
I am done with you

I haven't seen Aidan for two days. I miss him. I miss him knocking on my door every morning. I miss our morning drive. My day always start and end with him. But things happen. People can go friends to strangers in a second. I didn't imagine that day would come for both of us but fate definitely had other plans. I thought I could get a peek of him when he is hanging out with his girlfriend. The girlfriend seems to be missing too. Maybe they are spending time together.

I try to forget and move on but of course I suck at it. I just try to distract myself by practicing my routine for my upcoming event. Its not even practice day but here I am at the auditorium alone. My partner broke his ankle so he can't participate so I have to come up with a solo performance. What am I going do...I already have so many things going on in my head and now this? I blame you fate! Wait is it destiny? UGhh!! Whatever!!!!

"GAYA!" Somebody called out..to be exact screamed my name. Shit! That scared me. I took a closer look to see a girl standing with crossed arms. She looked angry! Oh no! It is Aidan girlfriend. Did she came to know I confessed to her boyfriend? Damn you Aidan! Why can't keep your mouth shut and be tattle tale.

"Hey,girl..What's up?"I try to be as calm as I could. Don't freak out Gaya.Can she see me shaking? Am I shaking?OKAYY.. She might be here for another reason. Think positive. I forced a smile. Oh gosh! This must be the fakest smile I gave someone in my entire life. I was praying hard too that she is here for a different reason.

"Congratulations! I am so happy for you!" she congratulated me out of nowhere.

Huh? She just barge in with an angry face. I am not joking! I could feel the smoke coming out of her ears...and now she is congratulating me..wait for what? She should give me some context.

"Uhmm..thanks but I am lost so guide me.hehehe"This must be the awkwardest moment in my life.Why did I laugh like that? That must have looked ugly as hell. Okay now focusing on the person in front of me... what's up with her moods? .She and her moods changing every second. Her mood swings are worse than a pregnant lady. Her smile now blinding my eyes. Did she get her teeth whitened too much? Oh my gosh, Gaya you are going out of topic so focus. Clear this up Gaya so she can leave faster. Her smile is creeping me out.

"Aidan broke up with me!"She said excitedly.She said it while squishing my hands.

"OHh thank you..wait what?HE did WHAT?"That's a shocking news.A brand new infromation.

Now I genuinely confused. Isn't she supposed to wailing her eyes out and curse me to the hell.All the past ex girlfriends didn that. Aidan always go missing for few days after breaking up and I will be the victim who have to stand all the cursing.I used to it.All I can say...This is not right reaction.Did she hit her head and went crazy. She just went through a breakup and she is all smiley and cheerful in front of me.It's disturbing. So...if they broke up why is she congratulating me? Is she okay? Maybe the breakup hits her hard?

"Girl..you okay? I mean you seem..."I try to stop myself from asking dumb questions that can make her angry.DON'T SAY IT!

Gaya don't even think about it!That will be so rude.Maybe its her way of healing.

"Ahmm.I mean you look to happy for a person who just got dumped..so you okay?" I mentally slapped myself.

Screw me. I should learn to shut my mouth. Why do I always do this? I am so going to regret this.

"Nah..I was dating him to make you jealous. I am congratulating you because my plan worked out."She basically squealed at the end of sentence. Gosh!What is this girl talking about? Jealous? ME? AS IF!! Okay I was! A little bit!

"Can you please explain more clearly..you kissed Aidan..I saw that...I"

"OH no..you saw that..I am so sorry..I didn't mean to but you know he insisted and I saw you looking at us so I kinda panic and went all in..ITS ALL THE PLAN!"

"WOAH!WOAH WOAH! Can you just come straight to the point?"

"Okay so brace yourself for what is coming in.."

Oh God! I swear she is going to get a slap if she is not going to explain all the fucked up things she was saying just now.My patience now is hanging by a thread because of this girl.

"Okay I am a fan of you .I know you liked Aidan so me and my friends plan all this so Aidan will confess. I know every single thing about you so I just copied you infront of him and he took the bait. I kissed him so that it will push you to confess to him..I meann eeww..I don't like him..no offence..I nagged and badmouthed you about Aidan too..and so that he will realise his feelings for you.And that's it girl..I am sorry for this..but we fans of you two are really eagerly waiting you two to date..so uhmm....bye.Toodles"She left after she said all that. I was too stunned to speak.

Okay..Let me process all of it. So the girl Aidan was dating is actually a fan of me and was trying to help me to confess.She copied me and pretend to like Aidan so he will date her and she can continue making me jealous and it leads me to confessing my love to him. So now he broke up with him because she talk bad about me to him and he couldn't stand it.This literally a biggest plot twist in my life.It is bigger than when I discovered mom had her nose done in her teenage years. Am I dreaming? I slapped my cheek hard. OWww! It stings so..I am not dreaming.

"Ohh Gaya..I forgot to tell you the reason he broke up with me."This girl haven't left yet.

"What..Your shoe size is too big?"I asked while rubbing my cheeks.It hurts.Oww!

"Nope! He said he loves you so he going to seduce you.He will be starting from today.Good luck.Fighting angel Gaya"She cheered me up and left.

What in the world? This girl have serious problem. She is getting delusional.Is it possible for a guy who rejected me because he said he only sees me as a friend..suddenly wants to seduce me?What is this a rom-com movie?It barely been two days..Come on as if I believe that..What am I?! A kid?!

I just ignored her and continued with my practice but her words got me all distracted. I can't focus.I should go and look for the professor in charge for the event. I have to find a partner for the dance because I can't come up with a new idea after all this happened. I should talk to her and replace somebody so I can stick with the same routine.


I went to the professor's room but I saw Aidan already standing there talking to the professor. I knocked and manage to grab their attention.

"Ohh..perfect timing..Gaya come on in!"I gave her a smile while giving him a glare.

"As you we have to find a replace for Rex,Gaya's dance partner so I was thinking about Aidan..What do you think,Gaya?"

Is she out of her mind. Aidan never step inside the dance club once. If she want replacement..she can pick somebody from the dance club..but why him?

"Uhmm..I don't think it is a good idea."

"I can ma'am!I have seen Gaya practicing at her home.and I have a photographic memory..so I am the best candiditate."He said so confidently.Why is being so enthusiasitic?

What is he trying to do? I can't put my finger on it.He is acting as if he never spoke harsh to me two days ago. I could only think how shameless can he be to be standing in front for me.I mean I know he doesn't care but I care damnit! I feel like choking him when he talks to the professor with that cunning smile. The "I won Bitch" smile.I miss him my ass. I shouldn't have worried about him. He seems doing fine.This bitch!

"Prof. I can't mess up this event and we don't have much time for a newbie like Aidan. It will make the process long so I am suggesting Senior Jay to be my partner as he was assisting me throughout the practices. I hope you agree to it." I suggested. I mean this event performance have to be flawless so I don't want to take any rushed decisions. I am not a hypocrite to take decisions based on my grudge over people but Jay was there since the rehearsal started so he have a better catch in this.I am a responsible adult so I have to take choices like one.

"Of course, Its Jay."I heard him whisper.What is wrong with him? I just nudge his elbow as a warning. He have to back out so that Jay can fill in. I have to make this performance happen. This have to be perfect.

" Gaya I know Jay is pbenomenal choreographer but Aidan is more suitable with you. Trust my vision."My professor still insisted.

Well I am not done arguing yet.I will not accept Aidan as my dance partner. No one can convince me.

Just give up , Aidan.