
2nd Class: Choices

.... Winter, Seoul, South Korea.....

Kim has already decided to enroll and study in the Philippines with the help of her family financially.

She's a little worried because it's a whole new experience that she's going to face. She needs to be ready physically, mentally and emotionally so she's preparing everything that she needs and she has a few months for this.

Kim: Eunni!! What should I do while waiting for the big thing?? Do you think I need to buy some English books?? Should I enroll first in an online class?? How about attending some classes here in Seoul for English speakers?? Do you think they might understand me??? Hhmmmmm 😣 I've only got 3 months before I go to the Philippines. I am really hoping that this would change my life.

Sunny: Kimmy my dear, hahahahah you worry too much. Way too much! Just relax, dont overthink. 3 months is a long time to do a lot of stuff before you study again so enjoy yourself while you are here. Come on, get ready and let's go to the agency. We've got an appointment with them this afternoon, remember? Better bring your coat cuz it's a snowy day.

Kim: Oh yeah, I almost forgot that appointment! Just give me a few minutes to get ready.

One more thing, I will meet Nick tonight. I need to tell him personally that I will study abroad. I hope that he would understand me. 😣

Sunny: Enough with your drama, 😂 get your coat and let's go! Quite imagination you have there. I hope you would wake up from your bad dream of dating that guy. Hahahaha I'm just so mean! I think Im your Fairy Godmother,... or the Evil Wicked Witch in your "Imaginary Fantastic Fairytale". Is Nick your Prince Charming???? Or is he one of your loyal midget admirer that people call "dwarf"? Hahaha. 😂 I love you my sister.

Kim: hhmmmm 😣 your such a bully! Ok let's go!


.... Baguio City, Philippines ....

Waking up in a cool breeze of fresh air, Vincent has never been so glad after all the hardships he has been to. He realizes that a simple life is the key to happiness.

Vincent: look at that sunrise in the middle of those mountains, they look so gorgeous! They are a piece of art, I mean masterpiece! I've never seen those things in years! Yesterday, I was just starring at some same old high-rising buildings, but now, i see beauty before my eyes. The last time I saw this such work of art was when I was in elementary. Ohhh I hate growing up. Being an adult means work, earn, then..... sleep and repeat. I miss being a kid asking money from my parents just to buy some snacks. Those little things just complete my day. Well, back to reality Vincent. You still got preparation to do....

Dad: Talking to yourself again??

Vincent: Dad, you got up early. What's the matter?

Vincent's Dad is a retired policeman. He got nothing to do so he just enjoys his life by staying at home, watching local films and from time to time, he goes to an arena. He watches cock-fighting and even bet on them!

Dad: Nothing, im just happy to see you again back here at our home. Have you had your coffee?? I have just boiled some water.

Vincent: Yeah im fine dad, i will go back to bed cuz i miss sleeping in my bed. I just kinda feel itchy. I think bed bugs have lived there while im gone... I need to clean and wash everything later,... general cleaning it is...,

Dad: Take a rest, I will take Coco and Whiskey a walk to exercise them. (The dogs)


Back in Seoul, Kim is having a hard time of choosing on what city should she pick.

Kim: Eunni, you know about these things right?? Where should I study then??

Sunny: Kimmy my dear, it has been 10 years since i'd been to the Philippines. I can't even imagine how Manila looks like nowadays! Let's just ask them (agency) and im sure they have the right answers to your questions.

Well, you see miss, my sister is going to study in the Philippines next year, but until now, she still hasn't chosen a city and an academy to study to. Please recommend her (started whispering) 'a really strict academy, away from leisure and night life 😁 do you know any places like that?? Maybe an academy in the countryside will do for her. 😁

(Stares at Kim sarcastically 😁)

Kim: What did you just say??

Sunny: Nothin.... just helping you find a nice place to study. Hihi 🤗

Kim: hmmmm miss, I heard from my friends that Cebu is a nice place in the Philippines, could you recommend some great academies there?

Agent: Well we have a lot of academies in different cities. Cebu is really popular but then, your sister told me that you should study hard and this place has a lot of distractions that would definitely disturb you from learning. Night clubs, bars, beaches, resorts and many more! Are you really into studying or you just want to have a grand vacation?

Kim: Really!??? Oh! Sounds wonderful! I think i want to study there! I want Cebu please! Cebuuuuuu! 🤗

(Kim got hit on her head by Sunny 😵)

Sunny: What are you talking about!?? No, she's not going to Cebu. You wont be able to learn English if you go there. Unless..., you want to meet a guy who would change your perspective in life. A very handsome guy from that island. I heard Cebu has a lot of beaches, so you might find some hunky single guys who will become your Prince Charming. 😂

Kim: Noooooo!! Hmmmp... 😣 If not Cebu, then what's my other option?

Agent: We also have some academies in Baguio City. I think it would fit you well. You wont need to adjust on their weather because the temperature ranges from 14 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius on a regular day. This city is also away from lots of disturbances, unlike in Cebu, which could help you concentrate on learning. Additional to that, we have this academy that expertizes in studying and a lot of our clients recommend it to their friends. They have this Sparta System where in students are not allowed to go out of school during the weekends. So that means studying is their main priority. In another department, it showcases a common system just like the other schools. Here, students could go out during the weekdays. And last but definitely not the least, the IELTS Program. Only the elite ones could study here because they learn on how native English speakers live and use the language.

Sunny: Ok! Perfect! That sounds great! Take this one and the Sparta System! This is meant for you. 😂

Kim: No! I want Cebu!! Please miss, I want Cebu, I want Cebuuuuu!!! 😭

Sunny: No can do my dear. I want you to learn so that you can have a better life. Hahahaha 😁 Arasso!??

Kim: But, but, but,

Sunny: No more but or i will hit your butt 😆

Kim: 😭 OooooK,, Cebu,, huhuhu Cebu 😭

The sisters singed and agreed on everything. Contracts have been made, pictures have been taken and fees have been paid too. Eventually, Kim has accepted her sister's choice because she knows that it's for her own good. But still she couldn't believe that she couldn't go to Cebu. Sunny then thanked the agency and started to drag Kim going out of the office.

Sunny: God! I could still hear you sobbing. Enough with that, act your age will you? You are already 30, but when you go there, your age will become 29 because you need to follow their system. Come on, be an adult. In just 2 years, you wont be able to see your age in the calendar anymore! So enjoy what you have right now, okay? Cheer up, I'll treat you some warm coffee to make up to you. 🤗

Kim: hmmmmm 😣 okay, i want black americano then, and a piece of chocolate cake 🤗


Vincent: Oh god, it's already 1pm... hahahaha i miss this feeling.. 😁 im kinda hungry though. I need to eat my breakfast, no, I mean lunch.... no no no, I mean brunch..... late brunch hahaha cuz it's already 1 in the afternoon. I need energy to do my chores and change everything in this almost abandoned room. Gosh, has it been a century since I left this house? Why is there a spider web at the edge of my room. Weird 🤔.

While cleaning, he started to wonder if he could still teach foreign students who want to study English. He thinks of visiting his former work as a teacher and contacting his former co-teachers and at the same time, his best friends.

Calling Lyn.....

Lyn! How is it going!!?? Where are you? You know that im already back here in Baguio right? Call Abby and tell her to meet us tonight in City Lights. Im sure you guys are not busy 😁.


Thank you guys for reading my creation and reaching 1000 views for the first day.

Expect that things will spice things up these coming days so stay tuned! ???

MrBartendercreators' thoughts