
1st Class: Back to Teaching

.... October 27th, 7am, Makati City, Philippines....

Vincent: Last day at work, gotta do my job the best out of it!

Vincent couldn't hide his smile as he goes to work for the last time. He works as a Bartender in a 5 star hotel in the middle of the metropolitan of Makati City. Working in the Hospitality Industry has taught him a lot and made him stronger that he realized how life works. He even thought life as an enemy for experiencing how hard it is to live for an ordinary guy who just wants to be successful in life by working hard.

Romar: Dude! Are you really sure you want to leave us??? Are you really really REALLY sure!!?? I mean... Who will make us free delicious and refreshing shakes, smoothies, beers, cocktails, colas, juices and 'whatever drinks you make' that would quench our thirst under this scorching sun!!?? You're the best dude!! Poolside Bar wouldn't be the same anymore when you leave.

Frankly, I really don't trust the new guy. He's noob man! He doesn't know anything about cocktails! If I ask him for a Mojito, he might give me cyanide! I want too live dude! Dude!! (grabbing Vincent's collar with large eyes starring at his)

Romar has been Vincent's pal at the poolside. He's the lifeguard and he's always there to assist Vincent when it comes to serving orders of the customers.

Vincent: Dude relax! I have taught CJ well 😁. He knows what he's doing, Right?? (He's the new guy, replacement of Vincent)

CJ: Right! Easy as chocolate strawberry with icing piece of ..... milky minty cake???

Vincent: ahuhhh... so what's the mixture of Margarita again???....

CJ: tequila, orange ... juice? And..... a sprinkle of salt? 😂

Vincent: rrrrRright. Good luck guys, you are on your own and I will just enjoy my last day with you guys! 😂

Free Watermelon chocolate milk shake for everyone!!

Yeah, there's only 3 of us here cuz it's Wednesday. No customers yet.

Time has passed, customers started to enter the Poolside. Families with their kids enjoying the swimming pool, some are having their own businesses. Sunbathing stewardesses from a famous airline, (no more removing of top, please. Vincent almost got into trouble when a stewardess removed her bra to sunbathe a couple of months ago. Im telling you, it's really hard to concentrate at work under these kinds of circumstances.) Out of the blue, this Californian guy entered the Poolside.

Vincent: Oh my god! It can't be! Is that you Will!!??

Will: Hey there buddy! It's nice to see you again! How have you been??

Will was Vincent's favorite customer for giving a nice load of tip when he last visited the hotel. Im tellin you, he's a nice and generous guy.

Vincent: What are you doing here!!??? I couldn't believe that you are actually here. Since when did you arrive here??

Will: hahahhaha i just arrived last night but, i checked-in in another hotel nearby. (Pointing the big hotel across the avenue) i just came here to see you buddy!

Vincent: wow, i feel pleasured and honored 😂 Hahahaha, well you see, im already reminiscing my memories in this bar because this is my last day here at work. You came at the right time, and at the right moment! Here's for you, free shot from yours truly.

Will: wow, thanks buddy! Im sad to hear that. I guess im lucky enough to be with you today! :)

Lick (salt), Shot (tequila), and Squeeze (lime)!! (That's how you drink tequila shots)

Oh, I almost forgot... (aaaahhhhhhh!!!!) scream!!😁

Will: woah! That's wonderful, so it means that you are free tonight, right?? Let's go out later, We will party tonight with my Filipina girlfriend. We are planning of drinking in different bars just to relax and celebrate your freedom! Hahaha 😂😁

Cut story short, they meet in Will's hotel and went to different bars and clubs. Vincent has already forgotten the life in clubs at night because of work. He drank his night till he felt alive once again.


Seoul, South Korea

Sunny: Kim, what are you doing with your life??? You are lost, you dont have a nice job, you are already old, what?? What??? What are you going to do?? You'll make me run to hospital and give birth in no time!

Kim: Eonni, (older sister in Korean) I dont know too. Im so sorry 😭 life is really unfair, i really dont know what i want in life. It's making me down, really down. Eonni, please help me... You are a good Tour guide and you can also speak English really well. You are my sister but how come you have got all the talent? Hmmmmp ☹️

Sunny is an optimistic, scary older sister of Kim., and currently pregnant on her first.

Sunny: I know, why not study English in the Philippines just like what I did before?? Maybe, learning English would boost your self-esteem and you would be able to find a nice high-paying job here in Korea! It would be a great investment but it would take you some time. But the question is, are you willing to do it??? It would change your life and the way you see it. So what do you think??

Kim: Are you sure about that?? I would ask mom and dad for some money to enroll in an academy for this and they might get angry at me for asking another loads of money. Even though I have saved some, I think it's not enough.

Sunny: dont worry about it! I'll help you convince them and I'll support you on it! Im your big sister, I want the best for you. So stop whining, as if you are a child, and pull yourself together, will you?!! 😡😂

Kim: ooooK Eunni, thank you, and im sorry again..., but.....,,,

Sunny: what's with the long but????

Kim: how about Nick??

Sunny: are you kidding me???? I think both of you are really meant for each other, unless you leave him so that you wouldn't end up in poverty. Just look at him! He's addicted to computer games, no job like you, he doesnt respect you, I mean... is he really your boyfriend, he doesnt act like yours. I hate him for you.

Kim: hmmmm 😣😣😣

Kim is a great artist majored in Arts and she even has a Masters Degree and obviously, the total opposite of Sunny. Despite of having these achievement, she's still confuse of the things she wants to do in here life. She's not sure of the job she wants to do or even a career she wants to live. Everything is shallow and she's lost in the process of life.


Mom Calling...

'hello Vincent! How are you, when will you come home?? Did you already quit your job there in Manila? Your dad and I are waiting for you. It's already getting colder here, Im sure you miss this weather 🤗'

Vincent: yes mom, I know. I'm already packing my stuff and by midnight, I'll arrive there so just hold your horses. I'll be there in no time. See you soon mom.

End of call....

Vincent did not quit his job for no reason. He got tired of working around toxic people and he realized that this job is not really for him. Even though he's a great bartender, he wasn't happy anymore so he decided to go home.

(Inhales fresh air)

Vincent: woah!!! I miss the cold weather! Fresh air! Kind people! And most of all!, my bed 😂. I miss you Baguio City, I love you so much, I'll never leave you again., I promise!! Hmmmm, maybe? Hahaha.

(Knock knock knock!!)

Yes mom, what is it?

Mom: I really miss you, how's your experience in Manila? Did you enjoy it??

Vincent: Well, honestly, i've learned a lot. There are a lot of people who are obsessed with money, power and so many of them are greedy. It only proves that if you possess great power, you must be ready of the responsibility you are about to carry. That's also another reason why some people got stuck in desperate times, they tend to steal and commit some crimes cuz those are the only options they have. Desperate times come with desperate measures as they say.

Mom: you are already a grown up guy! I couldn't imagine that you would learn a lot,. But, what's your next plan? You've got to earn money to help me pay for our bills you know ☺️.

Vincent: hahahhaa i know mom! I only have one thing in my mind. I'll go back on teaching English and this time, I will build my career. 😏

This love story is based on a wild imagination of two lovers from different countries who met in an unconditional situation, bonded by destiny.

In a country full of Koreans (in the Philippines), Filipinas have always dreamed of having a Korean boyfriend or what people call "Oppa" (insert heart shaped finger here).

Well, not in this story.. Find out why this story is not-your-so-typical kind of love story. Enjoy!

MrBartendercreators' thoughts