
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 8 - She will be... (1)

The person in front of me was asking too many questions at once. It was annoying so I slapped him casually.

He stopped asking questions and sat down on the bench.

[ The NUbeculas 'Who likes Cigar and Sweet' Comments "Hahahaha" ]

[100 points donated]

" That must have hurt. "

No, it won't hurt him. He has 'Strong Self Defense' and his stats are way higher than mine, But it would make him think rationally.

" Have you calmed down? "

I asked in a commanding tone. He looked at me, he was confused, I could see that in his eyes.

" Yes. "

" You must have questions, ask slowly. "

This scam character, Ducas. He should have died in that church, but since he is now alive this would change things a little. Nonetheless, I need strong people like him so it was for the better

Ducas took a deep breath. He must have realized that he was talking too fast before. It was annoying, I do not like when people speak and don't listen.

" umm... Who are you? "

" Arthur. "

He nervously asked my name. Since I know how powerful he really is, it was a little weird. I just said my name, there isn't anything else I have to tell him about me anyway.

" Where is this place? and how I get here? "

This time he spoke slowly and clearly. I liked that.

" The name of the city is 'Brigians', I found you inside The church here and took you with me while escaping. "

A frown appeared on his face. He thought of something, maybe about the church people. He must have fought with them and got captured.

"So you helped me escape? "

HUh? I thought he was thinking about the church but what is up with people branding me as who helped them?

" I did not help you. I took you while coming out. It was a total coincidence. "

Ducas looked at me with a glint in his eyes. It gave me a bad feeling, I did not like the look in his eyes.

" Then, if you understand your situation I am going back. goodbye and take care. "

I decided it is time to get out of here. The world now has one more strong person, it will be good. I just have to get powerful on my own now and interfere only when I need to.

" Ummm... "

" What is it? "

Ducas wanted to say something, but my distant attitude made it harder for him to ask anything.

" Speak. "

" Yeah right. I was wondering if you just going to let me go? "

" What else do you want me to do? "

" Usually isn't it like 'I saved you. Now you have to do something for me... ' or something like that? "

He asked a bizarre question. Does he think I am some kind of villain or Godfather? I waved my hand at this question.

" You have watched too many movies. "

He might have seemed thankful to me, but there is no way that he will like that. First of all, he would not have remember anything, about the church or about how I acted, since he was under high grade hypnosys. So, why would he have that kind of feeling?

He must be trying to understand me and what is the real situation right now. If I am telling the truth or liying to him.

" Ah... So do you live nearby? "


"oh... Somewhere far?"

' Looks like he is trying to get information on me.'

" None. I will leave this town tomorrow. "

" ...I see. "

His questions were normal so far, but I got the feeling I should go back now. He is just trying to study me, it was a scary situation.

I turned around and started walking towards Bob's house.

I walked a few steps but then I have to stop. Someone was walking behind me. I turned around and spoke.

" Why are you following me? "

Ducas was following me. He looked towards me like it was obvious why he was walking behind me.

" I don't have any place to go to. "

Suddenly, I realized his situation. He came out of a facility where he was held captive. It was understandable that he had no place to go.

" I had no one to return to as well, and- "

" Stop. "

He started telling me about himself, but I stopped him. He was trying to look pitiful to know more about me. I would have fallen for his trick if I hadn't seen his stats.


I sighed and took out one bundle of cash from the storage ring.

" Take this, and go to some hotel. "

Ducas looked at me then and then at the bundle of cash. I might have given him too much as his eyes widened. I have too much money now and cash will be useless after overload, so it was not much for me.

I turned around and walked out of the park. This time Ducas did not follow me.

" I do not understand. You let him go that easily after saving him? "

Persephone spoke with her questioned look. I looked at her. She was walking with me, that was a change, she always flies around me.

-The world needs strong people like him.

" Still. People either tend to keep strong people close or dead. "

I nodded my head. She was right about that, I would have done the same thing, but I can not just keep a person with me whom I can not control, and I am too weak now, What if he tries to retaliate?

-I will think about it in the future, Besides I have you for now.

" I do not know if you are relying on me or just using me. "

-Maybe both?

It might have sounded like a bad answer, but it was the truth.

" I like honest words. "

-I like it as well. It is easier to understand someone if they are honest.

Persephone nodded her head, we talked a bit more, and reached Bob's house. The window was still open, I flew inside and directly went towards the bed.


" What a night. "

" But it was worth it right? "

I smiled. It really was worth it, I got all the wealth and items of The Church. I am probably one of the richest right now. There was also a strong person that will ease the weight on my shoulder in the future.

It was all good so far.

The church probably will be a mess by tomorrow morning. My smile thickened thinking about how the officials of the church will react?. The kid from the church who put the wealth inside the church will have a headache.

I wanted to see their expression.

Persephone flew towards me and laid beside me on the bed, she put her fingers in my hair again. I let her do whatever she was doing. It was relaxing and I was tired. After that, I quickly fell asleep.


The next morning.

Inside a big dome-like hall, a large table was placed in the middle of the hall. Each side of the table had six seats and there was a head seat in the middle.

It was the same hall where the church officials gathered. Currently, all the seats in the hall were occupied. There were six females and six males sitting at the table and the head seat was occupied by an old man.

" What is the current situation? "

" Yes, sir. "

The older man was the first one to speak, he was the head of The church organization, Gerald Elliot. He asked for the report and a person behind him stepped forward with papers in his hand.

" Starting off this month. We got a report of the officials of legion getting an anonymous mail- "

" Oh Cmon, we know this shit. Tell us what happed yesterday night. "

The person reading the report was interrupted by a man. He was the same man who lashed out at the previous meeting. He was huge and had muscles that compare to the size of a normal person's head. It made him look scary.

The person who was reporting calmly looked at the muscle man. He was not scared of any person present in the hall, He was not strong but he was a calm person.

" Hugo stop shouting and let Tyler complete his report. "

The man with muscle man was named Hugo, he held the title eighth in the ranking of the table. The man reporting was named Tyler and he is the advisor of Gerald, the head of the organization known as The Church.

" But we already discussed it at the previous meeting, and I want to know about how this kid screwed all of us. "

Hugo spoke looking towards a specific person sitting at the table, he looked at a kid. Everyone present knew about the event that happened last night. The kid had an ashamed expression right now.

" Tyler, skip the details of the previous meeting. "

" Yes sir. Report regarding recent events. Lucas the sixth put all of the church wealth in the small Church of 'Brigians' which was blown last night. "

As Tyler spoke people at the table started to frown. The kid whose name was Lucas, who holds the title rank of the sixth, was getting red.

" How was it blown? "

" According to the guards. They were patrolling when suddenly a ray of light came out of the facility underneath the church and later it was found destroyed. "

" It was those guards' fault. How can someone just go inside? "

" Don't put fault at guards. They didn't even know anything about the facility underneath. "

Lucas lashed out, but the statement from the woman on chair number third shut him up.

" but angela-"

Lucas tried to say something again but one gaze from the woman whose name was Angela made him close his mouth. She was a very sexy and mature woman, but she had the aura of a big sister who tries to put the family in check.

" What about the gold, diamonds, and items? "

" All items except for the items with the tracking device were gone. "

" What about the test subjects. "

" All test subjects were gone as well. "

People had sour expressions. All their wealth was gone and even the people they held captive were gone as well, they were completely ripped off.

" Damn it! Those people will come looking for the Church. "

" Yes, they might try to work with legion and give away our secrets. "

" What do we know about the person who caused this."

" Nothing. No one saw anything. There was already less security as it was a small church, so we got nothing on the person in question. "

People started pointing out the problems they will face because of yesterday night's incidents. Gerald listen to them and then took a deep breath before speaking.

" Cash and gold are not a problem, we can make more of it. We need to do something about items. "

" Yes. We can go to the messenger of god for items but it will cost a tremendous amount of points, or we can just steal from others. "

A woman on the first chair spoke. She was beautiful and also had a very mature and sexy figure like Angela, but unlike her, she had an indifferent aura which was like of a mother.

Gerald nodded his head. She spoke about the fastest way to replenish their pockets

" That is a good idea, we will discuss it later. Now about the people who escape, they are a threat we need to eliminate them or capture them. "

" I will do it. There were many strong subjects, they will be hard to deal with. "

This time a man sitting on the second chair spoke. He was wearing an over-priced fashionable suit. He was handsome and had long black hair falling to his back. He was the second in command on the table of The church.

" Okay then. Victor will be in charge of taking care of the test subject, and Karen will be in charge of taking care of the Items, rest will obey their orders and will give Tyler the detailed report. "

Everyone nodded their head. Gerald dismissed the meeting.

Outside the hall. Hugo approached Victor.

" Hey, Victor. Let me know if I can be of some help. "

" I do not need your help. "

" Oh, cmon I want to fight too. You could use someone like me, right? "

" Sure. "

On the other side of the hall, Karen called Angela to her side.

" Angela come with me. We need to talk about the items. "

" Sure. Why do men always fight? There are no rational men around. "

" They are not our problem. We need to do something about items lets go. "

" I wonder who is daring enough to rob the church. I wish it could be a rational man. "

" That will just be your wish. If he was found he will be a dead man. "

In the middle of the hallway, Lucas had a red face, his baby face made it look like an ashamed look but he was angry. He was angry with the person who screwed him over.

In the meantime, The person who created the chaos was waking up on a cozy bed.

" You look happy. "

As soon as I woke up. I heard Persephone's sweet voice, I lifted my hand to touch my lips. There was a smile on my face. I thicked my smile as responded back.

" I had a good dream. "