
Where it all begins

"He goes through one, two, three and scores a goal making him the youngest goal scorer of all time to score in a champions league final! Don't give enough credit everyone because he truly has skills that defy odds. People are saying he is the new American Messi. Honestly plays out of this world to think that he is only 19 years old. Truly a remarkable sight! Remember his name folks: Alex Sanders."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

*Uh do I have to get up I was having an incredible dream.* That I was a legend at soccer and playing for FC Barcelona. It was crazy how I beat the defenders and left them for dead.* I know everything has to end but why now.

My name is Alex Sanders and everything changed at 3 years old for me when I touched a soccer ball. It felt so good to kick the ball and ever since I have been playing and trying to import everything my skills to become a professional soccer. I practice every day with my dad on the fundamentals. For instance on passing, dribbling but if there is one thing I love more than anything it is shooting. I love to score goals! I can still hear the roar from the crowd as they chanted my name from the dream.

*That is going to be me one day. I won't be able to stop until I am in that position.*

It all began when I joined my soccer youth group that I fell in love with soccer. The game itself is extraordinary but what really got me is that my dad was a player in his day. He motivates me to keep pushing for the dream to play professional. However I have become a bit rusty, haven't played in a while. It all started as a dream but I will make it a reality. Focus on your dreams and conquer them that is what my dad always says. I definitely appreciate his advice and will continue to push on. We live in San Francisco, California and my mother passed away when she gave birth to me. Even through the tears of loss my dad tried to smile at me. I know it hasn't been easy for him. It affected me a bit too, but it only motivates me much more to continue playing soccer with everything I have. One day join the soccer greats such as Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, and so many more. This is just the beginning of my journey to stardom.