned off the Great Mind Inator, causing its intelligence, to suddenly return to that of a normal rat. It was paralyzed, unable to get used to the sudden difference in intelligence. I went on to put scanners on its head to read its brain effectively while going over the blueprints that the rat had just made.

'I see, although it leaves no lasting brain damage, the sudden high level of intelligence, and it suddenly leaving would leave the brain in a confused state... an easy fix.' I thought while taking some tools, and went on to do a few things to the Inator. it didn't take long for the rat to return to normal, and it seemed it was still somewhat smarter than before as it wanted me to give it back the Inator.

"it seems to also have the effect of a drug," I said while looking at the reading of the rat brain signals. I made some changes to the Inator before I went on to put the rat away and replaced it with a new rat which went through all of the processes as the first one, only this time it wasn't as smart, but it wasn't suffering from the side effects as the first one. after going through 5 more rats, I was finally able to perfect the Great Mind Inator.

well, I wasn't sure if it was ready for human minds. But I was ready to use it, sitting next to the parts I wanted to create an Inator with. I went on to put the Great Mind Inator on my arm, and with that, I felt my mind suddenly growing, while it became clear.

Everything I had trouble understanding was broken down to a point that even a child could understand. My thinking speed was so fast that it only took time for a thought to understand, but for me, that was time spent earning years' worth of information.

I went on to pull out a paper and began to start drawing the design for the improved version of the Chair of Wisdom. but I didn't stop there as I drew the plans for a super smartwatch, the same one that Phineas and Ferb would build in the future, but this one was the size of a small watch. I went on to draw the plans for a total of 3 things, the Chair of Wisdom, the Super Smart Watch, and the Superhuman Inator.

I went on to put them all together, starting with the Super Smartwatch. With a smartwatch able to answer any question I could possibly ask, I was able to turn off the Great Mind Inator, scared that it might leave lasting side effects on my mind. But the side effect of losing all of that intelligence came with the cost of my mind feeling heavy, and me being dizzy.

"So, is there a flaw in my creation, super smartwatch?" I asked the watch on my arm. A face appeared on the watch.

"There are always flaws, perfection is an illusion. you can near it, but you would be forever far." the Super Smartwatch said before telling me how I could have improved its design and software. I nodded seriously, remembering all of this so could improve upon it later.

How was this watch so smart? It does everything by analyzing data from all the events in the world and predicting what will happen. This allows it to be all-knowing, it could calculate nearly an endless amount of possibilities, and the amount of stuff this AI could do was scary.

With its help, I went on to build the Chair Of Wisdom. but I couldn't finish it as the Super Smartwatch had ways to improve the designs to make the chairs countless times better than what I planned. A way for me to also process an endless amount of information, without side effects.

I wasn't worried about the watch turning into something like Ultron, I made sure it wouldn't become anything like that and simply answered what it was asked. it had no other powers, but the power to simply know everything and answer any question, but I do plan to give it the power to hack stuff, and so on.

I went on to create a Transmutation Inator. This Inator could transform the state of matter of anything, into anything I wanted. Of course, it didn't create things from nothing, it took what was there and changed its form.

So, with this, I could turn dirt into gold. but I had no interest in this, I instead wanted to turn stuff into parts I could use to build stuff... and yes, the Super Smartwatch helped me greatly when creating this. 

So, with this Inator, I was able to quickly put together Space Time armor. An armor that could allow me to go anywhere in the universe, be it the past, future, or the other side of the universe. With this suit, I took the Transmutation Inator, and teleported years in the past while heading to another galaxy. this gave me more than enough time to work with the Super Smart Watch to create anything I wanted.

"Alright, first thing first. Creating tech that would make me god." I said while standing on the moon, within a lifeless solar system. So time passed, and days quickly went by.

Soon, on the moon, there was a super small dorm where life could be held. but this dorm was the size of a seed, if one were to shrink down, to the size of atoms, they would find that the atoms in this dorm were trapped, unable to leave. am atom was made out of a nucleus and had an election shell

if kept becoming smaller to the size of a nucleus, they would see that the nucleus is made out of Nucleons, neutrons, and Protons. As the mass of the nucleon is about 2,000 times the mass of the electron, the nucleus carries practically all of the mass of an atom.

keeping getting smaller the size of a nucleon and you would see it made of 3 quarks. but keep getting smarter to that of a Quark and you would find yourself having a hard time getting any smaller. but if you could, you would find me, standing on a quark which was pretty much the size of a sun compared to how small I was.

how was it even possible that I got this small... well, I had a super smart AI that helped me create a device that could shrink me to such a stupid small size.

"well, this should be everything," I said softly while looking at the countless robots that were creating extremely small bots the size of vibrating strings. this was the smallest I could get, but it was all right. I was happy as thanks to the fact I was so small, I could study and understand String theory. I couldn't break any more laws of physics and make myself smaller, the risk in doing so was me falling through the cracks in creation. this was the most I could do within this reality.

but that was still okay, with Stringnites, which is what I was calling them. I could do just about anything, I could take apart atoms and put them to create anything I wanted, so long as I understood what I was doing.

Right now, they only made one Stringnite. but this Stringnite had the power to split apart. All I needed was one Stringnite, but just creating this one pushed even the Super Smart Computer to its limits. Walking up to the space-time suit, I put it on and went on to return to normal size.

I went on to pick up the small dorm. the eyes through my space-time suit glowed, allowing me to see the small robots sending the Stringnite into my blood. I could of course control the Stringnite with my mind, so I didn't need them to put inside as I could have had it just teleport inside me. I went on to watch as the Stringnite entered my blood cell, it began to start absorbing the extra energy from my body. this led to the Stringnite splitting at a high rate, in a second, there were 2 Stringnites, then 4, then 8, and by the end of that second, there were billions within one blood cell alone.

but this was small when hundreds of trillions of atoms could fit within a cell. but more than hundreds of trillings of Stringnites could fit within an atom, what was a billion? I needed more Stringnites, so they kept increasing until they were just too many to count.

It took some time and made me feel tired as my energy was being absorbed. but soon, there were enough Stringnites that I could form an armor around my body. an armor far better than the Space-time suit which I currently had on me. So I took off the Space-time armor and had its parts absorbed by my Stringnites to create more Stringnites. 

I looked at my armor. it was dark armor, with blue lines running across its body. Like Ironman, there was a circle at the center of my chest which glowed with energy. I went on to test the armor, thinking of all types of stuff, like weapons, and pieces of tech. with the AI support, I didn't even need to have a clear image of what I wanted, I just needed to tell it what I wanted, and it would do the rest.

"Not bad Aesis... how about an existences canceling beam?" I asked with a smile, the countless weapons on my back suddenly disappeared, replaced with a large weapon, pointing towards a rock. I had it fired, and watched as the rock once hit by the beam was erased, its very vibration was canceled out, leading to it just stopping existing.

"Master Alex, this attack will drain energy depending on the target. the stronger their vibration, the harder it would be to create vibration capable of canceling it out." Aesis said to which I nodded lightly,

Aesis stands for, An Extremely Smart Intelligent System. It was extremely smart, pretty much being all-knowing. 

"Alright, teleport me back 1 hour before I left, hide me from my past self-sensing me," I said while a beam shot from my chest, which went on to explode in front of me into a portal. I entered the portal and arrived back in the Milky Way galaxy, an hour before I left.