
Carnivore rabbits

Just when I was about to go for the kill the rabbit's ears twitched and he turned his head.

I quickly moved my sword and went for a horizontal slash aiming for it's head, my sword passed slashed right through it's neck from left to right but instead of severing it's head from it's body the rabbit disappeared into thin air and reappeared several steps far from me. I looked around and realised that all the other rabbit's attention was on me me now.

But instead of running away they were just staring at silently with their red gem eyes. There were about sixteen of them, they were doing nothing they just kept standing like statues while staring at me in silence. I didn't knew what to do this was an odd situation, I expected them runaway after the failed attack I attempted on one of them but instead they did the opposite. There was no sign of fear or aggression.

After a few moments of silence. Suddenly, the rabbit that I tried to kill released a high-pitched shrill noise. I quickly covered my ears to save my ear drums from bursting. Blood started dripping from my ears, when the noise settled down I found several pairs of red eyes appeared, shining in the darkness of the forest. When I looked closely I found several rabbits, they quite different from the ones infront of me.

They didn't fit the description of a small harmless rabbits like the one's we see near a barn or forest. Even the ones I was facing earlier were unusual, they had silver fur and one small horns growing on their head but they still somewhat resembled the normal rabbits.But the rabbits that appeared later were in no way normal. While the former had a small built barely forty centimetres(15 inches) while the latter had a bigger built, it had the of an adult boar about one sixty centimetres.

They had two large horn growing at their forehead and large sharp claws as limbs and their maw was filled with sharp teeths or more like fangs. They had the same silver fur as the small rabbits had the only difference was they were covered with some weird pale blue markings. They were covered with these markings starting from their eyes to their ears reaching all the way till the tail. They had an expression that a predator made while looking at their prey.

I knew I was fucked at the moment, I looked around trying to find a way to escape but to no avail. I was completely surrounded! There no path left to escape. When suddenly..


[ Special quest ]

[ Kill 200 Storm rabbits]

[ Reward: a chance to learn one of the skills of the opponent]

[ Failure: a gruesome death at the hands of the storm rabbits]

[ Time limit: None ]

Now what's all this crap quest? killing two hundred rabbits, here I am surrounded by more than that and they hardly pass as rabbits and this failure only mentions the obvious. As if I have any choice! I don't have the luxury for all this. I have to do something very soon or I will die again and there's no guarantee that this time I will be lucky enough to come back to life. Miracles don't happen everytime.

I only have two options, one is to fight them back holding on my ground which seemed impossible looking at their sheer numbers and the other was to make my way through them while defending with my sword and betting everything on my speed and run as fast as possible and this failure thing in quest, no matter how stupid this looks but I can't ignore it. I have to try at the very least, my paranoia is telling there's more to this so I can't take my chances.

I took my sword and dashed in the direction where the very least number of rabbits and the smaller ones were present. They started jumping at me but I swung my sword in a frenzy and managed to kill three to four of them. I kept on running while making my way with the sword taking down as many of them as I could. Then I suddenly lost my balance and fell upon the ground, I felt a sharp pain on my right leg and when looked down to check I found a ice shard stuck at my leg just below the knee. When I looked above I found several storm rabbits conjuring the ice shard from their horns.Fuck! The very next instant they unleashed them upon me.

I quickly rolled around and took cover behind a tree. Several ice shards were piercing my arms and legs, I quickly pulled out as many of them as I could when I was forced to run again with their barrage of attacks. Seriously!just my luck! they know how to use magic.And these attacks were from the smaller ones, I can't imagine what would happen if the big ones decided to enter the game. I kept dodging their attacks with my sword but some still managed to hit me.

If only I could use magic too, I would have atleast managed to fight back. It was then it hit my mind. I quickly ran towards a huge rock and hid behind it.The rock was present at the end of a sloping ground so it will take some time to reach there. I didn't have much time so I closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths and focused on my core. I have watched how mages channeled their mana casted magic attacks using spells.Back then I had no affinity for magic and I don't have the knowledge about the spells but I think I could manage to channel mana.

At first I felt nothing but when I focused a little more I was able to feel a warm sensation in my chest. I kept my mind calm taking breaths and tried holding on to that feeling and then I found light in that darkness. And the source of that light was a blue flame and at it's centre there was a black gem.