
Chapter hundred and thirty-four: Special rarity

The seven men stayed out of sight masked by the fog, as soon as they confirmed they had allies they let down some guards but there was more to come.

In the sky, something bizarrely eerie flew up as if waiting for an opportunity to pounce on them. It was tiny but black, Jae joon squinted his eyes on it and shot an arrow. To the relief of the men, it fell in an anticipated velocity, but as it drew closer their eyes widened in disbelief.

It was but a mere kite?

Number four stealthily left to investigate who flew the kite on the signal of the old ajusshi while prince Song's men suspiciously examined the fallen kite with an arrow. Whoever shot it down was pushed back to the back of their mind as the little kite seemed to have wordings on it. White words visible to the eyes were strongly imprinted on the kite, such powerful strokes spoke of skill and strength.

'In a place rife with boulders ask the head' the words read.

Ask the head? What does that mean?