
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 18 - Should have known. (4)

An awkward situation unfolded with silence as profound as the sound of the sweeping from the courtyard and the chirping of the birds completely took over the room.

Persephone's eyes shifted from outside to us. I felt awkward as Lisa's purple eyes narrowed at me heavily.

Lisa: "You are leaving Trivia?"


The cute sound resonated from beside me, near my leg. The white Persian cat's blue eyes looked at me with confusion, as her head tilted to the side. It's like she was asking the same thing. I bent my upper body to the side and picked her up, putting her on my lap and patting her.

Arthur: "I am afraid so."

There was a little uncomfortable tension, but I deviated my focus by running my fingers through Heckate's soft fur.

Lisa: "Why?"

Arthur: "A legion officer came to my office today."

There was no reason to hide it from her. She will be going back to her Household, and I will be going to a different country.

{A Legion officer? Why did one of them appear? }

{It is possible that someone might have talked about Schema from other night. Eldrich couldn't contain it for one day?}

{ No that could not be, I didn't hear anything related to it from anyone else. }

Yes, the situation was rather contained, to be honest. Students haven't had any chance to talk to their households. They are supporting each other, and the Professors themselves, being outcast royals, were trying to contain it.

'Even if some situation arose, Nesrine must have gotten some kind of information, her shadows must be able to remedy the situation.' I believed that. 

So the only logical conclusion was that only I got a visit from a Legion, and it had nothing to do with script or academy, and it did not. Common sense would say the visit was personally targeted at me.

{But why would one visit him specifically? Maybe ...}

Her expression didn't showed how deeply she was thinking into this, only her purple eyes remained narrowed, as she appear to be thinking and then she spoke.

Lisa: "Is someone harassing you?"

My hands halted at her question, with slight concern in them, but soon resumed patting Heckate. 'That's not what common sense would say.' I grumbled inside, a visit from the police should induce 'Did you commit any crime?' and not that.

I sighed internally and replied.

Arthur: "No, I am not being harassed, Miss Lisa. But he did ask me to resign, and come with him."

{A Legion officer is pressuring him to resign? Why?}

Lisa: "Then, Can you tell me about it?"

Well as I said there is no reason not to, and since I would be going, it wouldn't hurt to tell her a bit about my past in this world. In fact, I want to share.

Arthur: "Yes, of course."

I said as looked back at her and thought about the first night in this world.

Arthur: "There is a shore in the direction of Brigains, from where the ships sail to the Underwater continent. The town had a main mansion, and an influential person had a shed behind it, where he made slaves fight each other to death to make some money. There were some Lower citizens being forced to fight under the false slave document. I met this Legion officer there." 

Her eyes narrowed in discomfort, as I could see she was not pleased with what I shared. Now it was quite easy for me to comprehend what she was feeling. Maybe she got comfortable enough with me that she no longer hid what she was feeling.

Or maybe I could see her feeling even with her guard up.

{The Slave function was introduced as punishment, but people are using it wrongly, even after we issued so many new measures so that people don't monopolize it improperly. But... Disgusting. }

Well, the salves function is been there since the First Main Script from ancient Times, even before the world stabilized. So it is not that easy to completely get rid of it.

Lisa: "How long ago was this?"

Arthur: "Hm? Three months. I was led there and when I reached, two women were fighting against a strong opponent. They were too defeated so I helped them."

There was a bitter taste in my mouth, since Kafziel, that bastard, used me.

Arthur: "And there I met the Legion officer who came to meet me today. At that time I made a deal with him, I gave him some information about the whereabouts of Viscount's daughter, and he let me go without much issue."

Lisa: "Viscount's Daughter?"

Her tone had a hint of confusion, as her brows raised a little. Right, she has been here for a long time, and she also decreased her interaction to only necessary things. So she might not know.

Arthur: "Her Highness, Beako Stelmar is missing."

I nodded and spoke. She was supposed to be found by Timmothy's squad before Nesrine's coming ceremony, but now. It is giving me a headache.

Arthur: "I left those slave women with him so that he could recruit them as trainees for their better future, and left. Today he came and informed me that he found traces of Viscount's daughter, but not her. And now Viscount Stelmar has issued formal notice for her search."

Lisa: "And he wants to take you with him? Do you know what happened to her?"

With that, I could say that she understood the situation. So, I replied.

Arthur: "Honestly, No. I don't know where is she. I haven't met her once, nor I have any relation with any Royals or any information-gathers."

'And there is no reason to mention the Church.' I sneered inside. Because once you are part of the church, you can only leave by death.

Arthur: "All I knew was that she went to Ipritus, to explore the forest."

Lisa: "Ipritus?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief, as her brows, which had gradually rested to normal, rose once again.

{That girl went to Ipritus? And without telling anyone? Honestly, she is too much.}

I nodded, both to her question and to her thoughts. Even if she isn't that involved, she used to be a revered as Archduke, which means she used to engage with other Royal Households personally, at some point.

Lisa: "Wait. Then this Legion officer, wants you to go Ipritus?"

Her eyes narrowed at this, well, that was obvious, because-

{Ipritus is not a place to be taken lightly.}

Arthur: "Yes."

Lisa: "You do know how dangerous Ipritus is. Not to mention, there is no information on that country."

She spoke gravely, her each word were heavy.

Arthur: "I know, Miss Lisa. I know why it is called 'She who hides.'"

I spoke in a strong voice because I knew it perfectly. Who else if not me?

{That is a dangerous place, he might not come back.}

That is a possibility, but I have no plan of dying there or dying at all.

{No, I can't think like that.}

Well, thinking of anyone going to a dangerous place and not coming back, is a scary thought.

She deliberated for a while, before speaking again.

Lisa: "Is it your choice? Do you want to go? If not I can-"

For some reason, Her expression seemed serious to me, so I unconsciously spoke my mind.

Arthur: "I won't lie, I prefer not to go."

Lisa: "Then-"

I spoke next instance and coincidentally cut her off again.

Arthur: "But I think I would be able to help somehow. Even one more person could change the outcome. Who knows? Future is always uncertain."

'Well, not for me.' I didn't speak that out loud. Even if there is not much information on Ipritus. I know much more because I had instances where I dreamed about things happening in Ipritus, with the BTDW text file there is no one who knows about that place more than me.

Then she spoke in bafflement.

Lisa: "You are going to that place in the hope of providing help?"

Well, that, and I have to go. That jerk is blackmailing me, threatening my peace, and Eldrich doesn't want any attention. If I refuse I might be kicked out anyway.

Also, Beako needs to be found. I thought about it, and originally Beako was found by Timothy and was returned to the Viscount household before Nesrine's coming ceremony, and if that did not happen, things would be different from what I know.

Lisa: "That is a foolish reason, just like his."

She muttered something, that I couldn't hear.

Arthur: "So, yes. I have decided to leave Trivia."


Hecate meowed, pushing her head on my palm, which seemed very cute to me. So I rubbed her head softly.

{He seems determined to go. I can't force him.}

Lisa: "I want this Legion officer's name and details."

Her words sounded like a demand, it confused me a little, but sure. What problem could I have giving Timothy's name?

Arthur: "Sure, Miss Lisa. I have prepared material for this week. I will add a paper containing whatever I know about him."

{He prepared material? Yes he must have. haaa... and now he is leaving I wonder how he feels about that...}

{There is no use saying anything, he would just say 'I am here so that you can rely on me.' ha...}

'Is she imitating me?' Hearing her thoughts, I narrowed my eyes at her, but I don't think she noticed. And as it was narrowing, my eyes threatened to widen as a message appeared.


[ The trust of Existence 'Lisa Hart' towards you has increased.]


[Affection increases from 61 to 65]


The message that brought up, felt like a thunderclap to me. '65? no, when did it increase to 61?' Perplexed I focus on the system.

A heart-shaped icon that was only visible to me, suddenly appeared on Lisa's head out of nowhere, and there it was, its number was 65.

'Now I can make her blesser.' that thought brought some fuzzy feeling inside me. Maybe because my only reason for coming to this academy was to make Lisa my blesser.

The function of Pseudo-blessing is still unnatural to me, but Targeting a lower existence and forming a bond like family was something that I felt was very useful to me.

Lisa Hart, Archduke of Cloud Continent, sworn sister of the Prime Minister of Modern Continent, becoming her family had so many advantages. And not to mention, she was going to adopt a kid anyway.

Now my reason, I felt like my goal was right infront of me, within my grasp.

Then with a deep breath I sighed 'Enough now... I have had enough of it.'

I have to go to Ipritus, so it is better to not tie myself with her. I have to go with Timothy. Beako needs to be found, maybe I was making excuses now, but how would this work? 

I don't how long I would be gone for. And that Men's group is acting early, even if it would not be that kid who she adopted, if she requires one I can't go now.

I softly closed my eyes, focusing inside, listening to my breathing, focusing on something in my soul connecting to Lisa. I imagined a thread connecting us, for some reason, it was of pink color with a thread of white in it. I focused on severing it, like the thread being torn, as if it was being pulled from both sides, and opened my eyes.


[ You have severed an existence as your Blesser. ]


[ Lower Existence 'Lisa Hart' has been removed as your Blesser Target. ]


[ No Blesser Target has been registered in any slot. ]


Messages appeared, as the heart icon dis-integrated in pink white particles, which brought a subtle smile to my lips. I held Hekate in my arms, as I pushed to stand up, and put her on the cushioned seat. While softly rubbing her head once, I turned to Lisa.

Arthur: "I am going to bring the materials from my office."


Dark royal blue shadow on embroidered walls and the amber tints of the wall lamp, it was past evening.

I was sitting around the coffee table in my dorm room, with a glass of wine in my hand. I held it from the top, gripping its opening rim with my fingers, instead of holding it by its stem handle.

Persephone, she sat across the table table, on the cushioned sofa just like mine.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "What happened hero boy? don't look so good." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "What is troubling you?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "He is been like that since morning." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Well alot happened." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "And very fast." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Nothing like some points can't fix." ]


[ 500 points has been donated. ]


Messages appeared one after another I was glad about the points, but didn't feel like celebrating it.

Persephone: "So you are really going to leave?"

I was sitting, placing my elbows on my knees, putting my weight on them. I raised my eyes to look at her.

-"I will. Why? Do you not want to?"

I replied using chatbox.

Persephone: "Who cares? What does it matter?"

There was a suggestive tone like she was intentionally trying to be indifferent. As she sat, one leg raised above another, hidden beneath her gown, her hand crossed under her chest, and her head held up. She looked graceful, gracefully angry.

Something is weird about her though. She hasn't been teasing like before, and there are constant retort reactions. She hasn't said much, but I feel like she wants to. 

The night earlier, when everyone left the sixth floor, and only both of us were left alone, technically from other's perspectives I was left alone. I used Total isolation, to talk to her, and by how sharp of a glare she gave me, at that time I felt the same suffocation that I felt when I called her Mrs. Higher Existence. 

But she didn't say anything. Even throughout the conversation with Regina, she didn't throw any remarks, although Nubeculas did. When Todd showed up, nothing, when Timothy showed up she barely said anything. The only conversation we had was when we left Eldirch's office. And that wasn't a pleasant conversation.

Feeling that this is enough, it's been two days. I decided it was time to give this situation some attention.

I turned my right free hand, palm facing upwards. The silver ring on my finger shone and the [Total Isolation] item appeared on my palm.


[ Item: Total Isolation. ]


[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]


[ The effect of the item will be for one hour per day. The duration of the effect has started. ]


[ Time remaining: 29 minutes. ]



[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Seems like there are somethings that even points can't fix." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Oh that's bullshit.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "I hope he feel better." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "It will get better with time." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is sighing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Hate that Military man." ]


Disregarding the messages, I placed the black ball, which seems to have no depth inside of it, on the table between us, and spoke.

Arthur: "Are you going tell to me what is going on with you? What is troubling you?"

All expression ceases to be from her face, her dead eyes connected to mine. I flinched for a second and then we stared into each other's eyes in the silence.

My brows threatened to frown, and my cheeks felt tense, but I managed to hold it under calm.

Arthur: "Are you really not gonna say anything? What seems to be the problem?"

Once again, I was replied by the silence. What is it? What is this staring contest? I grumbled inside, before breaking the eye contact with a deep sigh.

Arthur: "Ha... Listen, I don't know what is bugging you. And, maybe even if you tell me, it wouldn't make a difference."

I twisted my palm, holding the wine glass, grabbing it by its bowl, I looked at the red wine inside it.

Arthur: "Maybe you telling me, or not, won't change anything. If there is a problem that is troubling you, it might very well be out of my capabilities to do anything about it, yet."

Silence remained between us, only my voice resounding in the room, she didn't say anything.

Arthur: "But I can listen. This might be contradictory to what I said earlier. But talking about it would help... Tell me."

I raised my hand holding the wine glass, followed by my head and upper body. Sitting straight, with my back weighing on the sofa, I spoke raising the glass near to my lips, before taking a sip from it.

Arthur: "It won't make it worse, right? Taking someone's support is not that bad, you know."

I was about to drink the wine, when Persephone's brows suddenly frowned, while her eye gave me the most intense glare I had seen.

Arthur: "W-What?" 

Caught off guard, I flinched as I stuttered. I felt sweat covering the back of my neck, giving me a chilling sensation. 

'I thought it was going decent, but did I say something wrong?' I panicked, but Persephone dismissed it with one word.

Persephone: "Nothing."

Arthur: "...So, you are still not going to tell me?"

I dreaded carefully this time, I felt like I walking on a landmine.

Persephone: "I already said it's nothing."

She snarled at me, and a sigh left my mouth. She was intimidating, with her head held high, her ametrine shining eyes narrowed at me, and her posture graceful.


 'Fuck it, even if it feels like it is going to blow up in my face. I can't take it anymore.' I resigned.

I hunched over and put the glass on the coffee table. I was just tipsy enough to push through. Or maybe since I have already had a conversation with Timothy, then Eldrich, and then Lisa, I just felt like clearing it all up today.

Arthur: "You do now I can feel it. The anger and frustration."

Persephone: "You must be feeling it yourself."

Arthur: "No it is yours. I can feel, it is yours. I could feel you are frustrated that you are feeling frustration with whatever is annoying you. Quite a complicated feeling."

As I pushed, she broke our eye contact, her head turned to the side. She looked out of the window, seemingly looking at the stars, like she was talking to them with her eyes.

Arthur: "It is uncomfortable feeling this way, and not knowing the reason behind it. You might feel better talking about it."

Persephone: "Talk about what? Do you talk about it?"

She turned to me, her ametrine eyes were under an obvious frown. Unlike before, frustration was palpable on her face. Seeing that I just blurted out.

Arthur: "Huh? What about me?"

Persephone: "It's baffling that I can feel you are genuinely confused. You keep people at arm's length. Never ask for anything."

I became baffled. But yeah, I do that because I believe if I don't recognize a problem, not say it out loud, eventually it will becomes nonexistent, at least for me. Maybe it is a form of denial, but I am not perfect, and this is the way I had lived.

Oblivious to my thought's, Persephone continued, with her gracefulness. It didn't felt like she was grumbling in frustration, but it seemed like she was just scolding in annoyance.

Persephone: "I told you it would be difficult to clear that script, but You firmly rejected me."

My lips parted into two, trying to squeeze some words out, but I couldn't. I didn't reject her, I just didn't want Hidden Script to go through Alteration. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to utter those words.

Persephone: "And then you came out battered and covered in blood. Till then to which I had to listen people razzing about how you were fighting, putting your life on the line."

Persephone scowled at me, she held her mouth open, taking a breath. She wanted to say so much more but forcefully held herself. Her jaw and cheeks were tensed. 

Persephone: "You giving me those words? when you don't apply those to yourself? You are just like an incompetent lowly citizen, berating a king for his character when he himself doesn't take any heed of his words to himself."

I was left speechless. Even though her face remained dead because of her pride, I felt her anger. It was heavy.

Persephone: "You are so stubborn."

She spoke with a heavy tone, and for some reason, I heard voices in my head.

'Why are you so stubborn.! You useless mut.!'

There were two voices, one with a masculine tone and the other with a feminine tone. I recognized them, and they often said it to me.

'Don't meddle, just mind with your ownself.! That's all you are good for.!'

Arthur: "Mm."

It stiffens me up. For a second, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My calm expression and posture I always wear, seem to break. I felt like someone tased me.


[The Exclusive Skill 'False Awakening' is activated. ]


Persephone: "Aa-"

Persephone noticed the change and felt the heaviness, through our Souls contract. I could notice it through her expression, and the anger that subside a little.

I wanted to shout to her, 'Shut up.! You don't know anything.!' I wanted to shout to those voices, 'I am trying.!' 

'Be calm.' but I reminded myself. Releasing a deep sigh, I patient myself, I have gone through this many times, and I won't act on my erratic feelings.

Closing my eyes, and taking one deep breath, I opened them again. I spoke looking at her, with a soft expression.

Arthur: "It's not like I intentionally don't want support from others. And I don't know why you keep saying these words to me. I have taken your support on more occasions than I can count."

Persephone: "Then what is the problem with asking for mor-"

Knock. Knock.

She was cut off by the knocking sound that resonated inside the room. But funnily enough, it came from the window, not the door.

Persephone: "Looks like it's Dinner time."

She spoke looking at the window and a silver-haired boy was there looking inside with narrowed eyes and a hand above his brows. I had placed a device inside the room one week back, it makes it harder to perceive what is going on inside the room. 

I released a deep exhausted breath. It looked like the conversation had to end here. I spoke to her in a low soft voice, without looking at her.

Arthur: "Look, I don't know what is making you say those things. But I hope you treat me like you usually have... and I apologize if I did something that ticked you off. I don't know why I feel like I did something wrong."

I grumbled at last and grabbed the [Total Isolation] from the table placing it back inside my storage ring.


[ Item Total Isolation has been deactivated. ]


[ Time remaining: 13 minutes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with concern. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Dinner time, Aye?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Steak with wine is best." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Just that is unhealthy." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Grilled chicken with beer is best.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "That is more unhealthy." ]


Messages start appearing once again. I stood up moving towards the window and opened it.

Ducas: "Sir Arthur. I brought food for dinner."

He said, to which I nodded and gave him space to come inside. He had his usual large basket with different kinds of food inside.

As Ducas went towards the table, taking out food and placing them on it. I went to the other side picking up the wine bottle that I brought out earlier. I was behind the sofa where Persephone was sitting, and stood behind it looking at Ducas. I turned and could only see the back of Persephone's head.

-Are we good?

I sent her the message using chatbox.

Persephone: "Are you going to change?"

-I don't know what specifically needs to be changed.

'That's not true.' I subconsciously spoke to myself. I know she wants me to rely on her. I just couldn't understand why. I do, what I think is necessary myself, and let others do the work that can be done by them. And I can't change that easily, I have lived that way.

Persephone: "hmmm..."

I didn't sense anger and annoyance anymore, just a little bit of frustration.

Then Soon, I got to the table, and Ducas laid the food beautifully. I cut the steak with a knife and picked it up with the fork. As I took a bite, I realized I hadn't told Ducas I would be leaving tomorrow morning.

Arthur: "How is everything, Ducas? How do like it here?"

At my sudden Question, Ducas looked at me with a spoon in his mouth. There was a half scooped ice cream infront of him.

Ducas: "Hm? Peaceful Sir Arthur, I guess. People are nice, there is a lot to learn."

He spoke, cocking his head upward and looking at something not specific.

Arthur: "Does anything has changed? Have you made some friends?"

Ducas: "Friends? I don't know if I could call them friends. But there are people who talk to me, there is no malice in them. The professors are nice, and then there is Valerie. "

Arthur: "So you like it here?"

Ducas: "It is a decent place."

He nodded his head at me and then scooped out another scoop from the ice cream from his spoon.

Arthur: "Good. Then you should settle without issue."

Ducas: "hm? Sir Arthur?"

He made a confused expression as one of his brows rose upwards. 

Arthur: "Listen Ducas. I will be leaving Trivia tomorrow."

His hand which held the spoon halted, and on top of the spoon was the ice cream he scooped out. His expression seemed to freeze, as the scooped ice cream fell back to the plate.

Arthur: "It's good you have found a place here. Don't worry about the money, Alright? I will pay for your fees for this year, and you can find work in any cafe. You could also get a scholarship. If not, you can help in the lab and get some wavier."

Ducas seemed uneasy, he took a huge gulp before speaking again.

Ducas: "Umm. Where would you be going?"

Arthur: "Ah. Yes. I didn't tell you about anything before I met you. It is like this-"

I told the same thing to Ducas that I told Lisa. The shed behind the mansion near the shore. The lower citizens kept as slaves, slaves used as means for twisted entertainment. Rescuing of Charlotte and Dianne, Timothy founding us. Me negotiating by giving Beako's whereabouts and leaving both mother and daughter with him. And finally, today Timothy showing up in my office.

I was going to leave now, and he will be here, so I decided I can tell him all this.

Arthur: "So now he wants me to come and help find Viscount's Daughter."

Ducas: "I see."

He said, as he took longer bites, seemingly in his own thoughts. We ate the dinner, as he asked some occasional question related to what I told him. At the end I thought he understood my situation.


The next day, In front of Trivia, beside the horse carriage that Timothy sent for me.

Arthur: "What you are doing here?"

Ducas: "I would like to come with you, Sir Arthur."

Haa, how did I not see this coming? Should have known.


Hello Readers,

How are you all? I hope everyone is happy and healthy. Winter is upon us, and it is getting cold. Really want to write 'Winter is coming.'

Anyway, a new chapter is here, the stuff regarding Trivia is over, and Arthur is about to depart and leave. He severed his ties with Lisa and no more school, he 'tried' to leave Ducas behind, but...

Well, Arthur is going to Ipritus now. Had to find Beako, because if she wasn't rescued before the coming ceremony, things would be different from what he knew. So he should do something about it, don't you all think?

Anyway, the next chapter will be on Tuesday. Please write your thoughts in the comments.

I will see you in the next chapter.


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