
Help the Werewolf

The two werewolves were staring at each other, before they both slowly started to move up and down, seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move. As the group of teenagers looked at the two mythological creatures, they started to notice some small differences between the two.

The most obvious one was their difference in stature. The one that had just arrived was about one head shorter than the first werewolf and while it was also muscular, it seemed to be more lean compared to the other being more buff. The colour of their fur was also different, the bigger one clearly more black while the newer one was more brownish.

“Oh God, it’s another one of those monsters!” Innu shouted as he looked around at what had saved him from certain death. He was grabbing his chest as his already fast heartbeat became even faster, making him start to worry about suffering a heart attack.