

After that night I felt relieved that I have come to a conclusion that what ever happens he would never love me.

Today I am going to be strong and talk to Su Main about us.

Su Main came home back home early today and I was ready to face him.

He sat down on the sofa and relaxed himself, while I came all prepared to talk.

I just asked him about how his day went. He replied in disgust that its none of my business.

I just came to the point and told him my feelings that I would be moving out but we would be husband and wife in name and I won't say a word to your parents about it. We would live our life with freedom and yeah he need not to worry I would never use his name and wouldn't take anything from him.

He just smiled and said is it a part of your plan?

I smiled and said its just a part of my love for you that you can't see because of hatred.

I had packed my stuffs in advance and left the country with a tear in my eyes....