
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
42 Chs

Chapter 39

Asmodeus' Pov

Wait Does this mean Sam is the Carrier, My Mate is the Carrier of the Vail, I didn't notice Sam was tugging on my shirt until he said something "W-what are you thinking about?" My mate as in a nervous tone.

I patted his Head in reassuring him, "Nothing" I replied, This means that he can Carry my child, This is a wonderful news, but Sam still doesn't know he is my mate, I don't want to scare him so I'll take things slow after I reveal everything.

The moment we enter my chamber Cerberus Ran to Sam then started Licking his face, Sam hugged Cerberus as he avoid Cerberus' Tongue, "I miss you too bud" Sam said to Cerberus patting his head.

That damn dog is just being overdramatic, His Hogging my mate, Even I'm jealous of a Dog can you believe it?! "Enough, Go to your corner" I ordered at Cerberus pointing my finger in the corner of the room.

But Cerberus look at me before he started growling, I glared back at him, I should have abandon you in that Forest if I knew you'd be like this, "Shut up and go back to your corner" I shouted at him, He barked at me a few times but he eventually followed my instructions, He just sat there looking at some with his puppy dog eyes expecting Sam to complain, but when Sam looked at me he could only give Cerberus a Sorry smile.

I smirk internally feeling happy at my accomplishment, I motion for Sam to sat down on the bed While I follow him behind, "So I'm guessing you want an explanation" I told Sam who only nodded, "First of all as You can tell I'm a Demon" For a Moment Sam looked afraid when I said the word 'Demon' which made me feel hurt, I continued my explanation to him "Second That Guy in your house a minute ago, He was an Angel-" Sam cut me off "Yes, He already told me about that part", Well less explaining for me.

"I think you already know what the Vail do" I said, he nodded, "Don't freak out on what I'm about to tell you, Okay" I said to him looking at him straight on the eye, "You are My Mate, Do you know what it means?" I ask him then he shook his head 'no' "So a Mate means His Your other Half, Your Destined Pair".

"Wait what?" Sam ask cutting my sentence "Yes you heard me right, I am yours and You are Mine" Sam looked nervous as I finish my sentence as if Something bothering him, "I-i-i Cant be yours I Already have Lovers", Did I hear that correctly 'Lovers' so there's more of them?!!

I didn't realize that My horns was showing until Sam shuffled away from me, I manage to compose myself again retracting my horns, It doesn't matter whether he have a lover or not, He is Mine and I am his, nothing will change, I'll keep him here for now Until I get rid of that angel.

"Who are these Lovers of yours, Sam Huh?"

He was hesitant to answer which made me even more curious, I was thinking of maybe he was being abuse by his Lovers or something, Just the thought of someone hurting my Mate infuriates me to no end, If I find out that Sam is being abuse I will make sure to make their soul suffer.