
Chapter 200: Li Tong Spotted by Xinyu

This woman touched her own face, but Chen Yuan didn't feel repulsed at all.

Chen Yuan was a person with a psychological obsession with cleanliness. Aside from Xinyu Baby and clueless minors, he would recoil from anyone else touching him with an 'Ah, what are you doing?'

But now, he just felt a bit heartbroken.

Li Tong was looking into his eyes, not as some Online Substitute to take the place of her deceased younger brother. It was as if she had found another spiritual haven.

Do you know what would hurt Li Tong the most?

Yeah, it would be killing me right in front of her.

Of course, this is just an example.

There's no way that would happen. I still have to go to college, and after college, I want to take Xinyu back to my hometown to get married...
