
Boy at the edge

Jayden walked up to the ring and said "Someone take him to the healer I think his ribs are broken" A boy with brown hair taken him to the healer. Actually Kai knew that if he is not wearing these gauntlets he won't be able to deliver that punch and end up breaking his own hand. Soon he is gone to the healer as well but when he came back Serena's match is already over she lost the match.

"I think this is the best day of my military school but I won't last long" Kai thought.

This is just by chance he won. Soon the school came to an end. "Today is really tiring isn't it" Serena said while walking with Kai.

They were heading back to home. But after walking for a while Kai saw the Same student he won against he is walking towards them.

"Hey it seems like u r really happy after insulting me in front of the whole class" That boy said while grabbing Kai's neck. "Hey what r u doing leave him you whatever your name is" Serena said while trying to free Kai. "You shouldn't interfere and it's Blake" That boy said in annoyed tone. "Oh and why shouldn't I leave him at once or I'll have to use force" Serena said while creating a ice spear in her hand. "a-an ice mage* Blake Said leaving Kai's neck. Actually mages are rare and powerful as well so no one mess with them cause even a low level spell can be deadly and being a mage doesn't mean u have to carry a book and wand everywhere they can use spells without chanting anything. "Huh let's see if she can be with u everywhere" Said Blake while leaving. "Don't worry he won't do anything" Serena said trying to cheer him up.

ofcourse she can't be with him everywhere.

Soon both of them went to home they both live nearby but still their are five more houses in the middle of theirs. Kai went but as soon as he walked inside he saw his father waiting for him on the. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN SCHOOL" His father shouted. Ofcourse Kai don't know what is going on. When his father came back from office he had a call from a teacher that his son bullied Cater's family's son in the school and they were very angry if this ever happened again they will take serious action. Cater family is the one of the biggest family in their city not because of their wealth but because of their influence in military. "Huh what I didn't do anything" Kai insisted after hearing that. "Oh so u mean u didn't punch Blake Cater" His father said almost shouting. 'Now I understand that Blake guy is from Cater family'. "It's a duel I didn't bully him do u think I have that much strength" "ENOUGH" His father shouted again his mother is not even home so she can save him. His father is hotheaded man he always beat him for small mistakes. soon his father pick up his belt and wipped him A"tleast hear me once" Kai said in pain.

"You know how much trouble it'll cause to us we even have to pay for it if they ask" His father shouted while whipping him. Sounds of crying are echoing in the room but no one is their to stop his father. "ENOUGH" Kai shouted on the top of his lungs. "AT LEAST HEAR ME YOU BASTARD" Kia shouted again.

"How dare u talking to me like that" His father shouted as well. But now Kai is not in the control he let his adrenaline take over before his father could whip him again he grabbed his hand. "Why Why all of u r like this what did I do" Kai cried out his father tried to use his other hand but before that Kai leave his hand and start running out of his house while crying. His father didn't follow him.

Running with full speed Kai was still crying after running for a while he saw large walls these are the boundary of beast area. Beast don't always existed on earth but scientists caged them on other planets and taken them on earth but once many beasts escaped from the lab and before they can capture them again their population start increasing in a few days. So the capture them inside these large walls their is a very big forest on the other side of the boundary where beast roams. But right now Kai don't care about anything he thought if his father is following he he is gonna beat him to death. so when he saw the boundary he start climbing and jumped on the other side but then he realised that now he was in the beast territory.

"What the hell why did I climbed that boundary" Kai thought. But when he turned to go back he saw a large wolf with white fur staring at him no matter how fast he climb back that wolf type beast is gonna catch him.

So he started running in other direction the wolf started following him Kai knew he can't run away but he can't fight either but then he saw a small cottage in the front of him the wolf was a bit far behind him cause he start running after him Kai used all of his energy and slammed his body on the door the door is now wide open as soon as he entered he shut the door luckily there is a lock on the door so he locked it the door is made up of thick wood so maybe it can hold the wolf outside. He could hear the snarling sounds from out but as long as he is inside he is safe.

"What should I do now Drake" he talked to the ring on his finger.

[Author's note - if u r reading from the first chapter u should already know about Drake]

The marks of whipping r still there and hurting him a lot "What did I do so u r making me suffer god" He said while sitting in the corner.

But then he heard a sound the wolf slammed the door now the door is wide open.

"Huh so thats how I m gonna die I hope Serena will be fine no one cares about me anyway" The wolf came inside and start ripping off Kai body tears are running down from his eyes "Hope my next life is going to be good" Kai thought.

Somewhere in the world an old man with purple eyes is running with a red orb in his hands the orb is giving off red light.

"Catch him before he could flee from the castel" A guard wearing armour running behind him shouted.

Soon a portal opened in the front of the old man he looked at the orb and said "thats all I can do sorry I can't be able to save u" tears are running down from his eyes then he throw that orb in that portal the guards r already behind him "We caught him but it looks like he threw the orb in the Portal of realms" the guard said initially and then he heard a voice

"Kill the old man we don't need him atleast we get rid of her" Soon the guards stab a spear in the old man's back he died on the spot.....

A meteor like orb is falling from the sky it's falling at very high speed soon it fall in a cottage it was the same cottage where that wolf is eating Kai but before Kai could completely loose his conciseness he saw a red ball like structure entering in the cottage it fall directly on the wolf's head killing him on the spot. "Huh what was that" Kai's legs are completely ripped by wolf. He used all of his strength and put his hands on that thing.

"When I was almost dead u saved me looks like u wanna make me suffer more god" Kai said but the he picked up the orb it was hot but not that much "It's shining red but how?"

Kai thought but then it started glowing mor brightly blinding Kai's vision soon it vanished in Kai's hands "Am I dreaming" Kai thought.

but soon he felt a burning sensation in his whole body and lost his consciousness.

the amount of blood he is loosing he is gonna die in a few minutes. But before completely loosing his consciousness he heard a robotic voice in his head with a message appearing in the front of him.

[Congratulations The Vampiric Necromancer System has been granted.]

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