
Little wizard brother

Meanwhile, Nebula took a deep, steadying breath as she stepped out into the hallway, willing her features into a mask of composed nonchalance. She couldn't afford to let her visitor catch even the slightest whiff of the chaos that had just unfolded.

"Ah, there you are, dear sister," Harry, her brother's voice rang out, laced with an air of smug superiority that instantly set Nebula's teeth on edge. "I was starting to wonder f you had become lost within the confines of your own home."

Nebula's eyes landed on Harry, who stood in the hallway with an air of casual arrogance. His tall frame was impeccably adorned in a crisp black suit that seemed to emphasize his lean build. Around his neck, a striking green pendant caught the light, drawing attention to his face. His eyes, the same vibrant green as Nebula's own, sparkled with mischief and a hint of superiority - a family trait that seemed to run deep in their bloodline.

Nebula quirked an eyebrow, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Lost? In my own home? Please, Harry. I was simply occupied with matters far too complex for your delicate sensibilities."

Harry chuckled, a sound that grated on Nebula's nerves. "Ah, yes. I forgot how... important you fancy yourself these days, sister dear."

"Important enough to warrant a proper announcement before barging in uninvited," Nebula retorted, crossing her arms. "Or have you forgotten the basic courtesies our parents instilled in us?"

"Courtesies?" Harry's grin widened. "I thought such trivial matters were beneath you now, oh esteemed elder sister."

Nebula's eyes narrowed. "Age before beauty, little brother. A concept you'd do well to remember."

"Oh, I remember," Harry said, his tone light but his eyes sharp. "I also remember how often you lorded your few extra years over me as children. Some things never change, do they?"

"Perhaps if you showed an ounce of the respect I'm due-"

"Respect is earned, Nebula," Harry interrupted smoothly. "And from what I've been hearing lately, you might be running a bit short on credit in that department."

Nebula felt her composure slip for just a moment before she steeled herself. "And pray tell, what brings you here to grace me with your unwanted presence and unsolicited opinions?"

Harry's smile turned predatory. "Oh, just a little bird whispering some very interesting tales about my dear sister's... recent activities. I thought I'd come see for myself if there was any truth to them."

Nebula fought to keep her expression neutral, but she could feel the upper hand slipping away from her. Harry's eyes, so like her own, seemed to see right through her carefully constructed facade.

"After all," he continued, his voice low and triumphant, "what kind of brother would I be if I didn't check in on my sister in her time of need?"

Nebula fought back the urge to roll her eyes, plastering a polite smile on her face instead. "Do not indulge in absurdity, Harry," she admonished, her voice laced with cloying sweetness. "I was simply addressing a trivial affair. As you can see, I'm fine," she said, chin up.

Harry arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, his lips curling into a condescending smirk. "It appears the issue had you quite perturbed and agitated, judging by your earlier demeanor," he remarked, his scrutiny assessing her with a discerning eye. "But it's hardly astonishing that a minor inconvenience could still elicit such a reaction from someone of your nature."

The thinly veiled insult hung in the air, and Nebula felt her hackles rise. She bit back a scathing retort, reminding herself that rising to Harry's bait would only feed his insufferable ego. Her younger brother was both her worst enemy and her only friend. The relationship they had was a love hate kind.

"You're right, of course," she said instead, her voice strained with forced politeness.

"I can observe your physical recovery progressing, yet there seems to be a pronounced regression in your spells," Harry remarked, scrutinizing Nebula closely.

His eyes raked over her form, taking in her renewed vitality, yet his brow furrowed ever so slightly.

Nebula opened her mouth to respond, but Harry held up a hand, cutting her off. "I wager your chefs are performing admirably but ... Something is .." his voice trailed off. His nose began twitching as he began to sniff the air, an expectant look on his face.

For a moment, Nebula thought he was attempting to discern the delectable aromas wafting from the kitchens.

However, his expression quickly shifted, morphing into one of confusion and wariness.

"What could it be?" Nebula asked, her voice laced with concern as she watched the play of emotions across Harry's features.

Harry's nostrils flared, and his gaze sharpened, scanning their surroundings with a newfound intensity. "There's an additional presence in the atmosphere," he murmured, his voice hushed and cautious. "A fragrance... primal, unrestrained."

Nebula felt her heart skip a beat, realization dawning upon her like a cold weight in the pit of her stomach.

"Damn, he's picked up on it!" she breathed, her fingers curling into fists at her sides.

Nebula's mind raced as she fought to maintain her composure. She couldn't let Harry discover the truth, not when so much was at stake. With practiced ease, she smoothed her features into a mask of mild confusion and amusement.

"Oh, Harry," she chuckled, her voice deliberately light. "Your imagination has always been so... vivid. Perhaps you're just picking up on the new incense I've been burning. It's quite exotic, you know."

She casually stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Why don't we adjourn to the study? I have a lovely new brandy I've been saving for a special occasion."

Harry's eyes narrowed, clearly unconvinced. "Incense? Please, Nebula. Do you take me for a fool?"

Without warning, he shoved past her, his strength catching her off guard. Nebula stumbled, barely catching herself on the wall.

"If you hadn't flunked most of the pre-magic classes Father paid so handsomely for," Harry sneered, "your perception wouldn't be in such shambles now."

Nebula felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment and anger. "Harry, stop this nonsense at once! There's nothing-"

But he cut her off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Get out of my way, sister dear. Your life is in danger, and you don't even know it."

With that, he began to stride purposefully towards the stairs, his long legs eating up the distance. Nebula watched in horror as her carefully constructed world began to crumble around her, powerless to stop her brother's ascent and the inevitable confrontation that awaited at the top of those stairs.