
My Twin and I (WAR OF THE TWINS)

Angelic, social, lovely, adorable, sweet, young twins who make the third leg of every young man rise like a dragon head. They make the young maidens of their age gasp for air and jelousy, you can't possibly ask for more when you have this outstanding twins.Talk of beauty, talk of intelligence and all, but one flaw. Abel is a kindhearted young woman, full of love and ambition, but slightly stupid {Lol}. She went through a lot of life threatening issues both in love and agony. Abel became a Viper just within a night, because of the death sentence she received from her twin. She went through a lot of heart breaks from the one she love due to her twin. Ana has already been a devil right from time, she found out that her twin is the only obstacle for her star to shine to the world without any support or without anybody sharing part of her happiness, Abel is her obstacle, Abel is the only blockade... without Abel no one can stop her. Micheal is the sole Heir to the Luis international group of companies. He is a devil in disguise, the only man that can kill all the living things in the world in other to have the woman he desires, the only man that gets bloody to revenge the woman of his life... he went through so many temptations in the hands of Abel twin sister. Chan is the biological junior brother of Micheal, he could do anything to have his missing rib even if it meant eliminating his elder brother. He worked hand in hand with Ana most times just to have Abel for himself. Michelle is a Russian lady Abel's true confidante. Ben: Ana's driver. Mother Theresa Micheal and Chan's biological mother. Ronald: Ana's secret lover.

Misstosin · 一般的
36 Chs

Let's Visit The City

Bernard can you come into my office now?

Alright ma'am.


"Your mind is here or not?"


"Why did you call me?"

"Review this file".... she passes a blue file to him stating Don Philip C of O. Bernard was left speechless.....




"Why what?"


"A second time".


"A third".

"Get your hands off this case".

"Why would I?"

"This is beyond your imagination. Do you know who Don Philip back up is?"


"It totally means you going against Micheal Luis."

"Well I just wanna acquire the property".

"Luis has a larger share of stock exchange in Don Philip wine."

"Well we could add up the shares of my late twin sister alongside with mine."

"No!!!" Bernard barked. Ana became solemnly interested as to why Bernard is against her decision for the first time in his life. She knew she was always safe with Bernard around. Looks like this moment is off point.

"Bernard I do not think you still have a lingering affection towards my sister, besides she is dead. I just want the best for her and her name has to be remembered by everyone. Even in death she has to contribute to the grateness of our company. Father worked hard for it. You and I both know how hard I try just to get acknowledged by father. This is a high share that every stable business organisation are spending their last to acquire."

"Ana, please not now."

"Why not?"

"Don't interfere in the possession of Philip wines. We can't buy it."

"Do I count this as your wish or your sister's?"

"For the company's sake, if you need my opinion count me off this, Ana not at this period, we are falling, we don't do business like this."


"Ana, look you are fighting for a position you can't win. In short you will have some loss. As a business woman you need to think about your gain and loss. Now 20% of your shares would be added alongside with 30% of your sister's share making 50% even if borrow miss Lutiana 10% of shares making 60% approximately 40% is needed more to acquire the rest of the property. You are not in good terms with the managing director not Father. See Micheal Luis can get a total of 60% of shares from his own company not to talk of borrowing his brothers 30% and then borrowing a total of 10% from Dave Ronald. You will loose this game if you don't tred softly Ana. All that glitters is not gold."

"You suggesting I drop it?"

"Yes Ana."

"Okay you can leave with the file. I will think of other ways."

"Bernard took the file and made a move to go but turned back instantly and thanked Ana."


"Hun yes??"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything." Ana smiled as Bernard left her office.




"Why are you packing up your bag? Did Dave send you away?"

"No Miss Angel."

"Then why?"

"I just need to be off here for days. I need to relieve Mr Dave's stress by doing this."

"Then can you at least let me see your face for once? So when we meet in the future I will know it's you. Why do you always have your face covered? Do you have scars? Did Dave hurt you as well?"

"No he doesn't hurt innocent souls. I will take off my cover for you at the appropriate time but not today. "

"Wh....???" She was about to stretch her hand towards Xaviers cheek but she got interrupted.

"Xavier and I are going on a business meeting. We will be back in a couple of days."

"Including you??"


She scoffed..... "Oh really? Then why am I the only one left out?"

"You need to rest and recover."

"Well I could rest when I am done packing too."

"Angel!" Dave almost had to shout at her but retreated and calm his temper.

"What's wrong?"

"We won't stay long."

"I know too. Okay stay safe." She ran as quickly as she can upstairs. Dave never looked back, he dashed out of the room almost immediately with Xavier.

In her room.


"Oh oh oh no.... ma'am please stop crying. Mr is gone now." Instantly an idea popped into Angels mind upon hearing those words.

"Let's visit the city!!!" she smiled so mischievously.

●Oh no. She is trying to escape●

"Ahhhh! please kill me! I rather die than to help you escape. His highness only told us to look after you. He won't be gone for long...." she went on her knees instantly and bowed for an instant plead.


"Yes the Prince promised to behead us if anything happens to you."

"The Prince? What prince?"

"The owner of this Castle Mr Dave."

"He is a prince?" ●She doesn't seems to know.... oh I am so stupid. He told me not to have a sleep of tongue. What do I say now?●

"No not him! I remember! It's the person she once worked for who looks as handsome as boss. It's because she craved for him back then so she usually mistake him for boss at times, right Michelle?" (Aliyah"An Arabian lady skilled in martial art and smart in twisting a situation at an instant".)

"Yes ma'am Aliyah is right. You know we are friends I tell her most things about me." ●O my... thanks Aliyah you are my saviour if not I would have been beheaded once the Prince gets back●

"Oh Michelle... get up."

"No ma'am I will stay put this way."

"Michelle you are no longer working in the palace or with your prince. You have been assigned to me by Dave. You only need to listen to my orders now." She helped her up.

"Miss don't you like Mr Dave? Why do you plan on eloping.

"Eloping? ??" Angel was shocked.... How can she classify that as an elopement, She looked at Aliyah as if waiting on her answer towards Michelle word before replying but it seems Aliyah also feels the same.

"I am not eloping. The real truth is that I want to surprise Dave at his office. How can he just give me a shocker without him receiving one as well.



"Oh but I don't know the way there".... ●oh no, she is really a psychopath●

"I do know the place.


"I have been there once"

"Once??? It's a long journey from here. We don't know if he is at work"

"He leaves the house for business meetings and strategies at work."

"Oh alright ma'am".... ●oh no. He is not even at work. What do we do?● They both left the room to get ready for their outing.

{Next Chapter: Miss Ana}.