
Chapter 143 Yes, I am That Arrogant!

The elevator doors had just opened.

Ling Xiong, robust and intimidating, instantly recognized Wu Jie.

As the security director of BoWeiEr Communication Group, he still had that discernment.

Once their eyes met, he knew who he was going to beat up!

A group of four swiftly swarmed him.

Especially the two closest to the door, one on the left and one on the right, aimed a heavy punch and a knee strike straight at Wu Jie's vital points.

An unexpected encounter!

In this moment of danger, Wu Jie dodged to the side and didn't forget to pull Tang Xiao out of the way.

Then he immediately charged forward, quickly getting entangled in a fight with Ling Xiong's four men.

Just as Tang Xiao was about to help, she stepped too quickly, tripped over her skirt hem, and nearly fell if not for her quick reflexes.

Not accustomed to wearing high heels and a dress, it was indeed quite inconvenient.

After steadying herself, Tang Xiao quickly retreated.