

Its been 2 days since then.

He didn't even bother to ask if I was ok or not.

I was just staring the fan even today with same expression, with tears in my eyes.

Suddenly a maid came inside and asked me to get ready to meet Su Main's parents.

I didn't know what to say, i was just seeing my body full of bruises.

I got ready for the meeting.

While coming down he was standing there in a good mood.

He said me darling and I felt so good.

But then he said need not to misunderstand we would just act in front of his parents.

I somewhere knew that he wouldn't say something sweet about me.

We arrived there, his parents treated me so warmly.

After meeting he took me to a hotel room.

I had no expectations from him anymore.

In the room there was another woman in front of me, Su Main held my hand and made me sit it the sofa.

He said that I am not allowed to go out of this room.

He started to cuddle that woman in front of me without considering my feelings. He was so indulged into her that he forgot that I was in the room.

I then realise that he will never love me even, if I die he would just step over my body and go away.

At that moment everything stopped I realised that feelings and love can't be forced. I just stared him and that women with my eyes open wide and gave up on him without a second thought........