
Chapter 003

Li Feng did not have the slightest fear, stretched out his hand and pressed the bald man's shoulder: "Originally, I was in a good mood today, but you killed the protagonist I invited and destroyed my propaganda meeting, so none of you want to leave today." "

Upon hearing this, these gangsters were stunned again.

What's the thing?

Did we hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong?

In the face of so many muzzles, shouldn't you immediately kneel on the ground and cry for mercy?

What is the situation, are the directors who make movies so good now?

"Boy, don't give a face."

The bald man laughed viciously, and everyone in the conference room stood up.

But they didn't choose to shoot rudely, because their purpose here was to coerce Li Feng to help them make movies and become their money-making tools.

Therefore, they did not intend to kill Li Feng.

But if this guy is not sensible, they naturally have ten thousand ways to make him unable to survive and unable to seek death.

"It seems that you have given up the only chance to live."

Li Feng's face gradually tightened, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

It's time to try the power of the Steppenwolf template.

And yet——

Just as he was about to try, the elevator was suddenly opened, and a figure wearing a straitjacket and carrying a shield rushed out.

Captain America?

When Li Feng saw this person's appearance, he was stunned.

And when these strong men in front of them saw this figure, a flash of fear flashed on their faces, and the bald man did not hesitate to raise his gun and said: "Shoot, let me beat these two miscellaneous pieces together into a sieve!" "

Obviously, this group of guys also did not expect Captain America to break in at this time.

Captain America during this period should have just woken up and had not yet created the Avengers.

As a S.H.I.E.L.D. person, Captain America is definitely a headache for some Hydra molecules.

In the face of Li Feng, an unarmed second-rate director, the bald men have a way to torture.

But in the face of Captain America, the frozen man, they must pick up their spirits.

As for Li Feng, they didn't care at all.

A second-rate director.

Like this kind of goods, they can find a dozen a day.

Compared to killing Captain America, what counts?

But what they didn't expect was that Li Feng was the most threatening person in this office.

He was already impatient.

These guys with hydra tattoos on their necks spoil the good mood of his day.

Not only slaughtered the protagonist he invited, but even planned to arrest him to make a free movie for a lifetime.

Are you kidding?

"Stand back, leave it to me here."

Captain America glanced at Li Feng and gave him a warning look.

But Li Feng didn't pay attention to him at all.

At the moment when the sub ejected the chamber –

Li Feng and Captain America turned into a black shadow at the same time, and rushed to the sides with tacit understanding.

And yet——

Li Feng's speed actually surpassed Captain America in an instant!

Like a ghost, he crossed through the dense bullets, and in an instant he came to a strong man, and lightly threw a punch.



The skull of this Hydra member was directly shattered!


When the other Hydra members saw this scene, they directly cursed, and at the same time aimed their guns at Li Feng.

They realized that this guy was the biggest problem.

But, too late.

What Li Feng had was a Steppenwolf template, and although he had never used it, he usually had a feeling of endless energy when he was doing certain things.

In other words, all the attributes of the Steppenwolf's body, Li Feng possessed them all.

Even if he encounters the Hulk in his heyday, Li Feng can easily deal with it.

What are these ordinary people with guns?

At such a close distance, just relying on these bullets with kinetic energy to want to hurt Li Feng was simply a fool's dream.





After several piercing sounds, the conference room was covered with blood and corpses.

Except for the bald man who was bubbling with cold air all over his body, no one survived.

Li Feng stood on the table, wiped his fists, and looked at the bald man with an indifferent gaze.

The next second-

The bald man covered his body with a layer of ice picks, causing the temperature of the entire conference room to drop.

"This is … Mutants? "

Captain America exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, you all have to die here."

The bald man sneered, and the manipulator's icy cold aura rushed towards Li Feng.

"I can't imagine that you can meet mutants here."

Li Feng muttered in his heart, not panicking, just lightly raised five fingers, and shook them sharply into the air——


A dark purple electric light flashed out, turning into a huge giant axe, and abruptly split the bald man who turned into an ice pick in half.

After the blood flashed, everything calmed down.

The bald man's dead eyes had a strong fear in them, as if he had seen a demon.

"Is this the power of the Wasteland Axe?"

Li Feng secretly curled the corners of his mouth, and his fingers contracted slightly.

The experience of the Steppenwolf template is not bad.

"You, don't move!"

Hearing this voice, Li Feng slowly turned around.

The Captain America, who had arrived temporarily from S.H.I.E.L.D., didn't know when he picked up the gun on the ground and pointed it at him.

"You're going to do it to me? Chris? "

"You know me?"

Captain America's pupils shrank and he paused suddenly.

"I don't want to get into trouble or find enemies for myself."

"If you know each other, use the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. and clean up this place."

"I know these guys are Hydra people, you take the credit, don't say my name, don't investigate me, otherwise I will find you, and…"

"Punch your head."

After dropping these words, Li Feng turned into a black shadow, flashed past Captain America, and disappeared directly.

He didn't want to reveal his identity, because it would definitely attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this does not mean that if trouble comes to the door, he will stand by and succumb to obedience.

If some tired and crooked people want to come to him, he will definitely not keep his hand, let alone have the slightest mercy.

Following Li Feng's disappearance, Captain America found that his back had already been soaked in cold sweat.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

This guy

How exactly did you solve these gangsters?

Why do I know my true identity?

Looking at the gangsters lying around with shattered skulls, Captain America sighed.

Li Feng's perversion actually made him feel instinctively fearful.

This should not be present with one agent.

"Unexpectedly, this second-rate director actually has a detached side."

Captain America murmured.

Before coming to this building, he received news from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Originally, he was here to protect Li Feng.

But unexpectedly, Li Feng protected him.

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