
Christmas with friends

the next day Ashland ,em and Nick left for Boston in the morning. soon Ashland knew where they were and Ashland picked em up and ran to a house and knocked someone answered the door hi excitedly hugged the person and Ashland said I missed you the . with em on my back Ashland almost fell when she hugged the person Ashland looked back to see nick walking back to the woods and Ashland yelled for nick and he came back Ashland told him that the person in the door was a friend of her's and his name was Dave Santana Nick extended his hand for a hand shake but Dave hugged him and said nice to meet you Dave said they should go inside before the snow storm came so they did Dave knew Ashland likes nick so when she left the room Dave told nick not to hurt her or even break ash's heart nick looked confused so Dave told him what ash had said like how she likes him and doesn't know if he likes her back so when ash walked back in they stopped talking ash asked if she could use Dave's spare charger and Dave said yea after ash left they continued to talk after awhile nick checked on ash she was asleep with headphones still playing music on her head so when nick took the headphones off he put them on and heard the song woman by dojo cat on he laughed and turned the music off and tucked ash in as she slept.