
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 2 - Message (1)

" We need to talk. "

" Sure~ "

Consciously or by coincidence, but Persephone's words sounded like they were in the rhythm whenever she spoke.

" First of all, here on Teraa, which year is it? "

" Which year?..." She seems to find the question a bit random, but it was perfectly reasonable question for someone how knew about this world past and future, So I obviously need to know about the present. " Precisely, 11-A-1247. "

' 1247... ' I pondered for a while, and then I concentrated back.

I lifted my head looking towards the sea, and spoke like I was remembering some old days.

" Tell me about this world. "

Even though I believe that I know everything about this world. I still need to confirm that I am really in the world that I know.

Persephone composed herself as her eyes fell a little, also looking towards the sea.

" This Planet is Teraa. It is one of the many throughout the universe where its habitant people can access the dark matter thus gaining unimaginable power. Although most of them are weak as ants in front of a powerful entity. "

She squinted her eyes and a snarky tone grew in her voice word by word as she spoke.

Well looks like someone has a little narcissistic personality, I could not help but thought that.

Once this planet was also like earth, but it change over the years. A source of energy became accessible to all existence of this universe. Many names were given to it but over the course of time, only one name remains 'Dark matter', or 'Soul Energy', or 'Cosmos Energy' etc, but that's not important.

Back in my world, 'the earth', people often talk about dark matter and dark energy or such. According to scientists, Everything in our universe is balanced be it mass or energy.

Universe has huge planets with great masses, there is also the constant release of energy at multiple places throughout the universe.

Then there has to be something balancing it, and not all people blame everything on the gods. There has to be some logic. So the rational answer would be that it is a balancing energy or matter which we can not access yet, but it is there.

Indeed, energy like that does exist and when people were able to access it, boom they became superheroes.

Dark matter is the source of power, it can influence one's soul, and the power that can influence souls was named 'Cosmic power'.

Persephone's melodic voice brought me back as she spoke and I tried to remain focused this time.

" Teraa have three major Continents occupying a large portion of the planet. There is Cloud Continent which has four countries known as kingdoms. Atlas, Akelon, Phiodora, and Ipritus "

' It is as I remember ' I thought to myself.

The Cloud continent was established by a human who was famous for her control over Ice. That was her main attribute. The Cloud continent itself is not in the clouds, they named it to make it sound like heaven for those who will live there.

If I remember correctly this continent's lifestyle is like Medieval Times. They have King/Queen, Archduke, Duke, Marquis, Viscount, Count, and Baron, then come High citizens, Normal citizens, and Slaves. Each Kingdom is majorly occupied by different species whose power is compatible with the nature of that place.

" There is also the Modern Continent. It has five countries named Novas, Libertis, Gistea, Amberthorne, and Trexron as its center state. "

Persephone continued explaining the map of this world and I tried to compare the information with my own memory, searching for anything that was different.

The Modern Continent was established by a human who had 'Intellect' as his exclusive skill. His father was the prime minister before the catastrophe struck the planet.

The Modern continent embraces evolution and If I remember correctly, This continent is like a sci-fi town, with tall buildings and skyscrapers, it is a highly advanced continent.

It is governed by political leaders. They have a political body with a president, prime minister, and Five aristocratic families each governing one country.

' One side wanted to make a new world and one wanted to keep it the way it was. I honestly don't know who was right. '

Putting the thought aside I focused back as Persephone's explanation came to an end.

" The Last continent is the Underwater continent Atlanta. It has four countries. Clareburg, Oceanus, Infernal, and Winborg. "

Atlanta was established by a friend of the other two Leaders. People who didn't want to join either side went to live with him.

Most people with an affinity for water reside in Atlanta. Every country is occupied by a large group of people who associate themselves with different sea creatures like mermaids, Sirens, Nymphs, and Kraken.

Their governing system is quite simple.

They just have King/ Queen, Prince/Princess for each country and all others are normal citizens.

Synchronizing everything in my head again, I tried to visualize my future in this world and got to the result instantly.

' It will be better if I wake up in my normal world again. '

A thought that this is all just a dream came into my mind as if to answer all my doubts. The more I heard and remember, the more I realize that this world is filled with danger and strong people.

I can not just ignore them and try to live in hiding, and what other alternatives do I have?

With desperation I looked towards Persephone, she was still looking towards the sea as the moonlight fell onto her white skin, and her shining amethyst aubergine color hair was waving with the light breeze. She looked gorgeous.

The desperation turned into a frown as I took a gulp and focused on the main conclusion, which was 'It is definitely the same world I know. ' I tried to hold onto the confidence that oozed out of me before. I took a breath and spoke casually looking towards her, and resting my tilted head on my palm.

" I see. So why are you here? "

Again with the smile that never once left her face, she answered my question.

" I was just passing by and felt something abnormal. So I came to check it. "

Again after trying to compose myself, listening to her rhythmic voice. I focused on what she said. It seems like this meeting was a coincidence. I was about to ask something else when Persephone spoke again.

" What is your name? "

This time I could not sense the rhythm in her voice but only uncertainty - still beautiful though.

" Didn't I already tell you my name? "

My eyes squinted with a confused expression, as I spoke looking at her.

Uncertainty immediately left her surroundings and she rested her face on her fingers with the palm of her hand facing the ground.

" You just said one word at that time. I told you so many things. You should tell me something too. "

" You didn't tell me anything about yourself either. "

I retort to her and defeated I closed my eye, thinking that ' women just listen, what they want to listen '.

For some reason, I could feel that she was not her playful self right now. She is serious. I could only shake my head thinking, 'why would someone like her would even remotely serious about knowing me?'

I looked at her with a smile. At least I wanted to be genuine while giving my introduction.

" My name is Arthur Xanders, and," - my eyebrows raising slightly - "as you might have already guessed I am not from this universe. I am from Earth. Nice to meet you. "

Cringe. I regretted adding ' Nice to meet you ' as soon as said it. I know it is ridiculous to tell someone about my situation, but I wanted to know if she could tell me anything about my situation.

Persephone remained silent for a good minute and was looking at me in a daze. I waved my hand in front of her face expecting some reaction to it. She flinched a little and her eyes regained their focus as she said.

" ...I see "

I could sense some relief and anxiousness in her voice, I wanted to ask her about it but I didn't. I had my priorities, I wanted to know how I got here. There was also something else that I was curious about, It was 'the Profile' and obviously the woman sitting beside me.

Even though I saw many things in my dream I never saw her. I knew that she exists, Persephone is a very famous goddess. Now that I think about it, I couldn't really think about even a single detail about someone named Persephone from my dreams.

She is basically a stranger to me, I thought I shouldn't trust her that easily. I have many things to think about anyway.

As Persephone mused, my mind wander to look at my Profile again, it made no sense to me before.

I focused my mind on the dark matter around me to open my Profile.

I was very excited, and who wouldn't be? Something like - having skills and bringing to know about yourself with a game-like interface.

Anyone who has played games - on an electronic device or console - would find it exciting.

I tried for a few seconds, but no window panel showed up as I thought.

Persephone looked at me and she spoke while noticing a frown on my face.

" Is something wrong? "

I looked at her. I was surprised that despite my effort "The Profile" didn't appear, and it looks like the confusion showed up on my face.

After trying to relax my face and my tone, I spoke.

" I can not access my Profile. "

Uncertainty was very obvious in my speech. Persephone's eyes became soft like they were looking at a child and she spoke like she was trying to make him understand something.

" It is very simple to do it. Just wish to see it and it will appear. "

In an effort to retort to her attitude, I looked at her with sharp eyes and spoke with an even sharper voice.

" I am doing it. It is not showing. "

Persephone paused for a second, her motherly look faltered a little and I could sense a little annoyance in her eyes.

" ...Try to feel dark matter around you. "

I tried to let my gaze pass her and turned into a blur vision, as I tried a little harder to think about a purple rectangle tablet but nothing happened, and I spoke with obvious frustration.

" I am trying. I don't see anything. "

Throughout the dreams I had. There wasn't a single existence who wasn't able to access their Profile. Even newborn babies can do it. So what does that make me?

As I let my vision become clear, Persephone held my gaze and her left eyebrow went upwards. Her hands fall to the ground supporting her weight, as she spoke shrugging her shoulders.

" You are new to this. I think maybe, first you need is to get used to dark matter in your surrounding. "

Her words sounded plausible to me, but still, I attempted a few more times, but it was futile on my part.

As I was trying to focus, frustrated. Suddenly a milky white palm came in front of my face. My eyes traced it back to Persephone, and I spoke- a little confused by her action.

" What are you doing? "

Persephone again shrugged her shoulder and pulled her chin towards herself while speaking.

" Let me check it. "

I held the gaze with dead eyes as I spoke." Then check it. "

I just didn't understand what she wanted me to do with her hand. I didn't have the Profile in my palm that I could just give her to see.

She rolled her eyes and annoyance grew on her face. She slapped her hand up and down in the air, stretched towards me, as she spoke to me.

" Hold my hand. "

Again, I was confused by her action. There are ways to check one's record with skills like 'Glance' which is a B-grade skill, or 'Rainbow insight' which is a skill related to Heimdall from Asgard, but I didn't understand why we need to hold hands. She could just activate it.

Thinking that she might have a skill that required physical connection as a condition. I decided to hold her hand but the idea of having a physical connection with someone like her, kept making me uncomfortable.

I tried not to think about it, one thing I have is my strong will. I took a deep breath, and since her palm was almost on my chest, I lifted my hand closer to my chest and held her hand.

We held each other's hands for several seconds but nothing happened, at least not on my end.

I wandered my eyes left and right in confusion before looking back at her, I spoke while squinting my eyes a little.

" I still can not access my Profile you know. "

Persephone's eyes and face widened a little and I hear the sound of air leaving her mouth. Her face left her fingers and she opened them straight as she fanned her fingers out.

" Oh yes... We were doing it to check your Profile. I forgot about that "

I became speechless for a second. I stared at her and her mouth slipped into a sly smile. I realized that she was messing with me.

My expression became sour and I felt the heat rising to my face. I spoke with frustration building in me as I closed my eyes.

" Didn't you have enough fun for now? "

Persephone's giggling voice reached my ear. My eyes were closed but I could make out a cheerful tone in her speech.

" But you never show me an obvious expectant reaction, It is fun. "

'Obvious expectant reaction?' That was quite a mouthful. I don't even know, What does that even mean? and for once, I am grateful for those Virulent people I always had. At least they made me learn how to control my emotions.

Releasing a sigh inwardly I put up a straight face, as my eyes opened and so did my mouth.

" So did you see anything? "

" Try to share it with me. Just think about sharing your soul with me. "

Persephone's words fell like a shade on me and a muffled air left my mouth like a laugh.

" Try sharing my soul with you? "

She makes it sound so normal, sharing souls is obviously dangerous. Sharing a soul is basically connecting one's soul with another person. The soul is a fundamental element of someone's existence.

Persephone's eyes changed as a glint appeared in them, her eyes fixated on me. If I were to write about her description, It will be like ' she has stars in her eyes '.

She looked like some maiden looking at her lover. I felt unease settling on me, 'Why is she looking at me like that?' Suddenly Persephone's voice again seemed to be in rhythm.

" When you say it like that it sounds so Romantic~. "

My body suddenly got stiff like it got struck with lighting and the air felt heavy to me which made it harder for me to breathe. She - being an extremely beautiful woman and then her gaze filled with tenderness and heat - looked very appealing to me. I hurried through my bitten lips, which I had to bite even harder this time to remain focused.

" I just have to wish to share it with you, right? "

I quickly tried to share my soul with her. It will be better If I get over this quickly. I let my vision leave the world, and as soon as I tried to share my soul, everything was plain white, no sky, no trees, no island, nothing.

My vision wander for a second and I saw a black dot in the air hanging. I tried concentrating on that when I suddenly felt a push, or rather I felt my soul pull Persephone's soul into mine, invading it.

It happened so fast that before I could even realize what happened, my eyes went shut and my vision became dark. Feeling the sensation on my body, the first thing I realized was that I was on the ground again.

My eyes fluttered open and my vision became clear again. A sight of Persephone looking down on me came into view, and I realized that she was above me, pinning me down.

She had both of her hands on either side of my head. Her face was so close that I could feel her warm breath on my face. Her hair got parted by her face and fell on either side of my face like a silk curtain. I could see her ametrine eyes staring at me.

My heart started pounding. I felt like my heart will burst out of my chest. I could also feel my whole body getting warm.

In the middle of this, another breeze came and struck like a slap releasing me from my thoughts. I realized that I might have been staring into Persephone's eyes for too long.

Awkwardness hanged for a few seconds when my habit gave in - with a bit of nostalgia - and I requested.

" I think you should move. "

I tried to say that with a calm voice but I failed miserably, my voice came out like a whisper.

Persephone still seems to hear it as she got up, but my body just couldn't move. Staring into the sky with arms wide open, I saw a shooting star cutting through the night sky. My arm raised and fall on my forehead covering my eyes. What kind of atmosphere is this? I thought to myself.

To be honest, I was feeling very shitty in my head. I have never been able to depend on anyone in my entire life. I experienced reality very early on. People are all selfish, even those closest to me were like that.

I have never let anyone affect my emotions after experiencing all that. I learned to live without depending on anyone. I showed people what they wanted to see, I spoke what they wanted to hear. It was like I wore a mask around everyone.

I got used to it. I never felt like I need anyone, I had my dreams. That is why I wrote about it and read it repeatedly.

Right now, I felt like I am losing all that I have built up around me.

Suddenly the air around felt warmer to me, like it was hugging me from every inch, and my eyes opened a little, searching for something that should be in front of me, and there it was, hovering in the air, a rose gold tablet-like screen, which said.


[ An Exclusive skill is activating. ]
