
My system is a bastard, and I like it

System: Host mission is to seduce host's sister and turn her into a proper brocon. Lucius: The hell I will. that is my sister your talking about you bastard. System: Time limit 2 months. Lucius: FUCK YOU. I aint doing this. System: Failure will result in the host's reproductive organ being shrunk by 8 inches. Lucius: You won't dare!!! System: Heh

Sooraj_Thampi_3366 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Like any original novel this one too is about the land of Ruthvia, a middle tiered world with monsters and magic. the lands of Ruthvia are filled with many races with their own culture and languages, despite that there does exist the common language spoken by all races proclaimed as the original tongue - magula the tongue of beginning. The language is of two tiers tier 1 that even the commoners of the world can learn and tier 2 that those with power and influence speak. The reason for the restriction of the second tier is because it is the language used to learn the Arts that is used for cultivation.

Ruthvia is filled with many races but the ones who decide the coarse of history of this world are the 10 leading races of this world. The 10 races hold their dominion over the respective 10 continents they lead. These 10 races are:-

a) Humans ( I mean duh, since this is an 'original' work)- No explanation needed here

b) Elves- Our long eared friends to increase the 'family value' of the novel. Often called descendants of prana (also called mana, spiritual energy, void energy, etc.).

c) Fairies- Same purpose as the elves but they also have wings and are more cuter (personnel opinion). They are the children of the forests.

d) Beastfolk- Animal ears and fluffy tails rock. Primarily focuses on mystic physical arts.

e) Giants - To show our mc can win against anything no matter how big. Their specialty is strength arts.

f) Asura - Prideful people who will uselessly taunt the mc, but later on will provide him with tsundere waifus'. Focuses on blood arts and massacre arts.

g) Savages - Mindless beastlike chimeras who only live to devour.

h) Monster clan - Comprises of dragons, phoenix, and other intelligent beasts. They are bloodline supremists.

i) Angels - Not the servant of god kind of angels but rather those born of light.

j) Demons - Born of darkness, not evil but darkness. ( I mean I won't make it that cliché.)

Other than the natural advantages the main reason the main reason for their hegemony is their connection to upper worlds. The heavens chosen of this world James Ascott is an ordinary looking naïve boy with ridiculous luck. He will face braindead villians and make a harem of heroines due to the lamest of reasons. He will keep saying embarrassing things like I will not cover before destiny instead I will own it and decide my own path even though the same destiny will give him an VIP ride to the top of the world. The land of Ruthvia will now witness the epic where the underestimated young master of one of the leading clans among humans will rise to the top due to the sole power of ridiculous plot armor.

Well that should have been what happened, but unfortunately for our heaven's chosen there was one abnormal bastard who was originally supposed to be one of the braindead antagonist who caters to James growth and fall to destiny yet jumped out of its constraints. He became an outlier, one with no line of destiny, a proper wild card.

Current time, ruins of Alteras.....

Lucius Archer is the heir of the Archer clan, he is also one of the earlier said brainded villians used as the experience bank of our golden child. As for the reason why he became one well obviously it is due to a GIRL. Introducing Rayna Archer, a fellow clan member and the belle of the Archer's. Currently our arrogant cannon fodder is on his knees, one of his legs have been cut from the shin and he has also lost his left eye, his originally devilish features are marred with cuts due to his battle with James, Rayna and Jeanne his little sister. At this moment all he could think of was why his little sister sided with that bastard. The reason for their conflict was the legacy of Alteras, a mid tier legacy. Yup, his sister did him in for a worthless legacy of an average cultivator. He wondered why, why in the name of the unholy devil's land is his sister siding with that dumb bastard and the 2 faced bitch. Even when under the halberd of James all he could now do was glare at the bastard with his remaining eye wishing to devour him whole. Today, for the first time he understood the pain of betrayal, helplessness of the weak. All he now could do was helplessly glare and think why in the world did he not just kill this fucker when he had the chance.