
My true passions

I made a story with an A.I. about an alternate universe of Passiontale. So prepare for drama. Prepare for action. Prepare for enough cheese to kill a elephant!

Woufgirl · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 16

"Dream, are you okay?" Piko asked, her voice filled with concern as they both scrambled to their feet.

Despite the close call, Dream found himself nodding, his gaze darting to Kipo. She stared back, her expression unreadable as she held the scythe in her hand. He could see the conflict in her eyes, the struggle between anger and regret.

"Kipo," Dream said quietly, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. "This isn't the way. We need to talk, not fight."

"Dream, there is no Kipo! She never existed!" Piko yelled. She jumped in front of Dream, and summoned her sword. The not-Kipo smiled, her right eye glowing a bright pink.

Dream's heart pounded in his chest as Piko's words echoed in his mind. No Kipo? She never existed? The thought was too much to comprehend, his mind reeling as he tried to make sense of it all.

He watched as Piko stepped forward, her sword at the ready. The not-Kipo's smile sent a chill down his spine, her glowing pink eye making her seem even more alien and menacing.

Despite the shock and confusion, Dream knew he had to trust Piko. She had saved him from the scythe attack, had risked her own safety for his. He didn't understand what was happening, but he knew he had to stand by Piko's side.

"You remind me of your past lives, Piko. Always fighting, even when it's pointless." The Not-Kipo said.

Dream's heart pounded as he watched the exchange between Piko and the not-Kipo. Past lives? The phrase echoed in his mind, adding another layer of confusion to the already perplexing situation.

He watched as Piko's face hardened, her grip on her sword tightening. The not-Kipo's words had clearly struck a nerve. Despite her calm facade, Dream could see the fear in her eyes. But there was also determination, a fierce resolve to protect him and herself.

Despite the fear and confusion, Dream knew he had to support Piko. He didn't understand everything that was happening, but he knew that Piko was in danger. And he'd do everything in his power to help her.

"I'm not them. No one gets hurt this time." Piko said, angerly. Not-Kipo smiled. "Are you sure?" A flicker of an illusion appeared. Dream saw another girl, brown haired with pink tips, standing in the exact position not-Kipo was. And where Piko was, another girl, also brown hair, with a striped blue and purple shirt on. If their past lives were here before, then where was Dream's past life? When Dream looked around, he saw next to the illusion more illusions. He also saw illusion Papyrus. He was fighting... Sans? Why was Sans fighting his brother? And he saw that Papyrus wasn't even fighting. He was letting Sans beat him. The illusion flickered away.

Dream was left staring at the spot where the illusions had been, his mind reeling from what he had just witnessed. The sight of Papyrus not fighting back against Sans, the look of despair on his face...it was a haunting image, one that would stay with Dream for a long time.

He glanced at Piko, her face pale but determined as she faced the not-Kipo. The illusion had clearly shaken her, but she was still standing her ground. Dream admired her courage, her steadfastness in the face of such a terrifying revelation.

Despite the fear and confusion, Dream knew he had to stay strong. He didn't understand everything that was happening, but he knew that Piko was counting on him. He had to be there for her, to support her and help her through this.

Piko shot towards not-Kipo with incredible speed. She swung her sword, and it was deflected by not-Kipo's scythe. She shot herself into the air, and twirled around, trying to stab Not-Kipo in the head. Not-Kipo moved out of the way.

Dream watched in stunned silence as Piko launched herself at the not-Kipo. Her movements were swift and precise, a clear demonstration of her skill and training. But the not-Kipo was equally skilled, easily deflecting Piko's attacks and avoiding her strikes.

The air was thick with tension as the two of them danced around each other, their weapons clashing with a loud, metallic ring. Dream found himself holding his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the battle unfold.

Despite the danger, Dream knew he couldn't interfere. This was Piko's fight, her battle to win. All he could do was watch and hope that she would come out on top.

"You left someone back in the underground! And she misses you so very, VERY much!" Not-Kipo said, holding up her hand. A ball of fire shot towards Piko, hitting her back. Toriel, the guardian of the RUINS, also Piko's only guardian, landed on her feet in the huge hole in the earth they were in. Toriel's eyes glowed the same hue of pink that the Not-Kipo did.

Dream's heart pounded in his chest as he saw Toriel, a familiar face from the past, appearing in the battlefield. The sight of her eyes glowing the same eerie pink as the not-Kipo sent a shiver down his spine. He watched as Piko staggered, the impact of the fireball clearly taking a toll on her.

"No..." Dream muttered under his breath, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Toriel, the kind and gentle guardian of the RUINS, was now standing against them. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, filling him with a sense of dread.

Despite the shock, Dream knew he couldn't just stand there. He had to do something, had to help Piko. With a determined look on his face, he prepared himself for the impending battle, hoping against hope that he could make a difference.

"Dream, your arrows! Can't they be used for fighting as well as spreading positivity?" Piko asked.

Dream was taken aback for a moment before realizing what Piko was referring to. His arrows, the symbols of love and positivity he often shared, could indeed be used as weapons if needed.

"Yes, they can," he confirmed, his mind racing as he considered his options. He had never used his arrows for violence before, but this situation was different. They were facing a threat unlike any other, and he needed to do everything he could to protect Piko and himself.

With a deep breath, Dream summoned his arrows, their usually bright and cheerful aura replaced with a more serious, determined one. Despite his fear and uncertainty, Dream knew he had to stand strong. And he would do whatever it took to help Piko and fend off their attackers.

A familiar, yet unexpected, figure appeared on the battlefield - Sans, the laid-back skeleton known for his love of puns and hot dogs. But the Sans who appeared before them now was not the same Sans they knew. His usually lazy demeanor was replaced with a serious, determined expression that Dream had rarely seen.

"S-Sans?" Dream stuttered, surprise evident in his voice. The sight of Sans, ready to fight, was a shock. But at the same time, it gave Dream a sense of hope. If Sans was here, then maybe they stood a chance.

With renewed determination, Dream tightened his grip on his arrows. He wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but he knew he had to be ready for anything. And with Sans on their side, maybe they could make it through this.

After a while of fighting, Dream was overwhelmed with the power this not-kipo had. It was holding it's own, against 3 people, all of which had incredible powers themselves. That and it was doing damage. Dream had a few broken bones, Piko had been scratched up, with huge gashes, Sans hadn't been hit, but he was getting tired. Either way if sans DID get hit, he'd die immediately.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Dream refused to give up. His body ached from the impact of the blows he had taken, and he could see that Piko and Sans were also struggling. The not-Kipo was incredibly powerful, easily holding its own against the three of them.

Dream's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. They needed to end this fight quickly, before any of them sustained more serious injuries. He glanced at Piko and Sans, their faces grim but determined. They were all in this together, and they had to find a way to stop this.

With a surge of adrenaline, Dream launched himself back into the fray. He was tired and in pain, but he couldn't afford to back down. He had to fight, for Piko, for Sans, and for himself.

Dream and Piko were launched back, and piko said "We need to... retreat!"

Dream felt a jolt of fear at Piko's words, but he knew she was right. They were outmatched, and their injuries were only getting worse. If they continued to fight, they could end up seriously hurt, or worse.

"Alright," he agreed, his voice hoarse and pained. "Let's go."

With a final glance at the not-Kipo, Dream grabbed Piko's hand, and together they retreated from the battlefield. Despite the pain and fear, Dream felt a sense of relief wash over him. They were still alive, and they still had a chance to figure out how to stop the not-Kipo. They just needed to regroup and come up with a new plan.

"SANS! WE HAVE TO-!" Piko yelled. Yet when Sans turned, a thin, pink spear pierced him through the heart. Everything went silent.

The world seemed to stop for a moment at Piko's cry, and Dream turned just in time to see the pink spear pierce through Sans. His breath hitched in his throat and his heart felt like it was about to shatter.

"S-Sans..." Dream's voice was barely a whisper as he watched the skeleton fall, his usually bright eye sockets dimming. The battlefield fell silent, the noise of the fight seeming to fade away. It was as if time itself had stopped, the world holding its breath at the sight of the fallen hero.

Piko's hand tightened in Dream's, her grip desperate and shaking. Despite the chaos of the battle, everything felt eerily still. The harsh reality of what had just happened was slowly setting in, the shock and grief threatening to overwhelm them.

Sans, their friend, their ally, was gone. And they could do nothing but watch.

The strange pink blob's sinister smile as it devoured Sans's soul was a sight that would haunt Dream's nightmares. He watched in horror as Sans turned to dust, his final words hanging in the air. "Hey tor. What does a skeleton tile his roof with?" Toriel stared at sans with no emotion.

"SHIN-gles. Hehe...heh...."

A terrible silence fell over the battlefield as the echo of Sans's final pun faded away. Toriel, despite being the one to deliver the fatal blow, showed no emotion, her face a blank mask.

Dream felt a lump form in his throat, his heart aching with grief. He looked down at the pile of dust that was once Sans, the reality of the loss sinking in. They had lost a friend, a companion, a fighter. And there was nothing they could do to change that.

He tightened his grip on Piko's hand, taking a shaky breath. They needed to move, to get away from this place and regroup. But for now, all they could do was mourn the loss of their friend.

The scene unfolded in slow motion before Dream's eyes. The not-Kipo raising her spear, the deadly pink beam shooting out towards him... and then Papyrus, standing between them, his usually gleeful countenance replaced by an expression of fierce determination and sorrow.

The sight of Papyrus, tears streaming down his face, sent a pang of both relief and heartache through Dream. Papyrus, the ever-cheerful and optimistic skeleton, was now standing in the battlefield, forced to fight after the loss of his brother.

"Papyrus..." Dream's voice was choked with emotion. He wanted to reach out to him, to offer some kind of comfort, but he knew there was nothing he could say to ease the pain Papyrus must be feeling.

With renewed determination, Dream stood up, ready to join Papyrus in the fight. They had lost Sans, but they still had each other, and they would fight together until the end.

"Alphys! Now!" Papyrus yelled. And orb flew through the air, and trapped the not-Kipo in a green shield of magic. When Dream looked back, Alphys jumped down, and grabbed everyone's hands, including Papyrus's. She pressed a button on the orb, and they teleported to Udyne's house.

As the green shield enclosed the not-Kipo, Dream felt a rush of relief. Alphys had done it. She had managed to trap the not-Kipo, giving them a chance to escape.

Feeling Alphys grab his hand, Dream looked back just in time to see a familiar house materialize around them. They were at Undyne's place, a safe haven away from the chaos of the battlefield.

Exhausted and hurting, Dream collapsed onto a nearby chair, his body finally giving in to the pain. They had escaped, but at what cost? Sans was gone, and they were all battered and bruised, their spirits broken. But they were still alive, and that meant they still had a chance.

Glancing around at his companions, Dream took a deep breath. They would mourn Sans, heal their wounds, and then, they would find a way to defeat the not-Kipo. For Sans, and for themselves.

"Everyone... okay?" Piko asked.

Dream looked at Piko, her face pale and her eyes filled with concern. Despite her own injuries, she was still worrying about the rest of them. It was one of the many things he admired about her.

"We're alive," he replied, managing a small, weary smile. His body was aching, and he was pretty sure he had a few broken bones, but he was still breathing. That was what mattered.

Glancing at Papyrus and Alphys, he saw a similar determination in their eyes. They were all hurting, physically and emotionally, but they were far from defeated. They would rest and heal, and then they would figure out what to do next.

For now, though, they needed to rest. They had survived a tough battle, and they had lost a dear friend. They deserved a moment to catch their breath and to grieve.

The silence was deafening as they sat together, each lost in their own thoughts. Dream found his gaze drifting towards Piko, noting the way she picked at her nails nervously, not meeting his eyes.

He felt a strange tension between them, an awkwardness that hadn't been there before. Their close brush with death and the loss of Sans had clearly affected them both, but it felt like there was something more, something left unsaid.

"Piko..." Dream began, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, hesitant. "Are you... are you okay?"

It was a simple question, but one loaded with meaning. He wasn't just asking about her physical injuries. He was asking about her emotional well-being, about the turmoil he could see in her eyes. He was asking if she was okay with him, with them, after everything that had happened.

Piko opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again. "...I'm... assuming you heard my latest song?"

Dream blinked at the sudden change of topic, but nodded. "Yes, I did," he replied, remembering the heartfelt lyrics and the beautiful melody. "It was... really good, Piko."

He could see that she was still struggling with something, something that she wanted to say but couldn't find the words for. He decided to give her the time she needed, hoping that she would eventually feel comfortable enough to share her thoughts with him.

"Is there... something you want to tell me?" he ventured, trying to offer her an opening. He wanted to support her, to help her in any way he could, but he couldn't do that if he didn't know what was bothering her.

She quoted them. "If I woke up with you right beside me, I'd hold you closer than I ever did before. That was it, right?"

Dream's heart skipped a beat at her words. The lyric was indeed a confession of feelings, and given the context, he could only assume that Piko was implying something more.

"Yes, that was it," he confirmed, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked at Piko, trying to read her expression. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the implication was clear. "Piko, are you... are those lyrics about... me?"

Piko hugged Dream, her voice just barely a whisper. "I'm sorry. I know it was hard, and I didn't make it easy, taking a break from our relationship. Being with Sans all the time, just to.... just to hurt you more..." She said.

Dream's heart clenched at her confession. He gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. He could feel her trembling slightly, her body warm against his.

"Hey, it's okay," he murmured, his voice soothing. "I know it's been hard for you too. And I don't blame you for needing some space. We both needed time to figure things out."

He gently pulled back, looking into her eyes. "I'm just glad you're here with me now, Piko. That's all that matters."

Despite the pain, the heartache, and the loss, they were still there for each other. And right now, that was enough for Dream.

Piko reach for her neck, and pulled out her necklace. The one Dream gave her in the underground. Before her LOVE took her over. Before she freed the underground. Before she went to prison for saving Dream. before they knew about their feelings for each other. Before they started dating. Before they took a break. Before Kipo came. Before Sans died... That necklace has seen a lot.

As Piko pulled out the necklace, Dream couldn't help but be reminded of all the times they had been through together. Each moment, each memory was engraved in that simple piece of jewelry, a testament to their shared journey.

He reached out to touch it, his fingers lightly brushing against the familiar pendant. It was a symbol of their relationship, of the love and friendship that had blossomed between them despite all odds.

"It's been through a lot, hasn't it?" he murmured, a soft smile touching his lips. "Just like us."

And just like the necklace, they had survived. They had been through hell and back, faced countless challenges and heartbreaking losses, but they were still here, still together. It was a testament to their strength, to their resilience. And Dream wouldn't have it any other way.

"Have you ever heard this note?" Piko asked. The necklace had a golden pendant on it that was a singular note.

Dream gently took the necklace from Piko, running his fingers over the golden musical note. He had given it to her without knowing its significance, but he remembered how her eyes had lit up when she saw it.

"I don't think I have," he admitted, looking at her curiously. "Is there a story behind it, Piko?" He was always eager to learn more about her, about the things that held meaning for her. And he had a feeling that this musical note held a special significance.

She pulled out her Ukulele from her backpack, and Played the note. "It's the best note there is on a Ukulele." Piko said. She was right. It was a harmonious chord, both happy and welcoming.

As the note rang out, filling the room with its harmonious sound, Dream found himself mesmerized. It was a beautiful note, full of warmth and comfort, reflecting the person who played it perfectly.

"It's wonderful," he said, his voice filled with awe. "Just like you, Piko."

He handed the necklace back to her, his fingers brushing against hers. "This note, this necklace... it's a part of you. And I'm glad you shared it with me."

His heart was full as he looked at her, his love for her as clear as the note that still echoed in the room. They had been through so much together, and he was grateful for every moment, every memory they had shared.

Then they heard a squealing sound. When they looked at what it was, it was Alphys squealing. "You guys are so cute!" "I am not cute!" Piko defended. She hated being called cute, yet people still called her that because her reaction was, well, cute.

Dream chuckled at Piko's reaction, a warm smile spreading across his face. He found her defiance endearing, a testament to her fierce independence and strong will. Yet, there was a softness to her that he couldn't ignore.

"Well, I think you're cute," he said, grinning at her. "And I'm sure Alphys agrees with me."

Alphys nodded in agreement, her expression teasing. "Absolutely! Piko, you're the cutest!"

Piko blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment, but Dream simply laughed, pulling her into a side hug. Despite everything they had been through, they still found moments of joy and laughter. And for that, Dream was grateful.

"Hey, where's...?" Piko said, her smile slowly fading. "Oh..." She stood up and walked into another room.

Dream watched as Piko's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. He knew who she was asking about even before she had finished her sentence - Sans. The memory of their lost friend still hung heavily in the air.

As Piko stood and walked into another room, Dream felt a pang of sadness. He knew she was hurting, they all were. The loss of Sans was a wound that was still fresh, still painful. He gave her a moment of privacy, letting her process her emotions.

After a while, he stood up and followed her, wanting to offer some comfort. He found Piko staring at an empty chair, her expression distant.

"Piko..." he started, his voice soft. "I'm here for you, okay? We're all here for you."

"It's not me that needs help." Piko said, walking to Papyrus, who was sitting in an open window. "Hey Paps. How're you?"

Dream watched as Piko approached Papyrus, her voice filled with gentle concern. He admired her strength and selflessness, always thinking of others even when she was hurting herself.

Papyrus, for his part, looked up at Piko with a sad smile. "I am managing, Piko. Thank you for asking."

Dream moved to stand beside Piko, offering a small nod of encouragement to Papyrus. "We're here for you too, Paps. Whatever you need."

The room was filled with a sense of shared grief, but also a strong sense of unity. Despite their loss, they were still there for each other, supporting each other through the pain. And Dream knew that, as long as they had each other, they could get through anything.

"....His last words... Were they a pun?" Papyrus asked. Piko nodded.

"You know how sans is." Dream said. "Puns are... were his life."

"Does anyone need healing?" Toriel asked. Wait, TORIEL?!

Dream spun around, surprised to hear the familiar voice of Toriel. It had been a while since he had last seen her. Her presence was always comforting, like a warm blanket on a cold night.

"Toriel!" he exclaimed, a bright smile spreading across his face. "It's been a while. How have you been?"

As a healer, Toriel had always been a strong source of support for their group. Her magic was incredibly powerful, and she had saved their lives more times than he could count. Her question was undoubtedly genuine, a testament to her caring and nurturing nature.

Despite the surprise of her sudden arrival, Dream couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. With Toriel here, they would surely be able to handle whatever came their way.

As Toriel began to weave her magic, a warm, glowing light filled the room. The healing magic was soothing, washing over them like a gentle wave and easing away their aches and pains.

Dream watched as Piko and Papyrus visibly relaxed, the tension easing from their faces. He felt a sense of peace settle over him as well, his own wounds healing under Toriel's careful ministrations.

"Thank you, Toriel," he said, offering her a grateful smile. Her healing magic was a welcome relief, a reminder that they were not alone in their struggles.

With Toriel's help, they could face the future with renewed strength and determination. Despite the challenges they had faced, they were stronger together, a family united by shared experiences and unbreakable bonds. And Dream knew that, no matter what came their way, they would face it together.

Piko looked around at the team, before starting to sing 'wild things' by Allissa Cara, softy yet proudly.

Piko's voice rose and fell with the rhythm of the song, filling the room with a sense of rebellious joy. Her words echoed their own sentiments, the desire for freedom, the refusal to conform, the pride in their uniqueness.

Dream couldn't help but join in, his voice harmonizing with Piko's as they sang together. "Find me where the wild things are," he sang, his voice filled with a sense of adventure and wildness.

With each word, each note, they embraced who they were, celebrated their differences, and affirmed their independence. They were wild and free, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

As the song ended, the room was filled with a sense of camaraderie and shared joy. They were a family, united in their defiance, their strength, and their love for each other. And together, they could take on anything the world threw at them.

"Well? Let's go get Bette Noire! That's her real name." She said.

At Piko's words, a new resolve filled the room. The mention of Bette Noire, their common enemy, had an effect like a rally cry, bringing them all together in their determination.

Dream stood up, a determined look on his face. "You're right, Piko," he said, nodding. "We've been through a lot, but we're not done yet. We have a job to do."

He turned to the rest of the group, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "We're a team," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We've faced difficult challenges before, and we've always come out on top. This time will be no different."

With their spirits high, they prepared to face their next challenge. Bette Noire was a formidable adversary, but together, they were unstoppable. And they were ready to fight.

"I say we just find her and give er a good beat down!" Piko said

Dream couldn't help but chuckle at Piko's fiery spirit. "That's the spirit, Piko," he said, clapping her on the shoulder. "But remember, we need to be smart about this. Bette Noire won't go down easily."

He looked around the room, his eyes meeting those of each of his friends. "We'll need to work together, use our strengths, and cover each other's weaknesses," he said. "But I have no doubt that we can do it. We've faced greater challenges before."

With that, he turned to Toriel. "Can you help us prepare, Toriel?" he asked. "We'll need all the strength and healing we can get."

As they started to prepare, Dream felt a surge of adrenaline. They were about to go into battle, but he was confident in their abilities. They were a team, and together, they could take on anything. Even Bette Noire.

The sudden tranquility that greeted them when they stepped outside was almost disconcerting. The quiet was a stark contrast to the tension they felt, gearing up for the battle ahead.

Dream looked around, taking in the serene landscape. Despite the peaceful appearance, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. It was too calm, too quiet. It felt like the calm before the storm, an ominous silence preceding chaos.

He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. Regardless of what was to come, they were ready. They had prepared for this, they had each other, and they would face whatever was thrown their way.

"Stay alert," he cautioned the others, his voice barely above a whisper. "Bette Noire could be anywhere."

As they ventured further into the quiet, Dream could feel the tension mount. The peace was deceptive, and they all knew it. But they were ready. No matter what Bette Noire had in store for them, they would face it head-on.