

Both of them walked to the school "Wow this is double size of our old school" Serena said

"Yeah" Kai reply. When they entered the school they saw many students. "Hope atleast first day is going to be normal as long as no one knows I have no ability no one will mess with me" Kai thought. He is thinking all of this soon he felt like some hit on the back of his head.

It's not a hard hit. When he turned he saw Serena standing there with a smile. "She is walking in the front isn't she" Kai thought.

"Snap out of that daze boi if someone saw you like this they are gonna start calling you a weirdo" Said Serena.

"Uh yeah sorry" Kai have a habit to start thinking about everything no matter where he is and he is like freeze in one. "Try not to lost in thoughts" said Serena while walking to the entrance. Soon both of them found their class they were in same class. When they entered they saw many students chatting and trying to make new friends. Kai recognise some of them this is a bad thing for him they knew that he have no magic nor any beast power.

When Kai was about to sit Serena grabbed his hand "I think you should sit with others instead of alone in the corner may be you can make some new friends."

"O-Ok" Kai reply. Soon a professor came into the class it was a tall man he is not muscular but normal. But Kai can tell by just looking at his face he is really strict. He gave them a lecture about how dark knights are causing trouble and soon maybe a war broke out and we have to be prepared for it. After giving a 1 hour lecture he take all of them to the weapons hall when they entered into the hall the saw all kinds of weapons are hanging on the front wall soon the professor left but their is another teacher in the hall he is about 5'9 tall muscular body with a great sword holding in his hand "Hey it seems like a lot of new students came now according to your ability choose your weapons as you can see their are all shorts of weapons they are beast weapons of course they were at the lowest tire. choose your weapons and get ready for the duel don't worry you can change your weapon if you are not comfortable with it."

Teacher Said. By the way may name is Jayden nice to meet you all. Jayden said with a smile

'Atleast some teachers are good' Kai thought.

Soon all the students rushed for the weapons

there are many students he can't even see where is Serena now. He start looking at all of the weapons he only have normal human strength and he is not even a muscular.

'Hmm what should pick I don't have any ability so I can choose according to it' Kai thought.

Soon he saw Serena coming towards him "Hey you didn't choose any" She asked

She is holding a sword with bronze hilt.

"May be you should pick a long range weapon like bow or something" she said while swinging her sword. "Yeah but I don't have any practice of a using a bow" Kai reply.

But then he saw a pair of gauntlets in the corner he picked them up "Are you sure if u r choosing a gauntlet the u should have a lot of strength" she asked.

"You r right but didn't he said we can change it later and looks like they are in my size" He reply. All of the students already Choosed their weapons. When Jayden saw Kai and Serena standing in the corner he went their.

"Do u have any problems in choosing maybe I can help" he asked with a smile.

But then he start staring at kai "Uh did I do something wrong sir" Kai said.

"No no nothing" Jayden reply then he saw the gauntlets "Uh very different choice I think no one choose those since I m teaching here what's your name boy" Jayden asked with a serious expression. Whats wrong why did he became so serious after looking at me.

"My self Kai" Kai reply "Am I a ghost or something why no one is noticing me" Serena asked in a playful tone. "What is your name young lady" Jayden asked with a smile.

"It's Serena" Ok enough chit chat now lets start the duel. All the students gathered around what it's look like a fighting ring.

"The rules are simple no magic ofrchanging your form. we will start from the basic."

"WTF How the hell are we supposed to fight then" a student shouted.

"I said we r gonna start from the basic" Jayden said in a serious tone. No one dared to ask any thing else. The fused breeds can't activate their powers without changing but they still have a buff in strength. "Ok now our first battle is going to be Kai against that boy"

"WHAT THE HELL" Kai shouted initially.

Jayden was pointing on a random boy.

"How did teacher know Kai's name in the first place" all students are wondering.

The boy walked into the ring with two small axes in his hand. "I m gonna die why did he picked me in the first place" Kai thought while walking to the ring.

Both of them took a fighting stance.

"START" Jayden shouted. The boy rushed towards Kai and swung both axes.

It made a cut on the left hand of Kai but before he could do anything that boy punched on Kai's face now blood is dripping from his nose. "You r dead bro" The boy Said with a smile. Kai already gave up on winning but then he heard a voice "Hey you dumbass atleast hit him once" Serena said

Kai don't understand is She annoyed of trying to cheer him up. But while thinking he got hit again. 'He is getting constantly hit but what was that I saw then' Jayden thought.

"Wow is that your girlfriend looks like I gonna take her you should forget about her" The boy teased him but only Kai heard what he said.

As soon as kai heard those words his blood start boiling "WHAT DID U SAY" Kai shouted in anger. "Hahaha like u can stop me" The boy teased. Now adrenaline taken over Kai's body.

He rushed towards the boy with full speed.

the boy delivered a punch on Kai's face but Kai didn't stop their he also delivered a punch with every bit of strength inside him on that boy's ribs a cracking sounds was heard by every student and the next second that boy fall on the floor with blood dripping from his mouth. "Where did he got that much strength he don't have any magic nor he is a fused Breed" a student who is from Kai's old school shouted. All the students start whispering.

"He must have cheated then" another student shouted. "I saw that too he didn't cheat and the winner is Kai" Jayden shouted.

'Maybe I was right about him' Jayden thought.

Author's Note - Sorry guys but because of some reason I can't upload a chapter for one or two days I know I just started but I have my reasons but promise the next chapter is going to be lengthy.

Author said the above lines with puppy eyes.

Edit - The problem is solved chapters will continue.