
You Got Angry, Full of Warm Pampering

編集者: Larbre Studio

Gu Zhishen's mind moved quickly; he understood what was happening and said, "You thought that I bailed out on you and went on a date with someone else? So you didn't bother about me when we were back in the guest room just now?"

Yun Jianyue pursed her lips, and didn't say anything, which meant that she admitted to it.

Gu Zhishen raised his eyebrows and lifted her up as he stood and said, "Let's go!"

"Where are we going?" He held Yun Jianyue's hand as they walked out of the office, and she didn't know where he was bringing her.

"Since I made you angry, I'll have to be the one who brings you to get rid of your anger!" Gu Zhishen scanned her with his peripheral vision, and his voice was full of warm pampering.

Yun Jianyue was flustered by that gaze of his, and her small heart was disappointing as it started to beat quickly.

Gu Zhishen didn't bring her to a distant place. He went out of the back door of the company and made a turn to an old grandma who had a stall in a small alley.

The old grandma's stall was very different from others. It was full of palm-sized filled water balloons.

Gu Zhishen gave the old grandma some money and took a bucketful of water balloons. He walked over to her and handed her a damp water balloon.

Yun Jianyue took the water balloon. She was confused as she looked at him and asked, "What's this for?"

"Treat the wall in front of you as me and use the water balloon to hit it hard. It'll help you get rid of your anger!" Gu Zhishen said. He took one water balloon and threw it against the wall; the water balloon broke and water splashed all over.

Yun Jianyue froze. Her hand holding the water balloon instantly became heavier.

He'd brought her here to let her relax and for her not to be angry.

But he was so busy in Bo Lun, and the matters weren't even settled yet.

"Have a go!" Gu Zhishen noticed that she was in a daze.

Yun Jianyue bit down on her lips gently and raised the water balloon in her hand and threw it toward the wall. At the moment the water balloon burst, it was as if the irritating matters inside her heart and all the burdens were thrown out.

She laughed and turned her head to the side to look at his pampering gaze with her bright eyes. "It's still pretty fun!"

Gu Zhishen looked at the pure smile on her face, and the warmth inside his heart turned into a disaster.

This girl's smile seemed to be filled with magic. It made him smitten with her and unable to avert his gaze.

Yun Jianyue took another water balloon and threw it over, and took another…

The more she threw them, the happier she felt. It wasn't that she treated the wall in front of her as Gu Zhishen, but she used this method to relieve the unhappiness inside her heart.

She hadn't let out her emotions since she'd been dumped by Su Xu, and she felt relaxed.

The water balloons in the bucket got fewer and fewer. She was laughing more and more, and her cool laughter sounded like ringing bells.

When there was one last water balloon left, Yun Jianyue handed it over to Gu Zhishen and said, "I'll give you the last one!"

He had to handle so many matters in a day, and right now, Bo Lun was in a mess. He also must not be in the best of moods and needed to let it all go!

Gu Zhishen's gaze moved from her palm to her elegant smile. He raised his eyebrows and before Yun Jianyue could react, he blocked her lips off. The tip of his tongue parted her teeth and went inside to taste the fragrance of her lips.

Yun Jianyue slowly closed her eyes. With his experienced technique, she couldn't help as she went on her tiptoes. She was inexperienced as she reacted to his kiss.

He was already so busy, but because he was concerned about her feelings, he'd brought her here specially to let her feelings out. Thinking about what she'd imagined, it was all untrue. It was what she'd imagined due to her boredom. Compared to this right now, how could she not feel touched and have emotions?

The way she responded was very inexperienced, but Gu Zhishen felt that this was the best addictive on earth. It made him curl his pink tongue, and their breathing combined.

After a long while, Yun Jianyue laid in his embrace as she panted for breath. She took large breaths of air, and her face was all flushed. Her gaze was looking at him secretly as she asked him softly, "You…brought women here on a regular basis?"

If not, why would he know about such a place like this?

Gu Zhishen raised his dark eyebrows. He knew that her small head was imagining things again. He used his large palm to touch her small head and said, "An Yang likes this place very much."

Every time Gu Anyang was made furious by Mo Boqing, she'd run here to treat the wall like Mo Boqing as she used the water balloons to smash the wall.

Yun Jianyue understood what was happening. It turned out that he accompanied his younger sister here. She thought about something and asked, "That woman from that night couldn't help you settle the issue involving the hacker?"

If that woman had been able to settle it, Gu Zhishen wouldn't have been so busy for the past two days that he didn't have time to look for her.

She was really concerned about Bo Lun being attacked by hackers, but when her words went inside Gu Zhishen's ears, it was entirely different. He thought she was still jealous of the woman from that night!

There was a delighted smile on the corners of his lips as he said, "I'll introduce her to you another day!"

"Ah?" Yun Jianyue was completely confused. She'd been asking about Bo Lun. What introduction was he asking about?

Gu Zhishen's deep, intense gaze was looking at her, but he also didn't make any further explanation. He held her hand as he said, "I'll send you back!"

"No need. You should go and get busy with the matters in the company. I can go back by myself!" Even though he didn't say it, Yun Jianyue couldn't ask too much, but at the very least, she could not take up more of his time. He had to settle the matters at Bo Lun first.

Gu Zhishen was worried about her going back by herself, but he was unable to leave Bo Lun for now, and he ordered Xu Shi to send her back.

Yun Jianyue was about to get into the car when she asked him again on purpose, "The matter about the hackers, is it really problematic?"

Gu Zhishen didn't hide it from her and nodded. He was silent for a brief moment before he said, "It'll be fine after a few days."

Yun Jianyue left and Gu Zhishen went back to his office. At that moment, Cheng Yufei knocked on the door and came inside; he had something to report.

His words were about to reach his lips, but Gu Zhishen spoke first. "I give you such a large sum of annual pay. It's for you to reduce trouble for me and not to look for trouble for me."

Cheng Yufei froze, and his expression was hesitant as he said, "President Gu, I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"I asked you to give Madam a call to let her know that she didn't have to wait for me." Gu Zhishen had a tightly knitted frown on his face and was cold.

Cheng Yufei immediately understood his mistake and didn't explain it. He apologized immediately and said, "I'm sorry, President Gu."

Actually, he had given Yun Jianyue a call, but she hadn't picked up, and after that, he was busy with the hackers attacking them and forgot entirely.

But as a subordinate of Gu Zhishen, there were no excuses or reasons. It was true that he'd made a mistake.

"You won't be getting your annual bonus." Gu Zhishen said without any expression on his face, but his hands were playing with the last water balloon that Yun Jianyue had gifted him.

Cheng Yufei nodded his head as he said, "Yes, President Gu!"

He couldn't help but curse inside his heart. President Gu was so cruel; his annual bonus was worth half of his annual pay!

After they were done talking about personal matters, they discussed company matters.

Yun Jianyue didn't go back to her office and went back home directly.

She thought about what happened to Bo Lun, and she was a little worried. The matter this time must have been very troublesome. If not, with Gu Zhishen's abilities, how could he still not settle it after three days?

Yun Jianyue told Auntie Wen that she didn't have to ask her to eat dinner that night and she wanted to rest. She took some snacks from the fridge and went back to her room. She locked the door from the inside and pulled the curtains close.

She took the shoebox stacked underneath her vanity and took out a black computer. The computer wasn't big and wasn't pretty, but it was worth a listed company.

Yun Jianyue opened the computer to search for Bo Lun's official website, and it was just as she expected. It was all blank.