
A Final Sacrifice

There was one large difference between Werewolves and Altered that Kai had taken note of, and that was the fact that Werewolves consumed a lot of energy.

Just in their daily lives, there was a large amount of meat that needed to be consumed at all times, to the point that even with the Howlers' vast wealth, Kai had to put a separate budget in his planning for the Werewolf members.

Energy was how they turned into their Werewolf forms, and it was how their bodies were able to keep up with the constant damage they would take.

However, Kai knew something else as well, a little secret to Gary’s growth: consuming Altered made him grow stronger.

The idea of eating an Altered was hard for many because it was akin to eating another human. Gary had pushed through it due to his circumstances, but it was something the others wouldn’t be able to stomach.

For Kai, though, knowing there was a chance to make him grow stronger to survive the situation he was in, he had no choice.