
A special Howl

Unlike a few moments ago, Gary kept his legs normal and only transformed his hand. Still, even without transforming, Gary was much faster than those taking the assessment, at least before they had transformed into their Altered forms.

Before Izzy could make up her mind about what to do, Gary was in front of her. He raised his fur hand above her, holding the ball.

"Catch." Gary dropped the ball, and Izzy held onto it as she was told. The image on the screen had now changed to hers, but she didn't care about that.

Looking at Ian lying on the ground with his broken legs, she could only imagine what would happen to her. But, on the other hand, Gary hadn't even transformed back then, nor was he angry.

"For the next few seconds, just hold the ball for me, or you know what, hold it as long as you can."

Then raising his head, Gary stared at her teammates. He suspected they were all in on the plan together, and there wasn't just one person to blame for all of this.