
meeting interesting people

"so how your morning going?" as I asked my pet spider. then I tell him

"well you know I have to go to the other school buddy" as I petting his head. "you are not going to be bored out of your mind, bolt" then I gave him a ant that I bought him awhile ago. "well I should be off."

then I left the house. after twenty minutes of skating to the school, I went to my locker. then I started my first period.


then came lunch for FUCK sake. "welp time to go..." as I went out of the school to go to somewhere else to eat. then I saw others do the same.


then I reached to a restaurant. while I was waiting for my order I looked through my phone. "bla bla bla" as I looked through my notifications I saw something that caught my eyes. "well what's this." then I tapped on it. it brought me to a different place. then I heard a thunk

"well there you go sir" as the waitress brought my food

"thanks" as I ate the food "what was that?" as I thought. then I looked at my phone. "shit" as I left the money. "I'm going to be late" as I ran to the school.


then I reached my class. then I heard the first bell. "thankfully I'm not late" as I saw people going out of the cafeteria.


"one more period then I'm out of school" as I looked at the time.

then it rang

then I ran to gym class


"heh it's going to be a long time at this class" as I heard other girls say

"wow. they're just some lazyfucks." as i think about it


"well class we're going to be run two laps around the track, today." as I heard the teacher "then bla bla..." as I heard his voice slipping away.


as I was walking home I heard something "hahaHAHA" as I heard it coming closer "you son of a bitch. I was looking all over for you last week. you though you can get away"

as I looked around complexity of what happened "what was that?" then I heard boss music?


then as I saw a truck about to hit me.

(third P.O.V.)

as he got hit by a truck. the onlookers where in shock on how much blood was coming off of a human being.

(???? P.O.V.)

as I waking in and out of consciousness. I was in excruciating pain. then it went numb

"I think we can" as I blacked out


then I woken up "where am I?" as I looked around but I saw darkness "what the FUCK" as I felt a current taking me. which is odd

"it's a boy!" as I heard something on the Brite side of the tunnel

then I focus on my eyes. then I felt something flow to my eyes then bam. I closed my eyes from the sudden brightness


six years later


as I woke up with excitement. it was a great day to be awake especially today because it's going to because auntie queen and uncle king going to visit "it's going to be today~ today~" as I sang with a tune from he back of my head...

"well someone happy today" as I heard my dad said "what's the occasion" as he puts a grin on his face

"oh you know dad"


as we got in the streets we saw the monarchs coming towards us


years later


as I was waking up I smelled some thing burning. then I saw the house burning. "DAD where are you!?" as I heard a loud roaring outside the house. then a big shadow has covered our house. as I got stuck with fear I froze up. then something pick me up

"stay quiet..." as he hovered his hand from my mouth. "son I want you to run fast as you can towards over there" as he pointed out a seemingly random spot "do you got it?" then I nodded my head "when I give you the signal you run... and run as fast as you can"

as I heard the roaring got louder "what's out t-there?"

". . . screechers . . ."

as I got scared by the answer "why are they on the surface" as I try not to yell it out

"don't know... but I need you to give this to ___________" as he gave it to me. "oh and here is an early birthday gifts" as he gave me a bag. "now don't opened it until you are in a safe place and take the purple ones first" as we heard the roaring but louder "shit...run..." as he said to me.

as I ran into the place he pointed out. then I took a peak behind me. I saw the deep stare from the 'screechers'. then I ran faster then I thought.


as I ran towards the woods. I stumbled a little but I got up. then I looked behind me and I saw the sun the middle of the sky "wow" as I breathlessly said. I mean you would to if you saw it. but I have other things to do "oh right keep run in the forest and make it in a cave" as I remember my pa's and ma's advice... "right there dead..." then I took a shuddering breath "'hay little one be a positive tinker' as they used to say..."


as I gotten far in the forest I spotted a cave. then I went inside the cave, of course for safety reasons. as I got inside the cave there was a long hallway that open to a bigger part of the cave, and it has an oddly smooth wall at the left side and the floor is smooth to...


as I touch the wall that has paint on it it has done something "the FU-!?" as I fall through something. and then I hit solid ground. "finally I landing on something solid..."

as then I looked around the place I landed in "...what...?" as I breathlessly say by the landscape and creatures. as I saw a lot of beautiful plants and animals. "what... how am I here?" as I expected no response.

as I wonder around I spotted a Smith shop "I should go there to ask on where I am..." as I contemplated on if I should do. then my curiosity got the best of my mind

as I walked in the smiths shop I say "hello anyone here?" as I got a response

"yes. the name is..." as he spotted me in the doorway with no equipment "why are you here without starting equipment matter of fact why are you with a adventure guild?"

Then I shook my head

"then that's unfortunate little one. say where are your parents?" as he said to me

as I walked towards to a chair... "ran away from them..." as I twisted the truth a little

"a runaway..." as it looked like he contemplate an conversation in his head... "say how about you stay here for a while?"

"... sure..." as I walked to him he pointed at a place I can sit

"sit there little one... what should I call you instead 'little one' say what's your name?"

"...you can call me sun wukong..."

"... alright 'sun wukong' I am going to call you just by 'sun' and you can call me 'blade' alright sun?" as 'blade' said to me

"alright blade" as I am filled with excitement for some odd reason


as week's went by we grew closer to each other. then I asked him where's the adventure guild he said


"hay blade. do you know where's the adventure guild you said to me a while ago?" as I looked at him

blade chuckled "it's at the middle of town" as he pointed at the guild "make sure you don't kill your self in there... oh and say hi to Tommy and Wilbur for me, Tom is a blonde and Will is brown that has gloves... fingerless one's. see you in a little while bud." as he waved at me by leaving him

as I ran towards to the place that blade pointed at

... (A/N:I forgot the kids age here and I am lazy to do it)


as I entered the guild I went to the desk lady.

"how many I help you sir?" as she spotted me

"I would like to registered by the guild" as I said to her.

then she told to wait at the bar until they are ready for the test


one test later


"so I'm a .F. rank?" as I asked the register women

"yes. and you have to do twelve quest in a row in order to go up a rank, and you have to do two more quest, umm like haa, f rank do twelve quest, E rank do fourteen, D rank do sixteen... you get it?"

"yes I do. and If I forget about it you can tell me in the time when I forget it" as I clapped my hands together "is that it?"

"the hardest one ma'am"

"alright... WAIT WHAT!?"

"shush 🤫... is it that hard? if it is then I pick it. and you can't back me out."


as I walked back with my adventure card. then I spotted will and Tom. then I walk towards them

"hay are you tommy and Wilbur?"

as they looked at me "yeah someone asking for our presence?" as will said to me

"now don't be sarcastic at the lad. now who are you?" as Tom said

"you can call me by 'Lucid' for short. oh and someone by the name of 'blade' tell me to tell you 'hi'. that his message"

"tell him hi to you back" as Tom said to me

"will do Tommy" as I walked towards the quest bored. as they walked off to do there own thing


"I think we should do that one next" as I mutter. then I grabbed it "here we are going to be doing this one" as I showed my temporary partner

"yeah we should do it"

then we went to the place to do it.


as we arrived at place... "is that the black smith I stay at?" as I said it under my breath as we've walked in there I saw a bird man and... "blade?"

as he heard me "I thought you be..." as he saw my partner "oh you answer my quest?"

"ya" as my partner said



as he gave his request we have done it. after a few months I forgot about what happened in the past, and I got to D rank until I found something I heard in my quest


[the minimum requirement is reached] "what was that?" as I looked around confusion on my face "shit" as I got back to my place in the bush. I got lucky with it to...


after the quest


as I walked towards my house. "what was that?" as I entered my room. then I hit my head "wait a minute..." as I remember what my dad said to me "what do you mean eat the purple one first?" as I was looking for my bag. then I found it. "now what's in here since I forgot about it.

as I took the purple one. "well that got my hopes up for nothing..." as I laid in my bed "well time to check the other things in this bag"

as I opened the bag and dump it on my bed "welp" as I saw a necklace, earrings, rings, a lot of weapons, clothes, and a cloak. "this is what you got for me...why do I feel tired?" as I went to lala land








































