
My Succubus Harem System

Getting girls, is such a normal task, but it is almost impossible when you have to cope with being the weakest student in your academy. Ryan Whitemane was a youth with almost no chance of getting a girl until a strange book met him. Now, with the help of a Succubus, Whitemane can easily understand a girl's feelings, what they want, and what they don't know they want yet. The more he loves, the stronger he is. But every pact with a demon has it’s costs, right? ___________ - Chapter Length, around 1K-1,5K words - Release Schedule will soon be 2Chapters a day ___________ For more content, make sure to join the server https://discord.gg/gtEPnZwySP

SleepyGod · ファンタジー
356 Chs

320 - Crown

When Ryan's eyes opened, the sunlight was already completely illuminating Exaltia's gigantic royal bedroom. Once again, he felt a cozy warmth in his chest, that sensation rising to his ears. "We'll meet soon" 

* * *

In the center of the kingdom of Alterhein, the two current queens were in an intense discussion. 

"How did those bitches manage to let half the kingdom be taken over by a ridiculous army?" shouted the eldest, a woman with white hair and an elegant body.

Sitting in her chair, the other had a calm face. Bringing a mug of tea to her mouth, she took a sip before looking again at her colleague "You shouldn't be stressed, it's not as if your anger is going to change anything"

The white-haired woman's eyes turned red with anger, and walking over to the table, she knocked over the other queen's cup. Tea spilled across the table, while the ceramic shattered on the floor, "You shouldn't talk to me like that!"