



Xander found Xia on the floor helplessly trying to stand up. "Xander, I'm alright" Xia comforted her brother as he carry her back to the bedroom.

The whole room is filled with silence. "Xander, don't worry. I just sprained my ankle." "Just! Do you know how worried I was when I heard you scream" Xia couldn't help but gulp back her words after Xander's scolding.

Knocking at the door Mr. Vanderwood is also anxious. "You can come in father" opening the door Mr. Vanderwood saw the scene and was relieved that nothing worse has happened.

"I'll call the doctor to come and check your ankle" Xia nods her head and looked at her brother. Xander didn't say anything but held a stern look on his face. Xia chuckled seeing him "What's so funny?" Xander coldly asked. "Brother is so silly" Mr. Vanderwood lips curved into a smile, he can't help it after all his son was so flustered like a little puppy who lost his owner just a few minutes ago and now. To keep his image, he held a serious look as if nothing happened.

"Whatever" Xander walked out of the room leaving the two behind laughing. "Your brother must be disappointed in you" Xia just smiled but didn't utter any word. She looked at her father with a kind and gentle face "This things happen once in a lifetime. I'm just cherishing it before it lasts". Mr. Vanderwood nodded before heading towards the door

"Call to us if you need assistance" Xia smiled and nodded. Mr. Vanderwood closed the door. Right after dinner he returned to his study. He opened the drawer and found an old family picture. Two children looked angelic with their smiles across their faces. A beautiful woman could be seen right behind them. She looks elegant and serene, she is dressed in a simple, long and white dress. A forest is seen at the background, the picture is a masterpiece. The sight as he recall those precious times brought tears in his eyes. He never thought that all of it will be gone in just seconds.

Xia resembled so much like the woman in the picture. Mr. Vanderwood sighed and put back the item into the drawer.

Flashbacks came up in his mind, he could be seen pacing back and fort anxiously at the hallway of a hospital. A little boy trying so hard to hold back his cries. Two patients were admitted to the emergency room, one is severely injured while the other bumped her head hard and fell unconscious.

"Dad, they will be fine right?" an anxious 8- year old boy asked. The man caressed his head softly "I don't know yet but don't lose hope" The emergency door opened, the two approached the doctor who came out of the room. "Doctor how is she?" The man asked.

"She will be fine. However, she might lose some fragments of her memory due to the impact" The man sighed, it is much more better than death.

"Can I see her now?" the boy asked, his eyes are red from holding back his tears. His face still shows fear and worry even after the good news. Sighing, the doctor nodded in agreement.

Moments later another doctor came out from the emergency room beside the other one. His looked at the man with a solemn face, he closed his eyes and shook his head. The man nearly lost his balance, he cannot believe it No he refuse to. He charged into the room and found a woman's body laying on the bed.

She seems to be asleep, her delicate facial features are motionless. She is still beautiful even in death. He walked to her side and held her cold hands tightly. He cried so much, it's just an accident but why?

Dawn broke, he visited his two children who are already awake talking with smiles on their face. "Daddy, sister woke up just now!" A cute boy ran and tugged him to the little girl sitting on the bed. He smiled bitterly as he reach out his hand to pat the girls head.

The room turned gloomy, the children saw sadness in their fathers eyes while forcing a smile to not ruin their mood. Staying positive the girl asked "Dad, how is mommy doing?" The man stayed silent and sighed.

"Mommy won't be with us anymore" The man filtered his words carefully for the children. The kids understood what he meant. To not add another burden on his shoulders, the kids gave him smiles of comfort instead of cries of grief and sorrow.

After that incident, the once happy and cheerful family became distant to one another. Years passed by in a blink of an eye and here we are at the present. Mr. Vanderwood shook his head in thought and continued on browsing through the files.

Xia looked out the window while her chin is rested on her knees. The room is dark, she didn't turn on any lights. Light of the moon shone through the curtains, her face reflected the dim light that touches her skin. Her chin is well defined, it made the impression of maturity and elegence. Her lips are as red as an apple. Her eyes are black as the night sky, they're big and rounded just like black pearls that were preserved well at the bottom of the ocean.

A soft knock came from the door, slowly entering as he open the door. Xander set his eyes on Xia who is curled up against the window. "Can't sleep?" his voice is deep but holds softness and care. Xia nodded her head and looked to the moon.

"Xander, even if I have good memory. How come some parts of my youth are missing? I only remember myself being with you all the time." "And that is enough" Xander interrupted. He pecked her cheek and smiled "What's in the past should be left behind, what you should focus more on the future ahead of you" Xia closed her eyes and smiled. He is right, it won't change anything whether she remember the past or not, right?

After Xander left, Xia is already laying on her bed. She glanced at a framed picture. The picture is blurred but you can still see that the boy is smiling. Xia furrowed her eyebrows "who are you?" She turned her back at the picture and closed her eyes to sleep.

Morning came, Xia is eating her breakfast with her brother. As usual her father is not around but she didn't care. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "are you expecting visitors?" Xander asked. Xia shooked her head, why would she invite someone to her house? that's highly unlike her. They let the maid welcome the unknown visitor and continued eating.

Minutes later, the maid rushed back and whispered to Xander's ear. His expression turned serious as he listens to the maid. He looked at Xia who was still eating her breakfast plate. "Who's here?" She asked, Xander sighed "It's Vincent and Ann"

Xia nearly choked after hearing this, "why is Vincent here?" "shouldn't you be asking yourself?" Xander replied with a hint of sarcasm. Indeed, Xia would've accepted the surprise visit if it was only Ann but Vincent! Xia stood up from her seat "I'm going to talk to them for a moment" Xander didn't give any response but Xia already head into the living room to meet them.

"Morning, What happened to you?" Ann asked as she saw her friend limping. Xia gave her a stern look. Ann smiled akwardly, guilty of what she's done. "Lovely morning, Xia" Vincent greeted as he give Xia a little parcel. "Thank you" Xia smiled but quickly disappeared "Mind telling me why are you two here" "It's a long story" Ann tried to reason with her. Xia sighed "You can wait in the garden, I'll join you later"

Vincent swept his gaze on the entire garden, paying attention to every detail. His gaze then focused on a little swing that is tied on a tree branch. He approached the swing that was rocking because of the wind. He gave a tender smile as he examine the swing. At it's seat, the wood is carved with initials. (V×X) "That swing has been their when I was young, sadly I didn't play with it after sometime and just left it there" Xia suddenly spoke from behind "Whose intials are these" Vincent asked curiously "I don't know, perhaps from my brother and his friend" Xia shrugged.

"Really?" "Who knows" Vincent was disappointed with her answer. He felt like she was avoiding the question he throws at her.

After setting up the tea and cookies, Xia sat down with the both of them. "Xia, how long has it been since you and Ann became friends?" Vincent asked while Xia is pouring him tea. "I don't remember, we've been friends since we were young" Ann looked at her while sipping tea. "We used to have another kid play with us but after me and Xia moved we didn't contacted each other for a long time" Ann put down her teacup and reached for a sugar cookie.

"Xia, come here for a second." Xander called, he is talking to someone on the other side of the phone. "excuse me" Xia rushed to Xander leaving the two people again. Ann sighed, "Do you know who is the kid you often played with?" continuing the discussion that was interrupted, Xander's interest grew "Sadly no" Ann looked the other way as she don't want to talk about the topic further.

After some thought, Xander gave up in pursuing his goal for coming here. He sipped his tea and sighed disappointingly. Xander saw everything behind the glass that is from floor to ceiling. He smirked, seeing through his plan was no big deal. He could just ignore the unknown number but as the saying goes: curiosity kills the cat. Pulling Xia out from the discussion table on purpose is worth it.