
Chapter 20

Jeffry POV

"WHAT?" Amanda shouted

"I know, my plan didn't go accordingly" l said

"And what plan is that?" She asked

"You know, l first tell Daisy about the wedding so that his power can weaken out of sadness then l marry Ashley and we kill that bastard" l said

She laughed

"You are one of the dumbest people I've ever met . Clearly you don't think and this is why you need me. We should've went with my plan"she said

Fuck l feel like such a fool you know, l mean why couldn't l detect that this would happen l mean it's magic, anything can happen.

"Fine, we'll do your plan" l said in a low tone

"You forgot the most important part" she said teasingly

"You were right"l mumbled

"I can't hear you" she said

"You were right, YOU WERE RIGHT"I shouted the last bit

"Good now suck it" she said

I stood up from my seat and picked her up bridal style

"Let's go to my room, then we'll see who'll suck it" l said and she giggled

I walked to my bedroom and threw her on the bed, l got on top of her and started to kiss her neck while ripping her clothes off. Once she was totally naked l stopped and glanced at her body and imagined her being Ashley, l took my clothes off including my boxers and got in between her legs and well the rest is history
