
My Teacher Lover

Someone new moved into Angel's neighborhood and she absolutely despised him since he started calling her a midget the first day they met. But it was unexpected when she saw him at school, but he's not a student...then that means!

angelhalad · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 14:The Study Group

The sun's rays slowly filled the room through the window, signaling the start of a new day.

Angel's even breathing stopped and her nose crinkled for a second before she blinked her eyes several times. With a low groan, she rubbed her eyes before looking over at the clock.

7:00 am.

It was way too early to be up on a Sunday, but when Angel wakes up then she's awake.

She lied down on her back and sighed in approval as she stretched her arms over her head, lightly colliding with the headboard above her form.

"Mmhm," someone groaned from beside her as his arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Angel couldn't stop the smile from forming. She lifted the upper part of her body, supported by her elbows, and leaned over to the sleeping man next to her. "Wake up Ichigo," she whispered against his ears.

Ichigo only replied with another groan as he shifted around.

"Ichigo," she whispered again, "Wake up."

The orange head released a sigh before reluctantly opening his eyes. He looked around before glaring at Angel. "Shit, what time is it?" he asked.

Angel smirked. "A little past seven."

Ichigo stared at her for a few seconds before sending her a deadly glare. "And why the hell did you wake me up this fucking early on a Sunday?" he growled.

Angel laughed as she leaned over so she was lying on his chest. "Because I woke up."

"And what does that have to do with me?" he asked.

Angel shrugged her shoulders. "When I wake up, I wake up and can't go back to sleep. But I'd be bored all alone so I decided to wake you up too."

Ichigo rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around the woman on his chest. "You and your logic never cease to amaze me." He only got a wide smile in response. He pulled her up higher just enough to tuck her crown of her head under his chin so he could inhale her sweet smell. "Let's just sleep."

"No," she replied, although snuggling deep into his warmth, "I actually have to email my class about the festival."

Ichigo groaned at the mention of that cursed event. "I still can't believe Jonny is getting what he wanted.

Angel snorted. "You should see him in class. He can't get rid of that perverted smile off his face even when Jane or Justin beats him up."

Ichigo chuckled as he buried his nose deeper in her dark tresses. "Don't worry. I won't let that guy put his sleazy hands on you," he promised, causing a slight fluttering in Angel's chest.

But before she could ask him about it, the orange head started to roam his lips all over her face. "I-Ichigo," she stuttered, "I-I thought y-you said you were tired, mmm."

"Well, like you, when I'm up, I'm up," he smirked as he rolled them over so he was hovering above her. He slowly took her lips and the two began the perfected dance of their lips that only they knew. He grabbed the nape of her neck as he tilted her head back to deepen it.

Angel lightly gasped when she felt his tongue slip through her mouth. No matter how many times they kissed, sparks of electricity would always travel through her body like the very first time they kissed. And it seemed like it would never stop.

Ichigo smiled against her lips, loving the fact she was so responsive to him now. His fingers started to run up and down her arms, rewarding him with small whimpers from between her lips. He chuckled as his fingers, with a mind of their own, started to travel to her chest.

The moment she felt his hands seeking for her breast, Angel moaned as she arched her back to meet his travelling hands. He gave a groan of approval as he palmed one of her breasts. "Angel," he whispered as his lips travelled to her neck.

She could barely respond from the loving ministration he was giving her.

"Angel," he kept whispering like a mantra.

This time she let her hands roam around his chiseled body, feeling the muscles she loved to touch. A low growl came from his throat as her nails started to press harder against his skin, almost breaking through. But that was exactly the way he liked it.

She was like a fucking cat who was not only hot but fierce, exactly what he wanted in his partner. His mind was taking a dangerous turn again.

Just as Angel started tugging on his shirt, Ichigo suddenly pulled himself off of her and sat on the edge of the bed. "W-where are you going?" she asked.

Ichigo rolled his arms back a few times before standing up. "Nothing, I just didn't want to take it any further then that."

Angel flushed as she looked down. "Oh."

He looked at her and smiled. "How about we go and grab something to eat outside?" he asked and Angel nodded. He nodded back as he made his way to the door. "I'll wash up first." He swung open the door and walked out.

Angel was still in bed as she watched him disappear. Once she heard the bathroom door being closed, she buried her head into Ichigo's pillow and took a deep breath of his deep scent.

She was still confused. Ichigo was acting really nice to her…well, when in bed, but he never really clarified what kind of relationship they were in now. Never have they confessed their feelings for one another, which was another problem. Angel just didn't know what she was feeling for this orange-haired teacher of hers.

During the summer festival, she just kissed him to prove a point, but he later kissed her back. Since then they would have heavy make out sessions that even led to ripping clothes off each other. But they never went below the belt, literally. Ichigo would always pull back, using the excuse that she's not ready or he wanted to push it off. Angel was starting to feel sexually frustrated.

And that was confusing her even more!

Why was she feeling this way for him anyways? They've been sleeping in the same bed since the last week of break, but never with clear indication of what was happening between them. She wanted to ask him but…she was afraid he would laugh it off and tell her there's absolutely nothing but the need to get rid of some sexual desires in him.

If that was true…if he really didn't feel anything for her, they why haven't they had sex yet? And would Angel be okay with this?

Ring ring ring!

Angel was suddenly pulled out of her frustrating thoughts when her cell phone started to ring on the nightstand next to the bed. She reached over and flipped it open. "Moshi-moshi?"

"Angel, you're actually up?" Jane's voice came from the other side.

"Yeah, why?" Angel asked. "Is it impossible for me to actually me awake early in the morning?"

"Yeah, especially on a Sunday," Jane laughed. "Anyways, Bia and I have decided to gather the gang and go to our sensei's house for a study group. Wanna come?"

Angel raised an eyebrow. "Right now?"

"No," Jane replied, "In a few hours. I'm just leaving people messages to see if they want to come."

Angel thought for a few seconds before replying. "I'm not sure. Whose house are we going to?"


"…" Angel simply stayed still as her words slowly—very slowly—registered into her head. "What?!"

"Yup. We're planning on going to Ichigo's place since I know where it is," Jane laughed.

"W-wait a sec," she stuttered, "Does Ic—Walker-sensei even know about this?!" she asked, because hell, she didn't know about this at all!

"Nope. Bia wants to surprise him," she replied, earning her a groan from Angel.

"Around when will we go there?" she asked.

There was no response for a second before Jane came back. "Probably around noon or so. I still need to give Tan another few hours of sleep or else he's going to be crankier than a woman on her period."

Angel nodded even though she knew her friend wouldn't be able to see it on the other side of the phone. "Fine, I'll meet you there."

"You'll meet us there? Do you even know where he lives?" Jane asked.

Shit, Angel mentally cursed at herself before replying. "Yeah, I saw his address in the information sheet I got a few days ago awhile we were discussing about the festival. I know the area around his place so I'll just meet you there since I might be late or something."

"Oh, okay. See you later then!" Jane said before hanging up.

Angel closed her phone, thankful that her friend played into her lie, before jumping out of the bed. "ICHIGO!" she screamed as she ran to the hallway and to the bathroom.

"WHAT?!" came the reply from the other side of the door.

"Big problem!" she said, "Jane is going to come by here later around noon with the gang for a study session," she shouted and took a startled step back when the door suddenly swung open.

"WHAT?!" Ichigo shouted again, but this time right in front of her face.

Angel nodded, totally ignoring the fact he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Yeah, she just called me and apparently Jane is planning surprise visit here."

"Shit," Ichigo cursed as he came out and quickly went to his room to change. "Why are those dumbasses set on making my life so miserable?!"

Angel stayed outside while Ichigo closed the door to change. "What should we do?" she asked.

"Well first—" he shouted back while shuffling of clothes was also heard through the door, "—we should hide your possessions. Go grab your shoes and stuffed them in a bag."

As soon as she got her orders, Angel went to the genkan and started to grab all of her shoes off the shelves. Ichigo suddenly appeared next to her, holding open a garbage bag as she dropped her shoes into them.

"Maybe we should lock the door to my room," Angel said, "We could just say you have a roommate."

Ichigo shook his head. "Jane knows me too well to know I would never get a roommate unless it was Zander or Andrew. Other people gets on my nerves rather quickly," he told her as he tied the handles of the bag together, "I guess I could just say my sisters have been visiting me these past few weeks and have stuff in there. If Jane ever calls to confirm it, Megan will make up some shit since my family partially knows about our situation." He quickly dropped the bag of shoes into Angel's room and looked around. "But we should take down some obvious stuff just incase one of them gets in here."

"Yeah, Bia can get a bit nosey," Angel said as she went over to take down the Chappy poster (which Ichigo was hoping it would stay down forever).

"Are you meeting up with them somewhere?" Ichigo asked as he went over to put away some of her personal pictures.

"No, I told Jane I might be late. But I guess I can just say I finished whatever it was that I had to do and came early," she told him.

Ichigo didn't reply. He stopped when his hands landed on a picture of her with Justin, both when they were young. "Who else is coming?" he asked, his voice suddenly low.

Angel shrugged her shoulders, not noticing his dangerous tone. "Jane told me she was planning on bringing the gang, which would consist of her, Bia, Clara, Justin, Aaron and Ivan."

Ichigo groaned as he yanked the picture off her desk and shoved it inside another garbage bag along with her other pictures.

The two continued to work frantically, running around the entire apartment trying to get rid of anything that might give away any suspicion.

"What about this?"

"Put it in here!"

"But it won't fit!"

"Then shove it in!"

"How are we supposes to fit all these into the closet?"

"I don't know! Just push!"

Ding Dong!

Ichigo quickly opened the door and glared at the people in front of him. "You guys have a lot of guts coming here."

Jane rolled her eyes as she tried to push past him. "Jeez, give it a rest already. And how did you know we were coming?"

"Yeah, I expected you to jump in surprise," Bia pouted.

"Please, Bushū got here first," he told them as he stepped aside to show Angel sitting nicely on the couch in the living room.

"Hi," she smiled sweetly at them.

"When did you get here? I thought you said you were going to be late," Jane said as she kicked her shoes off and entered the apartment.

Angel shrugged her shoulders. "I finished my chores a lot faster than I thought so I came here first."

"Well thanks for ruining the surprise," Bia glared at her petite friend half-heartedly.

Angel grinned. "You're welcome."

"Anyways, why are you guys here?" Ichigo groaned after everyone entered.

"We just wanted to study for your next test," Jane said, "Most of us got low grades."

"I didn't!" Clara pouted.

"Sorry Clara but you still have to be here. I'm not letting Montes-sensei take you this Sunday," Bia grinned.

Ichigo rolled his eyes but stiffened when a certain red head walked past him. The two silently glared at each other before they went to the opposite sides of the room. Ichigo stayed up, leaning against the wall, while Justin joined Angel on the couch.

"So, what are you guys planning on doing?" Ichigo asked, "I didn't exactly plan any of this."

"Don't worry," Jane waved her hand at him in nonchalant manner, "We only need you to clarify some of the readings."

"Then why the fuck did you have to come here for?!" Ichigo glared.

"Because I love to make you miserable," she laughed out loud.

Ichigo groaned. "Whatever, let's just get this over with. I have stuff to do." He said as he walked over to sit on the single-sitter adjacent to the couch.

The gang grabbed their bags and pulled out the materials for class.

Ichigo peered down at what they brought and raised a brow. "Oi, not all of those are my stuff. Don't tell me your planning on doing your math and science homework here too?"

"Why not? You're a teacher so you must know all these," Justin said.

Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Yes I know some of these, but my specialty is in literature. My knowledge only goes so far in other subjects."

"Oh stop complaining and help us," Jane snapped at him.

Ichigo groaned as he slumped in his seat. Knowing there was no way he could get out of it, Ichigo watched as they all settled by the coffee table. For the next few hours they continued doing the homework that they have obviously slacked off on, and discussing about the books he assigned in class. Ichigo was surprised to see a lot of them aware of what they were actually reading in class.

"I'm telling you he's suffering from some mental illness," Ivan said, "There's no other explanation for it."

"Please, that's stupid! He's a famous general so there's no way he'd be mental," Bia swapped him over the head with her book. "He's just sad about what happened to his sons."

"Such tragic deaths," Aaron added, "I would have preferred a more beautiful one."

"I don't think so," Justin said at his friend, "I thought the death scene was kind of cool."

"No, it was f'd up," Jane said, "You assigned us a weird play," she looked at her teacher.

Ichigo shrugged his shoulders. "It's one of Shakespeare's most tragic stories.

"That I have to agree," Ivan nodded, "I actually read the entire play."

"That's a first," Justin smirked as the baldy glared at him.

Jane scanned the book, scratching her head in irritation. "Still, why would Titus blab on and on about honor when he kills his own daughter?"

"Well why would he let her suffer a life like that?" Ichigo asked, "He considered it to be an honorable action as a father."

"I think he was just trying to prove a point," Clara added, "Like how he was willing to kill his own daughter if it meant he could save their honor."

"A-mo, this is getting complicated now," Bia pouted.

"Why don't I remember reading that part?" Angel said to no one in particular as she quickly went through the book again.

Ichigo sighed as he got up and made his way to the kitchen. "It's almost six. Do you guys want something to eat?"

"Can you order us some dinner?" Jane asked, "Like pizza?"

"Sure, I'll buy," Ichigo called out from the kitchen as he called the pizza delivery. Within an hour he was back at the coffee table that was littered with pizza boxes and drinks. "Are any of you guys getting this?" he asked them.

"I do," Aaron said.

"I don't," Justin glared at his friend along with several others.

Ichigo sighed. "Well get it quickly. Don't forget you guys will be writing a report on this play in class this week."

"You're killing us with all this work!" Ivan shouted.

Ichigo scoffed. "That's my job as your teacher so deal with it!"

"Says who?" sparks of anger came out of Ivan's glare as it met with Ichigo's.

"Geez, you two need to calm down," Jane pulled them away.

"Whatever," Justin got up and stretched his arms. "Where's the bathroom here?"

"First door down the hall to your left," Ichigo told him.

Justin nodded as he quickly left the study group.

"Here, help me with this instead," Ivan pulled out a different book and handed it to his teacher.

After reading the problem, Ichigo rolled his eyes and handed it back to his bald student. "I already taught you this an hour ago."

"I still don't get it," he replied.

"Me neither," Bia agreed.

Ichigo sat up as he grabbed a pencil and a new piece of scratch paper. "Here, let's try another example. Here is a right triangle. If you know the angle for the right corner and this second corner, how do you find the third one?"

Clara immediately raised her hand as if she was in class.

The others quickly threw a glare at her. "You can't answer," Bia snorted.

The young girl gasped. "What? Why not?"

"Because you get special lessons from Montes-sensei, who's our enemy at the moment," Ivan pointed out.

"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard!" Clara pouted.

"But true," Angel added as she grabbed the pencil from Ichigo's hold and started to figure out the question. "So, in this case you would use this equation," she said as she started to write something when—

"No! Angel can't answer either!" Bia shouted, "She's been really good with math lately so she'll only confuse us more!"

"That doesn't make sense," Angel retorted.

"It does to us." Ivan quickly grabbed an eraser and erased her half-written equation.

Ichigo just gawked at him as if he was stupid…correction, he was stupid. "Oi, your friend was giving you guys the answer. What's wrong with that?"

"Since she already knows, we won't be able to learn if we just get the answer without solving it for ourselves," Aaron replied, "In our group, if you know the answer, then you stay out for others to try and solve it themselves."

"Kinda like teaching your kids the difference between right and wrong the hard way," Ivan added as he tried to solve the question.

"This is stupid," Ichigo groaned, "Why do I have to teach other subjects too?"

"Because we don't get any of this stuff," Justin groaned as strained her head to remember some of the stuff she learned from class.

Bia looked up from her own problem and laughed when her eyes fell on the baldy who looked like he was constipating. "Oi, don't think too hard or your hair might grow out."

Ivan immediately looked up and glared. "You messing with me, bitch?"

"Who else could I be talking too?" she smirked.

Ivan stood up and placed a foot on the table as he rolled up his sleeves. "Come here and say it to my face bitch! I'll pop those boobs of yours that hold the extra air that your head can't keep."

Bia immediately stood up and glared back. "Well I would talk to you but I just don't know which side is your face since they all look alike: wrinkly and ugly!"

"Enough!" Ichigo shouted as he pulled them back by their shirts, "If you two idiots want to fight then go outside and do it! Don't mess up my apartment!"

"HE/SHE STARTED IT!" They both yelled simultaneously.

Ichigo quickly smacked them over the head. "I don't give a damn. Just shut up or get out."

The two mumbled curses as they quickly sat back down, though they were still glaring at each other. Ichigo back on his seat and sighed. "When will this torture end?"

"Why are you so stressed? Isn't this fun?" Jane asked.

"No," he groaned, "If feel like I'm getting older by the second. I want you guys to leave quickly."

"Why? A girl coming over or something?"

Ichigo looked up to see Justin, finally back from the bathroom, standing by the other end of the table with a slightly red hue on his cheeks, though from embarrassment or anger Ichigo wasn't sure. "What are you talking about, Tan?"

"This," he coughed as he lifted up a lacy pink bra by its strap.

Everyone's eyes widened at the pink object and the color on Ichigo's face fell.

"W-where did you find that?" he stuttered.

"Behind the toilet," Justin said, "I dropped my phone and when I reached down to get it, I found this," he swung it in air, forcing eyes to widen even more. "Care to explain what, or whose, this is sensei?"

Angel couldn't believe her eyes. Directly in front of her, her friend was waving her pink bra that must have missed the laundry basket the previous day since it was obviously the one she wore yesterday! Sweat was forming by her brow and she was doing everything to try and stay calm…but it was impossible!

"Um, you know, you really shouldn't go through people's stuff." Nice, Ichigo thought to himself, That was a really good explanation. "Anyways, I really don't have to explain myself, an adult, to you guys, do I?"

They immediately looked at him with a stern look. "Of course you do!" they all shouted, minus Angel.

Ichigo winced at the sudden shock wave of their yells. "Alright alright! Geez, there's no more privacy in this world," he sighed as he looked back at Justin. "That's my sister's so I would appreciate it if you stop swinging it around like that."

Justin immediately dropped the garment.

"Sister? Megan or Megumi?" Jane asked, "I don't think either one of them wear something that lacy."

"Time changes things I guess…I really don't want to know," Ichigo shook his head as he rubbed his face out of relief for his fast answer and irritation at the thought of his sisters wearing bras.

"Um, where should I put that then?" Justin pointed at the fallen garment, his cheeks now obviously red from embarrassment.

"Screw that! How old are your sisters?" Ivan asked.

"WHAT?" Ichigo raised a fist, ready to pound it into the bald head had it not been for Angel to hold him back.

Ivan immediately started chuckling nervously. "My bad. I meant it as a joke."

"Well that was a stupid joke," Jane told him.

"I think it would have been better if it belonged to a lover or something," Bia laughed, "That would have brightened things up a little."

Ichigo groaned as he walked over and grabbed the bra off the ground. "I can't believe you found this," he groaned as he went down the hall to unlock the second room to throw the bra inside before returning to his seat. "Don't mention this to anyone."

"Hai!" They all saluted as they returned to their work.

Ichigo slightly gazed over at Angel who was still a little red. She looked up and gave him the smallest nod that couldn't be detected by anyone else but him.

She was going to burn that bra later.

Another hour passed as the noise started to settle down and yawns echoed across the room. "I think it's about time we leave," Clara said, "It's almost eight."

"Damn, it's already this late?" Justin checked his watch before packing up his stuff. "I guess we should get going. We actually have school tomorrow."

Ichigo released a breath of relief as he started to clear the table of food and other garbage. "Please leave now and don't ever come over here again."

"Aw, don't you like us?" Bia pouted.

Ichigo looked at her like she was crazy. "Please, I get enough of you guys during the week. I'm close to ripping your heads off for ruining my only break." He turned around to head to the kitchen, but not before giving Angel a knowing look.

Angel quickly looked away in case her face reddened. Luckily no one seemed to have noticed. She got up with her bag of books and joined her friends as they reached the front door.

"Okay, we're leaving Ichigo!" Justin called out.

Ichigo came back from the kitchen and nodded. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow."

"See ya sensei."

"Bye Walker-sensei!"

One by one they all left, shoving their feet into their shoes and walking out. Angel was the last in line and just as she was about to put her shoes on, she felt Ichigo come up behind her, his heat surrounding her in the comfort only he could provide.

"Be careful on your way home," Ichigo said, making sure the others didn't see him pressing onto Angel from their point of view. He's been yearning for her touch for so long and for now this was the only way to satiate it until she could escape her friends and come back to him.

Angel quickly left the apartment and joined her friends. "See you tomorrow, Walker-sensei," she bowed before they all turned and made their way to the stairs. She didn't turn back when she heard Ichigo closing the door after they disappeared down the hall.

"Man, that sure was productive," Jane smirked.

"Please, that was the most boring six hours of my life," Justin scoffed.

"You should be grateful to Walker decided to help you when most teachers would have already given up on you," Ivan teased his friend, "especially after you touched his sister's bra."

Justin groaned. "Please don't bring that up."

"Well, I still didn't think I had to go," Clara pouted, "I already knew a lot of the stuff and the play wasn't hard either."

"Oh?" Bia came up to her with a mischievous grin, "Did a certain sensei read the play with you?"

A red blush immediately ran across Clara face. "B-Bia-chan!"

Everyone laughed at the distressed girl as they made their way down the street.

"Ah!" Angel suddenly shouted in realization, "I forgot my phone back at Walker-sensei's apartment."

"You want me to go get it for you?" Justin immediately offered.

Angel quickly shook her head. "No, that's okay. You guys go on ahead without me. Besides, I don't live that far from here so I'll just go get it myself." Without giving anyone a chance to stop her, Angel started to run back to the apartment that they just left. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at school!" she waved back.

She ran as fast as she could so nobody could follow her as she went up the stairs. When she finally arrived at the door, she knocked on it.

"Who is it?" Ichigo's voice came from the other side.

"Me," Angel said and the door immediately opened.

Ichigo looked around. "Anyone with you?"

She shook her head. "I saw them leaving before coming up here," she said as she quickly pushed past him. Ichigo looked around one last time before closing the door. "Well that was fun," she said.

"Fun my ass," Ichigo glared as he went to the kitchen to finish washing the dishes. "They better not come back here again."

Angel laughed as she joined him to help. "I still can't believe what happened with the bra."

Ichigo groaned at the memories. "We were lucky I thought of a good excuse in time."

"Which reminds me, does Megan or Megumi wear that kind of bra?"

Another groan. "I don't want to know."

Angel just laughed as washed off the soap. "Thanks for covering for me."

Ichigo smiled as he bent down to lightly peck her lips. "Anytime. Now, how about we go to bed? Those bastards wasted all my energy."

Angel smirked at him. "Exhausted? Too bad because I was planning on having some fun."

Just as she was about to turn around and leave Ichigo grabbed her arm and brought her back to him. "What were you planning?" he asked lowly.

Angel tip-toed to whisper into his ears, "I thought I'd give you a massage everywhere for what you did today. Help get you relaxed before school tomorrow."

"I like the sound of that."

Without giving her a chance to take it back, Ichigo tossed Angel's petite body over his shoulder and quickly made his way to his bedroom, turning off the lights as their laughter filled the apartment.

But outside…

Justin watched as the two shadows inside walked away from the window. Suddenly the lights turned off in the apartment and it became dark.

Bushū Angel never came out.

His hands balled into tight fists, and after trying to hold in his anger, Justin smashed one of his fists to the brick wall, releasing all of his pent up emotion in that one hit. Small bits of the cement chipped off and blood ran down the damaged wall. His knuckles were most likely broken but the enraged red head was too pissed to feel anything else. He cursed before turning around and walking away.