
Bad News

The sound of a delightful hum had woken up Amy Dem, and the high school girl was wondering if the next door neighbour might have left the TV on again, as she headed to the toilet. However, to her surprise, she saw that the sound was actually coming from their apartment’s kitchen, more specifically from Gary who was cooking his usual breakfast.

The high schooler was now able to correctly cook an omelette, flipping it at just the right time, catching it in the pan before placing it cleanly on a plate.

“Who are you? And what did you do with my brother?” Amy questioned his behaviour, standing in the hallway, still in her pyjamas.

“What do you mean?” Gary asked, adding a pinch of salt on top, before slicing it in half and grabbing Amy a plate as well. “Come on, eat up. Remember, I told you yesterday that I have to come in today, because of that talent show.”