
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 13 - A Busy Night. (2)

Before anyone could say anything, I put enough strength into my right arm and swiftly made a clean cut over my left wrist.

I held back the painful grunt, and then.

" WHa- "

" Sir Arthur?! "

" Hey! "

People became anxious, but my mind was focused. Maybe my blood has became evolved enough that I can use it like 'that'.

I turned to look at the others, with an expression that clearly said that theirs were exaggerated in my opinion.

" Relax. I know what I am doing. " and saying so, I turned to Griff.

Yes, Let's try this thing. It might just work, and I get to know whether what I think is true or not. Worth a shot, I am not losing anything.

Nobody could comprehend my actions, and I understood them. Even I was judging myself a little.

Because The flesh, I so nonchalantly cut, was burning.

The sensation to cut oneself was shown so normally in my old-world Television shows that I thought it will easy.

But the burning sensation was something that I barely endured.

People present in the room looked angry and confused. To be precise one looked angry and the other two were confused.

Ignoring them I tossed the knife on the couch, towards Griff's leg. And then pushed my fingers between his side of the face and the cushion of the couch.

I turned his head toward me and opened his mouth by clutching his lower jaw and pushing the upper one with my thumb.

Then I put the part of my bleeding hand, where it was seeping with blood, right above his mouth.

" Here you go. "

Blood followed down into his mouth, while oddly soaking and staining my whole palm with it.

drip. drip. drip. <Blood dripping>

Very soon Griff's mouth became filled the blood, and because of his body's usual habit, he started taking continuous gulps of it.

After that, I stood up, " That should do it. " releasing an exhausted sigh.

I turned to look at Valerie, Ducas, and Persephone. Each had questioning look, bathe with the light of dim lavender light that coming from the blubs in the corner of my room.

Some shaded light was also present that was coming from the large window.

Everyone was confused about why I suddenly cut my hand for no reason, even Nubeculas were confused earlier.

But now they should only be curious, making their own assumptions about my action, and thinking I could be of some possible use.


[ Some handful of Nubeculas are discussing about you. ]


Yup. Already guessed it.

" Ah.. Would you stop giving me that look? " I grumbled, loudly.

Valerie and Ducas's faces relaxed a bit, after listening to a little annoyance in my tone, but it stuck back up.

I also know that I might not be able to brush it off that easily, my actions were weird for someone who avoid involving with others.

And hurting myself? Naturally, there would be questions.

Still, I was more annoyed looking at Persephone's angry frown, it was 'demanding' an explanation, to which I start explaining even before I thought about what to say.

" Look. My blood is kind of, might be... different. " The result still hasn't been shown, as Griff was still the same, so I wasn't sure.

" It will heal him better than any Elixir in the world could... I think. " I casually spoke while shrugging.

" Might be? You think. "

I could sense ridicule in Persephone's tone, and I could also feel her anger through the soul contract. Like I could actually see her eyebrows shaking to shift, trying to leave the grace it was wearing.

" Hello? Assistant Professor? Do you mind telling us more? Because that wasn't a whole lot to go on with. " immediately then, Valerie tuned.

" Yes, what are you talking about Sir Arthur?" Ducas also pitched in.


[ Some Nubeculas are curious and are looking at your direction. ]


I have to give Nubeculas plus one on my favorability in this particular situation. I would rather deal with them than give these people an explanation.

I had to tell something, but I decided it can at least wait. Again I shifted my eyes to Griff and observed him.

First I need to see if his condition gets better or not.

Ducas and Valerie held their curiosity for that moment, Persephone didn't say anything either. But I could still feel her foreign anger inside me, which was naturally decreasing bit by bit.

Or maybe I was becoming used to it.

And we didn't have to wait for long, because just the next instant, Griff's gray flesh started to turn normal again.

Pink-paled skin came into view from under the gray sheet of skin, which slowly faded away like a fog.

Finally, I turned to others with a smirk that I couldn't hold.


The atmosphere inside the room became focused on me. What the hell did Arthur do?

I cut my arms out of nowhere and then unexpectedly fed Griff my blood, which seemed to heal him somehow. Aren't we all shocked?

" Check his vitals now, Miss Valerie. " I said casually and took a step towards her.

Valerie moved towards me and we exchange our place to a certain extent.


[ The Existence Valerie has requested an updated medical check-up. ]

[ The Existence of a lower realm "Valerie Davison" has activated the skill 'Health Summary Lvl.1']


The message only-for-me appeared, and once again a dashboard with smooth white edges and round corners, like the one before, appeared in her hands.

Ducas stared at me for a while, standing against the bookshelf. His eyes were full of questions. But I ignored him and Persephone, observing Valerie and Griff.

Very quickly Valerie's eyes wandered on the monitor of the dashboard again. Her expression took a turn of events, and confusion appeared on her face.

It seemed to me like she was doubting what was written on the monitor.

" Oh. His vitals are completely normal now, and the poison is gone as well. He should be- "

Then suddenly...


Griff jerked up straight.

Uh. uh uh! <Heavy breathing>

" OH! my god. " Valerie almost screamed in shock but held herself, pulling her dashboard near her chest and taking a step back.

As Valerie was speaking, Griff's upper body jerked upward, and with a sudden deep breath, he was sitting on the couch with an extremely confused and painful expression.

Ducas also tensed up putting on a little guard against him, which I could only apprehend because I saw his right hand tightly gripping the long sword's hilt underneath his open cloak. His face only showed a startled expression.

I likewise jerked up a little, but I don't think anyone noticed. I already expected that his awakenment might not be long, but it was also unexpectedly short.

That's just how I remember it from my dream.

Speaking of, I realized that I still haven't told anything about the, whole wrist cut and healing blood thing to everyone.

Well, Now that Griff... no, not Griff. I reminded myself. I don't know his real name, at least I shouldn't. Anyways now that he is awake, he is the main topic now.

Griff seemed dizzy and was now bent toward his toes. His head was down and he was taking long breaths.

I quickly moved towards him. Feeling my presence, Valerie stepped back and I purposefully stood infront of her, and seriously looked at the awakened lion boy.

I was actually standing just a step to the side, blocking Griff's peripherical view so that he couldn't see her.

Furthermore, I didn't receive any complaints from Valerie, so I guess it's alright.

I got a message about Valerie's skill deactivation though.

Griff took some heavy breaths and then his torso moved upward. His perfect light yellow pupil became visible through his bangs that were fallen over his eyes.

They glowed dangerously, shining like topaz, but then after the next blink, they dimmed. His pupil then had orange and green shades along with yellow now, which was more human-like.

He blinked several times, each time looking at different places, trying to figure out where he was. His breathing also started to become more relaxed, and then.

" What? Where I Am? " his voice was hoarse and confused.

The first thing he saw must have been me since we made eye contact. Then he started looking around.

And before he could ask the same annoying fifty questions that every person in his condition would ask, I spoke first.

" Stop looking around. You were poisoned and unconscious, we cured you. "

Let's just get over with this situation.

Griff stopped and looked at me with his half-closed eyes like he was trying to figure out my face through the dizziness.

" Professor Arthur? "

Well, Professor is a bit. I thought feeling a little happy hearing 'professor' before my name. It is actually Assistant Professor.

" What are you doing here? And What is this place? "

And we are asking fifty questions. Griff spoke looking around the room, and then sized Ducas, who was already standing behind the couch.

Wait. When did he get here?

And before I forget, Griff is also a student in the 'Trivia academy', not so much of a shocker at this point. He is just an ordinary student in this school.

But in his tribe, he is known for being a useless waste, who couldn't be worthy of the inheritance, which was his by Right.

He then suddenly turned to me. I gave him a few seconds to recall and understand all that I said.

" You cured me? No... but that's not possible. " he looked at me confused and uncertain.

His face showed a little pained expression as well, maybe because of the soreness.

And I understand his questioning look. After seeing Ducas, he must have recalled how he got poisoned with hydra's extract, which he had in the first place.

That poison was a second-order advanced grade, which I should have known earlier. That was a poison which could not be cured without a high-grade Elixir and it will still take a long time to fully recover.

But Thanks to my blood he should be feeling perfectly fine. And I obviously had a calendar and a clock in my room. So.

" It wasn't that hard, in my opinion. " saying so I gestured to the empty Elixir bottle over the coffee table.

Griff couldn't mistake the beautiful glass bottle shimmering with green sparkles. Normally one only needs to break it and it will disappear, but I was glad that we kept it intact. It will certainly help us convince Griff.

Griff scooped the Elixir bottle and seriously looked at it while rubbing the bottle's surface with his thumb.

Mystically, the voice of his breathing overshadowed the other sounds, and then.

" How do you have this? "

He asked in a threatening way while flicking the bottle at me.

Normally, No matter how much of points you are willing to give, you can only get a high grade of Ampoules in the market. And Elixirs?

Only the Royal families and Church has them.

Royals, buy these kinds of stuff from Auctions. And Church has them as the 'blessings' of the Gods, useful in the times of their follower's needs.

Total crap.

Picking on my own explanation. A thoughtful look appeared on my face.

" Ah. "

I can dodge this one, I thought happily. And then I stepped to the side, leaning towards the left direction.

Valerie should have become visible to Griff. Suddenly all the dizziness and confusion seem to clear up from his face. Rage appeared in his eyes.

" You. "

He hurried tried to get up from the couch, but Ducas acted fast and held Giff by lightly grabbing the back of his collar like he was grabbing a one-year-old, not someone from the lion tribe.

I also stepped back to the original position blocking his view, so that his focus can shift from her.

Griff looked at me, threateningly.

" Do you expect me to believe anything after seeing her?" he growled and jerked his shoulder, releasing his collar from Ducas's grasp.

" This is all a plan, I know it. "

It was an obvious reaction, I wasn't surprised, at all. I looked into his eyes which were red with anger.

" Mister Sanderson. I am told that you are an intelligent person. But I guess, someone's been spreading, rumors these days. "

I spoke smilingly and took a sit at the edge of the coffee table. Jason Sanderson, that is the name Griff has enlisted himself in Trivia.

" Think. You attacked a person, and another person who was with her overpowered you. Now both of them are here. You were poisoned, but you are still alive. Well, instead of being dead. "

" You just need something from me. "

It was a good point but I also already knew he wouldn't believe me that easily. I need him to calm down and quickly sort this out. So I hit him where it would hurt him.

" Don't be rash. You want to live, right? " My voice became enchanting " How would you be able to protect the ones you want to protect if you are dead? "

My words were vague but I knew how deep it would hit Griff. His expression became stunned, unable to say anything.

His eyes fall down and his head lowered a little with them, looking at the floor, avoiding mine own. Ducas and Valerie's expressions became amused.

Fake student identity aside. Griff Hanson, the useless waste. His attribute is 'Malika's secret hand', which means he is a secret worrier, a hidden hand of a "Malika".

Similar to my dreams, now also he should regard his own life to be hers. Considering I remember it right.

Griff clenched and unclenched his fist multiple times, thinking for a while. Then after some time, he opened his mouth.

" Explain then. What cost am I paying for your elixir? "

He spoke in a rude manner, his eyes shifted from me to Valerie at the word 'your'. And Ducas didn't like his demanding tone.

" You should be the one explaining. " his voice deep and threatening.

He was right, but before anyone could say anything a feminine voice came from behind me.

" It is alright. Let us explain and then we will clarify everything. "

I looked over my shoulder. It was obviously Valerie. I knew she wouldn't be scared or nervous about the situation, but I thought she would definitely try to stay out of it as much as possible.

Something was odd. She looked convincing and ensured. Valerie's eyes meet mine and she spoke giving me an assuring nod.

" Don't worry Sir Arthur. "

Who is worrying? I jotted. She is powerful, she is more powerful than me, she will be more powerful than anybody. Why should one have to worry?

Nonetheless, giving a resigned look, I stood up. " Fine. "

Also, I think it was obvious from my expression that this was all troublesome to me now.

I intended to march straight toward the bed, but I could only walk swiftly, as Persephone's gaze was a little overwhelming.

I felt similar to my childhood self when I have to face my parents after I have done something wrong.

But I persisted and after a few seconds, it was not as bad as before. I went and sat on the bed, crossing my hands to my chest.

I leaned on the bed pillar, which was at the corner of the bed, above its leg, and rested my head on it.

" Hey, Jackson. How are you feeling? "

On the other side, Valerie approached Griff, who only showed some expressions of suppressed anger and signs of physical fatigue.

" I have actually checked your condition with my skill. You are completely fine, So don't worry. And you should thank Sir Arthur. The Elixir was his, he must have acquired it through extreme luck. "

Valerie tried to start in a civilized manner, assuring him that he was unharmed.

I felt a tint of annoyance at how she told him that the elixir was mine. How am I going to explain about having an elixir to him?

Then again, it might not be that problematic. But, if rumors start spreading, people will start to connect me with the royals and the church.

That is the last thing I need right now.

Griff's eyes shifted to me at her words and we made eye contact, but then he break it and snarled at Valerie with ridicule.

" So, now that you have said your polite words, what? Are you going to threaten me, that you will expose my real identity while holding me by my neck?"

Well, he couldn't hold his cool and already gave a piece of information, that he is someone who is living with a fake identity.

" Just like your family continuously threatens mine, suppressing us under your thumbs. "

Another deadly remark, Valerie's somewhat polite smile became neutral.

" Does your human family even have a heart? Pathetic. "

It seems like Griff has no intention of playing nice with our princess.

Valerie's face falls down, becoming speechless. She was biting on her own words, trying to hold them.

" Is it her? Is she also aware of your actions? "

Me: "Okay. I guess we are going off-topic here."

Valerie also went for the attack, straight asking the important questions.


[ Some Nubeculas are curious about the situation involving Existences around you. ]


Now things have become a little complicated now, and then the message appeared on the screen.

Valerie did tell that the reason she is trying to save him is that she knows who Griff is, or rather who Jackson is.

And as I suspected, the relationship between their families is strained.

But what are they doing talking about so sensitive matter infront of me?

Please don't make me involved in this so much.

I guess Valerie wanted to leave this place without saying too much. But Griff, on the other hand, had no such intentions.

I interpreted them before the conversation become too serious, as Valerie's approach didn't work.

I am doing everything here so that these people in my room could leave, and I could rest. But it keeps getting complicated. It came to this point that Griff even said "Human Family".

"Let's just settle this by you, the angry one, answering two of my questions. And I, an Assistant Professor, assure you that nobody will know whatever secret identity you have. Okay?"

Valerie, who still seems to bite on her words, released a little bit of pent-up air through her nose, and resignedly sat down on the chair beside the couch.

Persephone seems to fade into the background, not concerned with the situation. Is this not interesting enough for the Goddess of the underworld?

Nonetheless, I could still feel her curious gaze.

Griff followed Valerie's movement with his eyes, without saying anything, and then shifted his eyes to me under his blink. But he seems to turn his focus on my next upcoming words.

I wasn't that overwhelmed. I already know everything related to the issue and also know about what is going on with their families.

But it was still a little uncomfortable controlling the situation head-on.

Ducas was only the clueless one, but judging by his face, he also seemed to grasp everything, picking on the condition and conversation.

" Also I advise you to discuss your personal matters in your own personal space. " I said passively releasing a sigh.

But there was no reaction from others whatsoever.

Alright, then. I am going to ask why he attacked them, and what proof he can give that it won't happen again. Reasonable enough.

After that,

" So, Jackson right? Can I ca-"

Knock. Knock.

Then suddenly the sound of some knocking came through the short hallway.

Silence suddenly descended inside the room. Everyone shifted to look towards the door.

The scene somewhat reminded me of a horror movie, when suddenly a ghost came knocking out of nowhere, and time stood still.

The only thing that I thought missing was a zoomed-out shot effect from the hallway.

Knock! Knock!

It became even more intense. I lifted my head from the pillar.

Now, who is it? I am getting awfully a lot of guests this evening. Then, I got up from the bed and moved towards the door.

It is my room so obviously, I need to answer the door.

" Sir- "

Ducas was about to say something but I waved my hand and stepped towards the door.

Still, I was more concerned about coming up with excuses that I have tell to the person who was behind the door.

I have three students with messed up situations in the faculty dorm, it won't board well for me.


Knocks on the door became furiously intolerant.

Yeah, yeah. I am coming. Why do people keep showing up on my door today?


It was impatient, to say the least. Who it could be? knocking like that? It is still my room.

I thought the door will be burst open, which might have been a bit exaggeration. But at this rate, other faculties will definitely notice.

The long time seemed too short as I only reached the hallway. Now only I realize that this room is unexpectedly a little big.

Then a voice came followed by the next knocking sound.


" Open this door or I will tear it and kill all of you. "

I halted my steps at those words. Was that a threat I just heard? I questioned.

The voice resounded throughout the room like a devil's voice, casual and comfortably hearable, but the words it spoke were very scary.

Everyone became alert at that. I took a step forward towards the door.

" Sir Arthur. Let- "

Ducas was again about to say that I let him open the door or something like that. When the voice again came from the other side of the door.

" If you are not going to open it. "

The voice groan at the end, the person on the other side was definitely going to do something now.

Then I saw the doorknob of the front door start to twist, and I halted again. What is going on?

Doorknob twisted slowly until it reached its maximum capacity and then a metal bending sound came from it.

Creak... <Metal spining>

Weeks were normal before until now, but yesterday there was an attack, that Eddie. Today Griff, Valerie, and Ducas, who were still inside my room, to top it all off now someone is at my door to kill?


Tak. <Doornobe falling>

The doorknob twisted beyond its degree and then fell from the door. The door slowly start to open and a person standing in the hallway came into full view.

" Ah. "

" Oh. "

Valerie and Griff. They both recognized the person standing at the door. Obviously, I also recognized the person.

I actually suspected that it would this person. It was how it always is whenever Griff was in danger, this person would come rushing.

But I was hoping to make all of them leave before it came to this.

The person standing at the door had long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, reaching all the way to the back of the Trivia uniform cloak.

Ponytail looked around the room, observing everyone present in the room one by one.

Looking past Ducas, with an uninterested eyes, they went to Valerie. Then ponytail's whole body seems to stiffen up with anger.

Still might be because of some reasoning, even then the eyes moved further to Griff and they started shaking.

Looking over my shoulders, I traced the gaze and landed on some dried blood stains, that were around Griff's chin.

It dripped a little from my hand when I fed him my blood earlier. We all obviously ignored it because it was not that concerning.

Fully utilizing the sense of smell, Ponytail's eyes naturally landed on my hand, which was covered in dried blood.

Then blonde hair fell over those eyes and a shadow was cast over the person's face.

After that when I saw the slow lifting of the head, I felt like a judgment has been cast over me.

Anger could be seen deep within those eyes, killing intent, and then a low eerie voice escaped its mouth.

" How dare you? "

The Blonde haired person dashed inside the room with their right hand stretched out. That hand looked ready to strangle someone to death.

I moved on instinct and took a step to the side. It might look like the person was headed for me but I knew that target was someone else.

It was Valerie. I stepped aside and stood in front of Valerie. Thinking about Griff's first reaction when he saw Valerie and now.

These two are quite similar, I thought to myself.

Eyes that were bloodshot looking towards Valerie made eye contact with me.

Fush... < Sound of wind rapidly moving in different directions>

It all happened in an instant for me, since I couldn't comprehend their actions, which were too fast for me.

I was close and just moved a step, that is why I could stand between the path, but the others who were monsters compared to me moved incredibly fast.

In a second the formation around the room changed completely. I was standing between Valerie and Ponytail.

Valerie used her wind manipulation to close the door shutting it back. The sound of wind blowing could also be heard throughout the room.

Ducas was standing behind the Blonde-haired person while grabbing its collar again.

I guess he got a thing for collar-grabbing. He moved swiftly, moving across the short hallway, not to mention he had to go around me and our intruder. Scary, I didn't even sense him.

Then there was Griff, in a swift movement he appeared in front of me. I knew he regained his original strength. My blood has become mature enough. I thought happily.

He stood in front of me, unmovable like he was trying to protect me.

At some point, Persephone also appeared beside me. Well Goddess and all, so I am not shocked.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Woah." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is clapping in astonishment. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Tch... Superhero kind of bullshit. " ]


Reading Nubecula's messages a speechless laugh come out of my mouth.

" ha, haha- "

It was a serious situation. Ponytail here dashed to kill someone with their bare hands, and they are enjoying us like we gave a good performance.

My laugh was low but since the room was silent, only the wind generated by Valerie's skill could be heard.


My low laugh was heard by everyone. Anger then blazed into our intruder's eyes.

" You think this is funny? "

" Please stop! "

Ponytail definitely sounded angry, but then Griff reasoned.

The hand that was coming to strangle Valerie should have been on my neck but since Griff was standing in front of me. The fingers were centimeters in length away from his neck.

" Please, calm down. " Griff pleaded again.

Confusion appeared in the eyes instead of anger this time and so does in mine. This person came here to save him if it wasn't obvious, and I thought he had little intention of cooperating.

"What are you doing?" I somewhat whispered to Griff, which was just loud enough for others to hear as well.

" Others aside, I do believe that you are just a caught-up bystander. So I am trying to save your life."

Intruder: " What bullshit are- "

The words that came out of his mouth surprised everyone. I must say our intruder looked quite annoyed, as Griff pled again, cutting her off.

" Please Big Sister. You can not hurt him. He saved me! "

Sis huh? we all are already aware of that, so nobody was surprised.


[ Several Nubeculas are happily excited and shocked toward the unexpected relation. ]


Of course, they will be, since there is a twist in the story, and we all existences are entertainers.

It's not that they don't realize how serious this situation is, they just don't care.

I showed calm, annoyance, and confusion on the outside but I felt quiet on the edge from the inside. I am trying to stay out of their internal situation.

Actually, I also felt excited. It could be seeing them together bringing back the nostalgia from my dreams.

No... it can't be just that. I already expected all of this, but it can't be exciting.

Watching dreams throughout my life, growing with them. It should be depressing because I know that future will not easy for these people.

Then why I am feeling overexcited? Then I realize, it was a foreign feeling mixed with mine.

Looking over my right shoulder, Persephone looked unconcern and I felt guarded, but it was definitely hers. Our eyes meet for a second and then I spot the excitement in her eyes, but it died and hide back.

Ducas also was surprised, whose expression I caught beyond Griff and his big sister, his eyebrows were raised a little.

Okay everyone was surprised. Still not as surprising as it is about to be.

I smiled happily and greeted his "big sister".

" Good Evening Miss Felicity. I assume you didn't come barging into my room for submitting the assignment, right? "

Our blonde-haired intruder a.k.a Ponytail was none other than Felicity.

The lion boy Griff's Big-sister, the only person in the entire Trivia who could be comparable to Valerie in terms of growth, and the 'Malika' of the jungle.

Hey, Author here.

I hope everyone is doing fine and are healthy.

A new chapter is finally out now. I am sure you will all like it.

Also, I want you guys to tell me what you like and what not. So you all are welcome to write it.

That's all. Happy reading guys.

blank2711creators' thoughts