
My system is op in every universe!

Have you ever imagined having the ability to access every power that you could possibly imagine? Being able to do everything that you could ever dream of? Well, that was not the dream of Calvin DeWayne but he got that power nonetheless! His father was a successful scientist that was the creator or at least a part of the creation of every modern technology that existed now. When he died, he left behind an unfinished work. This work was one that he called "the greatest of them all". In a bid to complete his father's life work, Calvin decided to become a scientist like his father and complete this technology. After many failed attempts, Calvin finally did it! He completed it! However, what he completed was not what he initially thought it was. It was a system! And not just not any system, this system granted him the ability to create and use any power that he could imagine, as long as he could describe it accurately enough for the system parameters to recognize and create it! Calvin tests this new found power against powerful fictional characters across different universes that he brings to live. Read and see as he battles and moves from one universe to another. ****** This is going to be an interactive fanfic, so get ready to give me your suggestions on who the MC will go up against =) Also if you're looking for a harem, this isn't for you. It's going to be purely action.

Mawachi · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


As the first rays of sunshine peered through Calvin's open window, he slowly got up from the bed.

He had returned to earth after his fight with Superman so that he could recuperate, and make necessary adjustments to his plans.

He got up and went into the bathroom, where he took an abnormally long shower because he was lost in his thoughts.

Everything that was happening right now, was something that many believed could only truly happen in one's imagination, but right now, it was real.

Very real!

Calvin had even questioned the authenticity of this reality many times, but the fact that he fought against Superman and he could still access the system after he woke up, proved that this was not a dream.

When he finally got out of the shower, he heard the ringing sounds of his doorbell.

He quickly cleaned off the water from his body with a dry towel, put on some neat boxers, and went downstairs to answer the door.

Standing on the other side of the door was a hunky dark-skinned male that wore a black button-up shirt, grey trousers, and a neat pair of white trainers.

It was Adam.

"Hey bro," Calvin greeted as he shifted to let Adam into his living room.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Don't tell me you're still staying cooped up in here working on that thing?" Adam asked as he took a seat on the sofa.

"Nope, I've been doing something a whole lot better," Calvin smiled.

Adam was one of Calvin's few friends. They had met because Adam was the manager of one of the branches of DeWayne industries, which was currently owned by Calvin after inheriting it from his father.

Originally, their relationship had been strictly employer and employee, but due to special circumstances, they had become friends.

"Really?" Adam raised his brow in curiosity, "Mind telling me what this "something else" is?"

"I wish I could, but if I did, you wouldn't believe me unless I showed you and I don't want to do that. So let's just ignore that last statement," Calvin responded.

"Uh... Ok, sure," Adam shrugged.

"Why are you here anyway?" Calvin asked.

"I wanted to check on you and also ask if you would have time to hang out later, I've got a few girls I want you to meet," Adam smiled.

Adam was a ladies' man. He always had ladies left and right flocking him.

To be fair, he was the perfect candidate. Rich, successful, popular, and handsome. Which girl wouldn't want him?

As a good friend, he had naturally tried to get some girls for Calvin but he was never into those kinds of things.

"I'll have to pass once again my dear Adam, but this time, for very good reasons," Calvin responded.

"Is the reason the same thing you don't want to talk to be about?" Adam asked.

"Yes. Now I'll like you to leave so I get back to what I was doing," Calvin said.

"Very well, but try to keep in touch and report to the office when you can. Everyone is starting to get worried," Adam then got up and walked out.

Calvin sighed as Adam left. He wasn't interested in all of this rubbish right now.

There were more important things to do.

With a snap of his finger, Calvin had transported himself to the battleground. The large grid platform that floated in absolute nothingness.

It was time to incorporate his plans.

Using the matter manipulator ability, Calvin created a large rectangular piece of glass that floated above the grid platform.

This piece of glass wasn't ordinary. It was a very crucial part of what Calvin wanted to do.

He still wanted to test the limits of the system using that same previous method, but he wanted to execute it as orderly as possible.

That piece of glass would help him pick an opponent at random. {1}

When Calvin wanted, it would display a name at random and use the ability, dimensional pull, to bring that person here.

It would also start a countdown for the five minutes before the person would get enraged so that he would know the amount of time he had to prepare.

"Now that's done... Initiate command: «update»"

[Command accepted. Choose Ability to update...]

[Created abilities>>

*Matter manipulator

*Infinite stamina


*Dimensional pull

*Perfect flight

*Super body


"Update ability, super body."

[Command accepted. Awaiting updated description...]

Calvin paused and processed the updated description in his head to make sure that it was the right thing before saying it.


[Ability updated]

[Ability: super body

Description: *updated* This ability gives the host user the ability of super strength, super speed, impenetrable skin, ultimate hearing, super sight, super smell, as well as the inability to feel pain.


*Host user's body will become bloated the longer this ability is equipped and when the hidden limit is reached, the host user will explode.]

Calvin looked at the new description and nodded. This was exactly what he wanted.

Now he would be unable to feel pain. This would help him fight a lot better without having to think about the pain he was going through.

"Equip abilities; super body, perfect flight and negate," Calvin ordered.

[Command accepted.]

[Abilities have been equipped]

It was time.

For now, Calvin wasn't going to use the object he had created to decide his opponents at random since he already had one in mind.

He sent a mental command to the object and it disappeared, leaving a bright red portal where it had previously been.

Calvin raised his brow when he saw who got out of the portal.

He had given the object the command to bring forth a random variant of Superman, but the one he was seeing was one he did not recognize.

This Superman was bright blue and wore a white and blue suit. Electricity also flowed around his body.


With the loud sound of a thunderclap, this Superman teleported right in front of him!

It was then that he recognized which superman variant this was.

This was the electric Superman!

"This will be fun," Calvin smiled as he took on a battle stance.


{1} Remember when I said that this is going to be an interactive fanfic on the synopsis? Yeah, well this is it.

The rectangular glass object will be controlled by you the readers. Once this book hits 300 collections, I'll create a discord channel for you guys to vote on which character you want the MC to fight against. Exciting innit? =)

Where are your power stone votes? =(

Mawachicreators' thoughts