
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Vision 13 - A Busy Night (4)

The deal was made.

Ducas and Valerie, both were looking at me, not sure why I was making such proposition. Is it a bluff? Or Do I actually have something to show as evidence, if yes, then how?

I was able to read questions on their faces. I could see curiosity and confusion on their faces.

Valerie surely looked betrayed.

'Oh stop it. I am not giving anything to anyone.' I groaned inside.

My eyes moved to Griff. I couldn't help but suppress my smirk seeing his expression. He was shocked.

I remember him planning the attack with a lot of thought and preparation.

A lot of help that did, grumbling I thought. He ended up poisoning himself and now has ruined my night as well.

His face was pale. He must be going through various details in his mind. Searching for any gap he must have missed during his attack, any slip-ups, or some devices in my room.

His eyes wander here and there holding the furrow of his eyebrows over them. There weren't any recording devices in my room.

But maybe I should get some in the future. I just have to go through the items I stole. It would have helped since it would had us discussing it and helping him. But I don't, also, the attack happened at a completely different place.

Nevertheless, the question is how someone like me could have gotten any evidence.

Well, I don't have any evidence technically, not the one I can show these people.

So How I will prove it?

" Prove it. " Felicity demanded.

Yes of course. I wouldn't just be bringing it up if I couldn't deliver something.

I didn't say that out loud and my eyes went to look toward the roof, beautifully embroidered and falling from the edges with a chandelier at the center right top of us.

Everyone present in the room except for Persephone remained confused. I ignored them and casually spoke.

" Has anyone solved today's riddle yet? "

At my words, everyone's expression became even more ambiguous, as I asked a completely unrelated question, which they couldn't understand.

" Sir Arthur? "

" Sir Arthur, What riddle are you talking about? "

Ducas and Valerie were the ones who asked that. Griff was still thinking about his plans, he was preoccupied with his own thoughts, jumbled in his own mind.

And Felicity... she was looking at me with an odd expression.

I ignored them. I wasn't talking to them anyway.



[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "No" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is sad. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "It is rather tricky." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is highly inquisitive towards you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Your riddles are bullshits." ]


What? Don't blame me if you are dumb.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking in your direction. ]


I was talking to Nubeculas.

Several messages appeared in front of me. Gumiho and Hwang Jini commented, which was enough for me to know that nobody has solved the last riddle yet.

One is someone who is a rumor expert. She would know about everything. If anyone would have solved it yet, she would be the first to know about it.

And the other one is a perfect tactician. If she hasn't solved it yet, no one watching me has.

Everyone present in the room was still looking at me.

" Since no-one can answer. Help me here once. " I spoke pointing to all others, implying at the situation.

There is always a time in my entire day when once or twice I casually ask some riddles to Nubeculas. I still don't know why they are even actively participating, going along with my shrewd.

But anyway, recently there is been a reward of some sort. If they answer the riddle I answer something about myself.

Regardless, they always ask basic things until now. None of them ever once asked me anything serious about myself. I can guess they are trying to enjoy the suspense.

They are higher in existence, so curiosity is like honey to them.

And since I am entertaining them by maintaining that curiosity. I should obviously use them when I get the chance. It is a clear carrot and stick situation and now it is time for the stick.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Yes Yes we should help!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing madly. ]


[ 500 points have been donated to you. ]


Did he break or something? I thought he would definitely make things difficult by denying helping me. Not only he is agreeing to it, but he also donated some points. It was weird.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "What?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is explaining the situation to 'Gumiho'. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "He is using us as witnesses. " ]


[ Several Nubeculas are belittling you. ]


Why is he complaining? I am indeed using them as a witness. What is so bad about it? They send comments about unnecessary things all day.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "We will tell them." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is gently looking in your direction. ]


It went better than I expected. I didn't expect them to be convinced this easily. I thought there will be weird demands.

[ Some Nubeculas want you to shake your hip and bark like a dog first. ]

And there it is. They never change.

In this world, a god is hailed. They are the existences that the remaining existence of the lower realms worships.

They grasp the reality that gods watch over them, and they could not forget the stories of their insurmountable powers.

Still, most of these gods always seem immature to me. They are just power-hungry existences who became powerful enough and chose to seek entertainment over people beneath them.

I think they should stop watching these live streams and start working toward the goals they once had. I thought frustrated, but... wow, I sound like a parent.

" Professor, are you done talking to yourself? "

The crisp voice of Felicity brought me out of my thoughts.

I still haven't said anything.


[ The NUbecula 'Gumiho' comments " I understand. We will tell them everything!" ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is excited. ]


It seems like Gumiho also understood what I want from them. But Why She seems so excited? I could not understand her and others as well. She is been a spirited existence, but others too?

Uncertainty kept growing in me, I actually didn't think it would be this easy. Isn't the situation going my way too smoothly?

I began to hesitate a bit, but after a few quick thoughts, I just decided to go with it. It is the most effective solution in the present scenario.

I put on a casual expression and spoke to Felicity with a flat tone.

" Just wait a few seconds. "

It came out rude as she narrowed her eyes at me. She wasn't convinced.

Then after a few seconds, she became stiff. It was like she got hit by a lightning bolt. Her eyes became a little wide and disbelief was on her face.

It was not only her. Ducas and Valerie also reacted as they got shocked by the electricity as they looked into the empty air. Griff came out of his thought as well.

He was also blanking staring at the air with his mouth open.

" ...So many gods. "

I tried to contain my grin. Their expressions were extremely hilarious.

I knew they were reading comments from the Nubeculas.

Even though their messages weren't visible to each other, I could see them all, filling the whole room.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Arthur is right! I saw it! His actions were so pious. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments " that is just how it happened. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " He just can't keep his nose out. He always likes to play the Hero. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Arthur is trustworthy." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Arthur is telling the truth. Always a one step ahead, just the way I like it." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " You all need more of a proof? " ]


" Huh? "

" What? "

" Archangel [Raziel] also? "

Everyone was surprised. Felicity couldn't even speak.

They couldn't deny the words of gods they worship so dearly. Felicity opened and closed her mouth multiple times.

Witnessing the situation, the feeling inside me was just exhilarating. I felt a weight leaving my shoulder and relaxation washed over me, as I took a silent deep breath.

" Are you sure that was a good idea? "

Suddenly out of nowhere, Persephone spoke, just as I touched the feeling.

My eyes darted at her. I don't understand what she means by that.

And the cozy feeling lasted until I heard Felicity's question next.

" Are you a God's Child? "

" What the hell are you talking about? "

Words just came out of my mouth on their own. Why is she talking about that? A God's Child? What does that dreadful label have to do with anything?

God's Child. That is the title that is specifically given to the people who have the blessings of the gods.

They are the existences in this world who are avatars of Nubeculas, the higher existences.

'What the hell? How did she reach to that conclusion?'

Then, while holding a deep disappointment, and self-pitying sigh, I realized that I made a mistake. No, I didn't make a mistake. I expected it, but their reactions are too exaggerating.

God's child? I never liked that title. I always thought of it like a label you put over a product.

Still, If you think about it. It is kind of understandable to give titles like that. After all, the people who are called that, do have a special connection to Higher existences.

It might also help me if they think that I have Blesser. Everyone will respect me and I'll be treated differently.

hmm... But... I can't have that. Not to mention there will be an awful lot of problems if the people of this world thought that I had a Blesser.

I put on a serious expression, full of conviction.

" I am, definitely, not. "

Felicity's face stiffness a bit, because of my authoritative tone but she still didn't seem convinced. In fact, Griff and Valerie were looking at me in a daze. Surprisingly Ducas didn't look shocked. He had a close to neutral expression.

I get it. Too many Nubeculas commented on my behalf. Moreover, It might also be the first for them.

At present, the Condition on the planet is quite stable compared to year 'zero' and higher existences don't interact too much with lower existences as well.

The 'God's Child' title wasn't given for nothing.

That is the reason why they think I am one of the special ones.


[ The Nubecula 'Who like cigar and candy' is laughing madly. ]


[ Several Nubecal are thrilled to see your expression. ]


This bastard. He expected that the situation would turn out like this. That is why he was so excited.

" Don't be annoyed. It is an obvious reaction. People of the lower realm treat Nubeculas as gods. You just asked for help once, and so many spoke on your behalf. That is even extreme for people with blessers. "

I already know that.

Nonetheless, Persephone's words made me calm a little. She must have sensed my annoyance. After all, I am annoyed. The way everyone in the room is looking at me was uncomfortable.

But it's alright. I don't need to be startled. I need to be calm. I took a deep breath letting the air fill my lungs.

Felicity wasn't convinced, I could see that on her face. But the main agenda isn't about what is happening here. It is about quickly throwing these people out and getting some work in progress, and then getting a good rest.

I decided to throw Felicity's question out of the window, figuratively not literally but should I do it literally?... no that trick is too early for this story.

" I swore the [Oath of existence]. " and hence I spoke.

As soon as, words left my mouth. Valerie and Ducas, both their expressions sobered up and became grim, but I ignored them I spoke while making eye contact with Felicity. She had a startled face as well but I was determined.


[ Oath of existence has been called. ]


Following the message, a bright blue light like it was radiating from a small crystal, and some small crystals that were dancing around it appeared.

My call to the universe appeared inside the room lighting it up magically, and then I spoke the oath.


[ Oath of existence is in use. ]


" I swear on [Oath of Existence] my following words... I do not have a Blesser. "

I don't want this misunderstanding. I won't be associating with Nubeculas that easily.


[ 'Blue Hell Fire' has come into existence. ]



[ A Hell Fire has been targeted to your heart. ]


If anyone could hear my thoughts. They wouldn't believe that I am being hostile to their Gods.


[ Oath of Existence has been processed. ]


I took the oath and the blue light from the crystal turned to gold and then rose gold indicating a positive response. Afterward, it disappeared like it got disintegrated and turned into a rose gold powder, or rather like fireflies, and spread away.


[ 'Blue Hell Fire' has been neutralized. ]


The scary message disappeared and after taking the Oath no one present in the room could say anything to deny my words.

" Do you want to ask anything else? Is the proof enough? " I spoke, finally like a professor this time.

" Yes. "

After that everyone was silent, avoiding each other's eyes, don't know what to think.

It's funny to me, that they are taking everything so seriously.

Maybe they are acting normally and I am being different. Most of the people on this planet will have the same reaction as them.

How would they react if they knew that Lisa has a blesser? I mused. They even have a god walking the corridor of the school in a form of a cat.

I took a glance at a beautiful woman across the table. There is a god present in the same room, sitting among them graciously.

These are some of the reasons, why I pity them. What is real? What is the reality? They can not comprehend the reality infront of them.

These people in front of me, who are sure that they know the reality, but they don't know what is really there.

Do I know? What if There is more I could not comprehend?

I couldn't help but think about the dream, I had when I fainted. There is something The person who looked like me spoke.

' Reality is nothing, but a dream within dreams. '

What did he mean by that?

Pushing the thought deep in my mind, to be brought up again later.

" Now that Sir Arthur proved that we were telling the truth. It is your turn now. "

Ducas's words made me come out of my thoughts. He spoke while looking at Griff.

He was talking about Griff explaining why he attacked Valerie in the alleyway in front of the trivia.

Griff shut his mouth and a frown appeared on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but Felicity cut him off.

" Indeed. I can not deny Sir Arthur's claim that you were telling the truth, when Gods have confirm through decree for him. To ease your mind I would explain with 'He did all that because of me.' '"

Ducas expression turn to confusion at her words. Valerie had a natural expression as she already knew that was the case. Ducas spoke again.

" What do you mean by that? "

" Its pointless to dive into the details so vast. Sir Arthur already proved his side, also wining his side of proposition regarding the deal. "

A smile appeared on my face at Felicity's words. Yes, I won the deal she agreed to.

" According to the deal I had to do one thing you aske. You were going to ask me to explain my brother's action and give assurance to that it will never happen again, right professor? "

" No. "

" Huh? " Felicity frowns, she appear to find my response unexpected.

Yes, I won the deal but I didn't want her to explain the situation. I already know the situation.

Even if I were to ask, as far as I remember her approach to the situation until now.

She would hide the actual reason using short words, and she wouldn't expose anything related to her family to a mysterious person like me. But I don't really care about that.

And Why would I ask something I already know, and I don't need assurance. Although, I did thought of asking exactly what Felicity said to Griff, but now I want something else.

It will be completely reasonable but she would definitely not like it. I am sure Valerie and Felicity both won't like it.

Instead, I am sure they both will rather prefer chose to burn each other's estates to the ground.

Persephone sensed something from Soul Contract and spoke with a sly smile while folding her arms below her chest, and putting one leg over the other.

" I think this will be interesting. "

Everyone present in the room became confused and curious.

If I didn't want an explanation about as to why Griff attacked Valerie, then What could I want?

Griff became concerned and a frown appeared on his face. It was true that he attacked Valerie because of Felicity, his older sister, whom he respect and feel indebted to.

How could he not do everything to help her when she requires it. Even if she didn't ask him to do anything of the sort, he couldn't just turn a blind eye to her obstacles.

It was because she is the one to whom he is loyal to.

His Big sister is the one who should become the future queen of their tribe. He respect her, he is proud of her qualities and he is thankful for the way she treated him.

He was always an outcast, because he does not have the qualification of being the king. Despite being the son of the Lion King and brother of the future queen of lions.

When according to the custom of the Lion tribe, the male child suppose to be first in line to inherit the position, despite the age difference.

But he didn't have the required traits to be one. Nevertheless, Felicity believed in him. And the result of that is, he sworn to become strong for her and he did. He became the hidden hand of her sister. He became the hand of the future queen.

Therefore his attribute [Malika's Hidden hand].

Right now his queen has to do one thing that I would tell her to do. That thought made him feel uneasy.

I knew what Griff was thinking.


[ Lower realm Existence 'Griff Hanson' is hostile towards you. ]


I watched him, I know he was ready to jump on me and shred me to pieces, but he was maintaining his posture, holding the image of the Marquis Hanson Family.

He had to, I have openly spoken their full name which means, at the present moment, they were representing the Royal Marquis family infront of me.

I made a reassuring expression and spoke while looking at him.

" It won't be anything unreasonable, of course. "

Griff flinched realizing that I had caught him. I saw him unclenching his fists but I felt that there wasn't any opening in his guard anywhere.

Felicity looked at him, plainly, checking and reassuring herself of his response. And then looked at me. She also looked quite calm in my eyes.

" So what do you want Professor? "

Do I also have to tell her to call me by name? What is up with people talking to me while giving me weird titles?

I tried to ignore the way she addressed me and spoke with a mischievous smile.

" A talk. "

" ...Excuse me? "

" I want you to talk. "

" ...I am afraid I don't understand. Do you want to talk to me?... or have a discussion? That immense display of how blessed you are was just for a request to have a conversation?.... Do you want to talk about something I am not allowed to say?"

Felicity's eyes became severe and serious. The conclusion she reached was understandable, but I didn't like how she said I was blessed. I realized that I really have made mistake in choosing to use Nubeculas as my witness in front of these people.


" No, you misunderstood Miss Hanson- "

" Please, Felicity. "

" Miss Felicity, I'm afraid I wasn't implying a conversation between you and me. "

Eyes towards me became lost.

Everyone seemed extremely confused and frustrated, as I kept hiding my actual purpose. I was just a little unsure whether it was a good idea, or whether my approach would really work or not.

Settling the internal turmoil, not showing a hint of it on my face or body. Then I mysteriously carried everyone's gazes toward Valerie and settled on her, then eyed both of them, Felicity and Valerie, in back and froth motion, making them look at each other.

After a few seconds, searching for the meaning of my words and actions in each other's gaze. Realization then appeared in both of their eyes at the same moment and they spoke simultaneously, with their eyes widened a bit.

"" No Way. ""

Ducas and Griff, still confused, didn't understand what was going on and frowned.

A smile appeared on my face looking at that, as I spoke.

" There is nothing that can't be solved by talking honestly. "

" Sir Arthur I don't think it is a good idea. "

Valerie spoke with a little crooked smile. I knew she wasn't opposed to the idea, she just knew how Felicity would react.

" It is the first time that I actually agree with her. There is nothing to talk about. "

" You," I looked at Felicity " Heir of the royal Hanson Family, and you," then I looked at Valerie " Heir of the royal Davison family. Does one require more information to understand what I want you both to talk about? "

" The Information about our position is kept secret for years. How do you even know that? even if you are some hired henchman or bodyguard or whatever. It doesn't explain the things you know. "

" Is it important how I know or that I know? "

I was in a tight spot because the reason of how is more important, actually. I knew it would be like this but I wasn't going to let them leave nor I felt afraid, it was all troublesome at best to me.

" Besides a win is a win and a defeat is a defeat, not even gods can change that. I won. I want you to talk to Valerie and resolve the issue. "

I emphasized that I won the deal. Both Valerie and Felicity made weird expressions. Ducas had a confused look he didn't understand what was going on but he didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Griff looked very displeased, since my words more or less conveyed my intention, to those who already knew the tension between both heirs, it was now transparent.

And, obviously being on his sister's side, Griff didn't want Felicity to talk about a sensitive topic.

This whole thing was very entertaining to me. I made an amused expression and spoke looking toward Ducas.

" Atlas is a demihuman country of the Cloud Continent. "

Ducas made eye contact with me. A small Frown appeared on Valerie's face at my words.

" On this land, Parts of this Queendom have each of their royal positions occupied by a different race of Demi-humans. "

I started talking about the administrative system of the Atlas Queendom. Everyone in the room was listening to my words.

[ Some Nubeculas are listening to your words. ]

Well more were listening, but this isn't about them.

" They each hold the titles of Royals. Baron, Count, Viscount, Marquise, Duke. "

As I spoke I looked at Valerie, Ducas followed my eyes and looked at her from the back as well.

" But contrary to that generational custom. The Honorary Duke position is the only position that is currently held by a Human. Royal Duke Davison. "

Griff made a face of distaste as I spoke about Davison's household. Felicity's face wore a stiff expression. It wasn't because of Davison Household. It was because of what I was about to say next.

I looked at her and spoke with a smile.

" And The Honorary Marquise Position is being currently held by the King of Lion tribe. Marquise Hanson. "


Griff shouted giving me a hostile growl like a cub. Quite uncomfortable for me to be honest since a moment ago he was defending me. Ducas then stared at Felicity, He is a smart guy he started to realize the issue as I began to point it out.

I ignored them and kept making eye contact with Felicity. She took a deep breath and spoke.

" It seems you know a lot, but that is still common knowledge. Still, my intuition tells me you know deeper into the issue it seems. "

Oh, I know. I know a lot of things. The reason why Griff overreacted so much is because 'No one' knows. No one knows about Felicity being the Future Queen of the Lion tribe or her position.

Similarly, Valerie's position is also a secret. The information of Heirs is kept secret so that there would be no danger or threat directed at them.

Only people inside the Lion Tribe and people holding higher ranks than her father know that Felicity is being chosen to be the future queen.

" But, How? "

" I will tell you the same thing I told Miss Valerie and the same I told you earlier. It doesn't matter. "

It really didn't matter How I know. What matter is, I just know.

A frown appeared on Felicity's face. She didn't like my answer, I didn't care if she like it or not. Griff opened and closed his mouth, and also clenched and unclenched his fists multiple times, suppressing the urge to rip my heart out with his claws, which were not there on his human hands.

He wanted to say so many things, but he is been with his sister for far too long to know the situation. She didn't press me to give her an explanation, so he didn't say anything as well.

" Talk and resolve it. "

" Never. "

" Are you going back on your words? I didn't think royals are like that, let alone the one who is planning on taking the throne of her tribe. A Royal keeps their word, it's the only thing that makes them a royal. "

Felicity closed her mouth, shutting it tight. I got her. Since I came into this world, Felicity is the one with whom I had the most serious conversation until now.

I eyed her smilingly, as I knew what my last line must have invoked in her mind.

She has a natural demeanor of a leader. A leader never bows, A leader doesn't give in, and A leader thinks about their people.

She has those qualities that is why she will become the queen of the jungle. But it is because of that that I can manipulate her as well.

Because once I saw her father tell her that in my dreams but beyond that--.

'Felicity. Do you know why even though being animals, Lions are rulers and why we are among the royals?'

' Because of the pride. Since the herd of Lions is called Pride. We embody that trait. '

' yes, but that is the reason why we are rulers of the jungle.'

'So what makes us royals.'

' Strength, Attitude, and emotions work in small groups of battle, but even a huge group of ants can kill an elephant, so that is ineffective for a large pack of individuals. So why do you think people listen to your father? because even I can not fight them all.'


'It's because your father keeps his word. When I speak with people they know that I will do everything in my power to deliver them. My words have meaning and we never go back on our words. '


[ Your perception has increased. ]


Just like I said before. She will talk, because she is a leader, she will keep her word. Felicity stiffened up and stared at Valerie, looking at her, seeming to focus on her every feature and going through a turmoil inside of herself.

" ...What exactly do you want us to talk about? "

I sighed. I know what she is doing. She is trying to ask unnecessary questions to avoid the conversation.

" I guess I have no choice but to address the matter directly and be blunt huh? "

I decided to be straightforward and looked at Valerie as I spoke.

" Miss Valerie, you have no intention of becoming the Duchess of Atlas. Do you? "

" ...Yes. "

Valerie spoke without any hesitation only a slight delay, and I could comprehend the questioning gaze she darted at me, seeming to ask how I know that. Well I can't help it, I just know a lot thanks to my dreams.

" Bullshit. You want to take the position and undermine the demi-humans. "

Suddenly Griff spoke and slapped his hand on his mouth, covering it.

He spoke even though the Future Queen of his tribe didn't, that was defiance of royal etiquettes. He shouldn't have spoken like that.

Nevertheless, A smile appeared on my face. Now the conversation will go in the direction it should be. Felicity looked at Valerie and their conversation started.

" You don't want the position? I heard those as rumors, but that's just Ludacris."

" I don't want to be the Duchess. "

" I don't believe you. "

" You can believe what you want. I have no interest in making you believe anything. "

Even though Valerie didn't want to be the Duchess, she is still a person and hence she holds self-respect and ego. Felicity's situations and beliefs were not her concerns.


Felicity had all her plans straight. She came to Trivia to be Lisa's assistant, then she encountered Valerie here. She didn't panic she is a leader, she remained calm.

Felicity looked at me for a couple of seconds.

Why is she looking at me? I had no idea. It would have been better if I could have some information about it.


[ The lower existence Felicity Hanson is showing curiosity towards you. ]


After some time Felicity opened her mouth, deciding on something, but before their conversation took a turn of no return of healing their relationship, I spoke further.

" Atlas is a territory of Demi-humans."

Everyone turns their attention to me.

" That was how The Frist leader, Ice Princess 'Crystal', established this country. "

That is how it was 10,000 years ago after the world was stabilized. Crystal established four countries for different factions.

" Lion is the king of the jungle. They used to have the duke position. "

Felicity stopped looking at me and looked at Valerie.

" But over the Centuries, the Davison household cornered them and took the position for themselves. "

Atlas Queendom used to have all positions of royal positions occupied by Demi-humans. But after some centuries, One man, a human, he gained enough influence to become the first household to occupy a royal position in Atlas.

" But it was by fair means. "

Valerie spoke with a little anger that she tried to hide inside.


[ The lower Existence 'Valerie Davison' feels wronged. ]


" Fair means? " Felicity spoke in a condescending tone.


[ The lower Existence 'Valerie Davison' feels annoyed. ]


Well, there were messages like these sometimes too.

Anyway, the conversation between the two - Valerie and Felicity - started to take flow like the wind.

" We were rewarded for that. "

" Your family didn't do anything. The first leader of the Davison household was the one who deserved the duke title. The rest of you are just scrapping of what he left behind. "

" Holding it by the roots." She seems to correct Felicity " we are preserving what the honorable predecessor established years ago. "

The Frist Human Duke of Atlas was an extremely faired person. People loved him and respected his fair judgment but as he passed away his descendent took the title and it was no surprise that they were not like him.

" Well, you can have what you want. Take it like you said we did. " Valerie sneered in suppressed anger and frustration. A frown appeared on her cold but beautiful face.

" You talk like it is so easy. When everyone in your family are playing around with the position out in open, without any concern. Your family always oppresses us and they would rather have us extinct than let us have the Duke position. "

" What are you implying? "

" You act like you don't know anything. Every time we try to rise. Davison household under attack us. "

" You are accusing us of working in bad faith? "

" Bad Faith? The words of your family never meant a thing to begin with. The Davison family is undeserving of any royal titles. "

It happens all the time. Whenever someone tried to rise, people above them try to oppress them. Valerie knew this as well but she didn't want to admit that. They were her family, after all.

" You can take it back. "

" You think as long as you are there it matters "

" I don't want the position. "

" I don't believe you."


Valerie sighed. She had given up. She thought she can't convince her. Even so, she understood Felicity's perspective. The matter that happened with their previous generations was responsible for this unbreakable strain, which seemed to be unhealable.

I looked at Valerie and Felicity. I knew this would be like this. Even though she was unconcerned with royal politics, Valerie wanted to make a good relationship with Felicity but Felicity didn't trust Davison's household, rightfully so.

But it was still better from my perspective that now they are talking about it. In the midst of the silence which transpire after a back-forth banter between two women, I spoke plainly, with the intention of interjecting between them.

" If I may, I think I have a solution that can make everyone happy and will satisfy everyone to some extent. "

It was something that I often thought about whenever I saw their interaction in my dreams and even after waking I remember venting about it in my journal.

As the eyes became focused on me, I waved my hand in the air.

" Let's make a contract then. "

The silver light dissipated and a gold-colored paper appeared hovering over my hand.


[ Contract of understandable and unambiguousness. ]


A contract used by the church organization. It is the highest form of contract, the twelve pillars of the church have also made this contract with the old man of the church.

And obviously, I got the contract from the Vault of the church in which the little kid, the sixth pillar of the church, put everything in it for save keeping.

The scene of the dream I had, after taking the items from the Brimos church and before leaving Bob's house, came into my mind.

Everyone became stunned looking at the gold-colored paper. They must have never seen a contract greater than the silver color.

" A gold contract. I heard only King and Queen have those. "

Griff spoke with a dumbfounded look on his face. I ignored the reactions on everyone's faces and casually spoke the terms.

" Miss Valerie won't take the position of Duke guaranteed for the next three years and you can announce your succession. Then you can do whatever you want to gain influence. "

" Are you serious? "

Felicity asked with an unbelievable expression. I didn't say anything and looked at Valerie.

A household with a successor and a household without one. It will mean that the Marquise household will be stabilized for the next generation and the Duke household will not.

That will create a gap and it means that Duke's position will become open to others. If anyone can have enough influence then they can take it.

Valerie looked at me with surprise. She doesn't want to hurt her family and she is concerned about them.

But then a determined look appeared on her face. I wanted to know why suddenly she look so convinced but I didn't ask. She looked into Felicity's eyes and spoke.

" Yes. Let's make the Contract. "


After some negotiation, Felicity, and Valerie both agreed to make the contract and signed it.

They both signed the golden contract with a drop of their own blood, and the golden Contract of [understandable and unambiguousness] shone and disappeared, lit with golden fire.


[ The Lower Existence 'Felicity Hanson' is confused. ]


Even though they both agreed to the terms of the contract, Felicity was confused.

Felicity couldn't understand why Valerie agreed to make the contract which is not in her own favor at all.

It was indeed weird. I was confident that Valerie would be willing to accept to make the contract. Her goal for the future had nothing to do with being the duke, she wanted to be proficient in magic.

' She must want to give Felicity a fair chance. Since Her family undermined her's several times. '

Anyway, in my opinion, it didn't matter. I suggested the contract period to be three years because after that there will be no positions. After that people have bigger things to fight for, and Valerie doesn't really need her family's influence to grow stronger.

I turned to look at her, Our eyes meet, and I flinched and looked away.

' Why does she look happy? ' I mused with an uncomfortable feeling.

Contrary to Felicity, Valerie was smiling happily.

She must be happy that she could spend more time studying magic than worrying about Felicity's followers. I thought to myself.

I tried not to think about anything. It has nothing to do with me anyway.

"That settles the contract?"

Felicity spoke while standing up from her couch. I smiled gently at her rude behavior.

"Why do you always smile like that? It makes me feel like you are trying to scam others."

I held a sigh when I heard Persephone calling me a scammer. I ignored her and spoke to Felicity, the future queen of lions.

" Yes, you can leave Royal highness."

Since Felicity has now officially been announcing her succession in the future she would be legit Royal.

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped, holding her words inside, she seems to want to say something towards my remark but decided to not say it and closed her lips.

Felicity nodded her head to me and turn to the door, eyeing Valerie and Ducas once. She came for Griff and he is saved, she had no reason to stay.

'At least I got them to sign the contract. '

No words were exchanged. It was not like I wanted to talk to her anyway. I just want everyone to leave the room so that I could rest.

Griff followed behind her after looking at Valerie for fraction of a second and then at me.

" Ahh... Miss Felicity. "

Suddenly a thought came to my mind.

Hearing my voice She turned around to look at me.

A smile formed on my lips. Seeing that Felicity's brows frowned a little.

" You are smiling like that again. "

I tried to ignore Persephone without retorting to her words. Since I really was thinking of something interesting.



[ Several Nubeculas are doubting your intentions. ]


How is it going everyone? I hope evreyone is healthy and full of positivity.

This chapter took quite sometime that is why I wrote a long chapter. I have been busy so much, I hope everyone understand.

Not gonna write too many thing. Enjoy the story.

blank2711creators' thoughts