
my truth

Equality, love, humility, honesty, purity, these are the qualities of humanity; He went on the policy of deceit, deceit, price, penalty, differenceAdopting, sowed the seeds of hatred between mankind and human beings and then humans started fighting among themselves and due to this humanity became weak and taking advantage of this weakness, demons and demons attacked mankind. And by the time the human race could understand something, even before that the demons destroyed the entire human raceHukum became Shah, once the power came in hand, those demons committed unrelenting atrocities on mankind, they made the entire human race their slave due to their hatred of mankind. And due to the fire of this stomach, mankind also stopped attacking each otherThe demons would pick up the women and teenage women of any house that did not back down and force them to either leave them or kill them and then eat them raw, due to the atrocities of the demons, the whole world After all, the human race is the god of gods, MahadevHe decided to go to the refuge of Mahadev. Humanity worshiped Mahadev for 2000 years. Finally, because of his devotees of humanity, he became happy and he appeared on the earth. Seeing such plight of her devotees, she turned red with anger from her eyesThe blazing flame started rising, finally he opened his third eye and he started dancing the tandav, as he went on dancing, different human and animal figures came out from his body and those figures became all the grandfathers present in the world and She started annihilating the demons just like the orgyAlthough all the demons and demons present in this world died while dancing, all humanity stood in front of them to see their orgy dance. He started running here and there to save his life, but how much was heEven if he didn't do anything, he could not escape the wrath of all Mahadev, he killed all the kings of the demons, the kings of the demons, there was a 4-month-old boy whose parents were killed by those figures in front of his eyes. Seeing his parents dying like this helpless, in the mind of that childThe blazing flame of anger towards humanity and Mahadev lit up in front of the dead body of his parents, the demon boy crawled on seeing those dead bodies, and he looked at the helpless child in his eyes. Seeing this, Mahadev also felt pity on him and he decided to forgive that childHe decided that he had also seen the feeling of hatred towards himself in that child's eyes. The demon was saved, after the end of all the demons, Mahadev was again from this worldBut in this world a janu child was still alive and that too with the fire of his vengeance towards humanity, he took shelter in the dense forests and by cutting off his body parts, he started increasing the demon race again. Taking inspiration from Mahadev Tandav dance, he renamed his clan as Tandav clanFrom then he started to infiltrate the human race, he regained many supernatural powers and now he came to know that a prince in the world has the blessings of Mahadev and was born again to eliminate the demons from the world. If this happened, then he made his body soulless in his sleepThe demons believed that their enemy was over, but after 900 years, the prince again assumed the body of an orphan weak boy from a distant country. Can an orphan boy with a weak body really face the demons? Or will he again become a victim of the deceit of the demons or will this againThe kingdom of demons will be established in the world, keep reading to know the story my truth(This story is a fantasy in a parallel world)

Raging_dragons · 軍事
64 Chs


He rises to Mandar using his full speed but a wolf human appears in front of him to defend him. Before Pride can shoot a sword at Mandar, the wolf gives a punch to the human Pride's chest. Only pride goes flying away in the air, it is a blue energy flyingIt is about to hit the wall, as soon as it comes to mind, pride generates snow with the tip of his sword and sends it to the ground and it gets stuck in the ground so that it stops at one place flying in the air. That more than 50 men who look like that wolf have come here and all of them belong to himHe is moving towards the same place and Mandar was sitting comfortably in one place and smiling looking at the pride, some wolf humans were standing by his side to protect him. Throws a rope on the side so that he can hold the pride, this thing to the prideComes into attention and he defends himself by sliding to the right. Before he can defend himself, another rope is coming towards his neck. Garv was constantly defending himself from these ropes. I was running continuously from the place and all the other wolf humans were chasing himWere there because there are thousands of rooms, that's why pride was running left and right from the space between those rooms, no matter how high the speed of those wolf humans, but due to constant running from right to left, they had to complete their speed. It was not possible to use the capacity, but here now more than 100The wolf man had arrived and he was chasing Pride from all directions, so at this point it was difficult for Pride to defend itself. He then entered a blue energy room using his storage ring. But he does not come out of the storage ring by going to that room, that storage ringAll the wolves are frightened by the disappearance of human pride and they were wandering around in search of pride. Pride storage Going inside the ring does not come out from there, he stays inside and observes all the outsideHe was doing all the inspection outside the storage ring and if anyone had seen that ring from outside, then he would see only a simple ring, Mandar gets flustered by the sudden disappearance of pride and he shouts The wolf was going to tell the human to find him and let that proud child escapeAfter this, the wolf human roaming here and there fast starts looking for pride and pride is not visible anywhere, but still he was looking for him everywhere inside the prison when a wolf human Proud comes in front of the roomcentimeter large hole, the ear hole of this wolf human is very big, so that inside the pride story storage ring could have come easily Throws the ring and enters it at the same moment that storage ring directlyAfter coming out of the hole of that room, that wolf goes into the ear hole of that human because his ear hole is three and a half centimeters big, so the storage ring of pride easily goes inside his ear. This ring does not go very deep inside his ear, otherwise that ring will go to his eartearing the paddo will reach his brain and this wolf human will die in his place then pride takes a knife out of his storage ring and fixes it in one of his ears that wolf human felt that something in his left ear And when he looks to the left, he felt that there was nothing thereSomething went into the ear. He rubs his left ear and then moves forward. As he passes in front of the other inmates' room, proudly and with the help of a knife from inside the wolf human's ear, his storage. Taking the ring out of his ear, he throws it into a hole three centimeters large in that roomThat wolf man again felt that something had gone in his left ear but nothing had happened there and because of his height, he does not see the storage ring going down inside that blue room, proudly staying inside the storage ring He could keep an eye around when he thinks that any wolf human that thatThere is no sight inside the room, he immediately brings the unconscious prisoners inside his storage ring because these prisoners are very necessary for the state, so it was necessary to save the lives of these prisoners if Bharatpur state lost these prisoners. If given, he would not have been able to know the necessary information proudly for more than an hourBrings the prisoners lying unconscious there to his storage ring, he had sent more than half the prisoners to his storage ring safely. Mandar soon realized that something was wrong there, the number of prisoners present there less than before This thing was happening to him, he came to mind that he was his bodyguardExcept he does not dare to wander here and there at all, he is watching from losing all the game, he sees that the number of prisoners is decreasing than before, he joins with the Tandav clan along with all the prisoners present there. They had come here to kidnap pride, but the prisoners here were missing like thisSeeing what he would answer to the elders of the Tandav clan, he was getting angry thinking that he would have to find some way to catch the pride at this time, otherwise his senior officers of the Tandav clan would be in a very bad condition only then to control his blue energy. The instrument is seen and it is its partWith the guards, he was moving towards that device, at this time pride was inside a corner room of that prison and that device was in the other corner of the prison, there is a gap of more than 1 kilometer between them, but pride was kept in the storage ring. Even while living inside, it was seen that Mandar was pointing towards the device with his bodyguard KMoving along, he quickly comes out of that room with the help of his storage ring, he was staring at Mandar with an icy sword in his hand, as soon as he left the room, all the wolf looked at the pride of the human. He had given up searching for pride for a whole hour and had given up on one of the jailsThey had gathered near Mandar in the corner and at this time pride was in his other corner in the prison of pride, as soon as he saw the pride, the wolf was staring at the human pride, hold it Mandar shouts loudly as soon as he shouts he takes all the pride They run towards the side and Mandar again laughing at the pride and looking at that instrumentThe side was starting to grow with his bodyguards, it had become a very difficult situation, if Mandar would spoil that device, then the walls made of blue energy would disappear here and that wolf human took all the prisoners and took them with them. And it wasn't time to think much of that wolf human prideHe was getting very close, he would have to do something as soon as possible, then pride spreads a thick sheet of ice with the help of his ice sword on the walls of blue energy present there, due to which that snow melts from there and becomes baffle immediately. Because of this, only Baaf spreads everywhere in the prison of that BaafNo one could see the pride in the middle, they were all disappearing under the smoke of the father, because of the hot baf, their body starts burning, but their wounds were getting healed again. Proud to see that Surprise is astonished