
My Steve Not Eve

Esther_Laryea_3606 · 都市
15 Chs



After the whole Alex and Joy escapade, I decided to stay in my room answering emails from some of my readers. Most of them were asking if my book will have a book two. I replied all of them and sighed. I was so tired. I looked at my phone still contemplating whether or not to call Dan. I know Joy said I shouldn't call him but he has to know the situation at hand. Cause I can't shut him out just like that or because he proposed to me out of the blue. I want him to be alright with the situation I'm in. Okay whatever I'll give him a call. I took my phone and called his number. He picked after the first ring.


"Hey Dan. Its me Carl"

"I know sweetheart."

"Yeah okay. Um....Dan?"

"Is there a problem cutie?"

"Well actually yes. I can't keep seeing you. Let's just keep it at that right now okay?"

"Your reason is?"

"We were nearly spotted by the press. I can't be going through a running escapade"

"Carl. I understand but I can't agree with you."

"What? Why? You just said you agree with me."

"Yes. I like you and I'm serious about it. I'm not backing down till you are mine. So if it means I have to sneak in and out your window every night everyday. I'll do it."

"Wow. You sound like one character in my story."

"That's what you get when you have a sister like me."

"Okay. So what are you doing?"

"I'm working. What of you?"

"Oh I shouldn't have called you then."

"No cutie. I'll answer your calls anytime."

"Okay. I'm replying my emails. Let me leave you to work then"

"Okay. Do want to meet my sister?"


"I said do you want to meet my sister?"

"I just told you we can't meet but you want me to meet your sister."

"And I said I don't care. I'll send her over tomorrow but I'll see you later."

"Okay. I'll be expecting her then."

"Great. I'll see you later cutie"




With that we ended our conversation. I smiled at my phone thinking about what he said. He didn't care and would find any possible way for us to meet. I was happy for some odd reason though. He said he'll send his sister over tomorrow. I have to tell Alex, Joy and Brittany about it. I opened my door and saw Alex and Brittany making out in the hallway. I stood there dumbfounded. I didn't make a sound as I watched them. I watched as Alex caressed her breasts making her moan, the way she gave her the neck kisses was driving her crazy. I don't know what happened but I started imaging Dan and I standing there. I was imaging Dan doing all those things to me and I felt myself getting hard at that. Brittany was the first one to come to her senses and she saw me.

"Oh shit. Alex get off me."

She pushed Alex off of her and started straighten her clothes. Alex also saw me and froze.

"How long have you been there Carl?"

"Long enough."

I cleared my throat and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Dan's sister is coming over. So I decided to tell you. Make sure to tell Joy too okay."

I quickly rushed back to my room and closed my door behind me. I couldn't believe I was fantasizing about Dan in that manner. It actually felt real. Was I really ready for that yet? I shook my head to get the images out and calmed down. I already have a trouble at hand and that is meeting his sister. I looked at my laptop and an idea came into my head. I hope I don't regret doing this.

I woke up in front of my laptop which was nothing new to me. I've been doing that a lot lately too. I stretched and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I was not what anyone would call attractive like Alex and Brittany. Even Dan is attractive but he finds me attractive. I shook my head and left the bathroom. My stomach started rumbling so I went downstairs for breakfast. I met Alex by the stove and the images of last night came flooding back. I tried to ignore her but she turned and saw me.

"Carl. Hey"

"Hey Lex. I didn't know you were here. I think I'll go now"

"Carl wait...um about last night."

"What about it?"

"I want to say sorry. I didn't....we didn't mean to do that. We got carried away and....."

"It's not your fault I get it. But please next time do it in your room."

"Got it. Thanks by the way."

"You're welcome."

We were back to normal when there was a knock on the door. I walked over there and opened it. Standing there was a very beautiful girl standing in front of me. She might be around my age or less.

"Hello. Are you lost?"

"Hi I'm not sure. Is this Carl O'Brien's house?"

"Yes this is my house."

"Oh goody. Finally I found you. I need your autograph."

"Oh.....but wait where are you going?"

I watched her barge into my house as if she owned the place. I closed the door and followed her inside.

"Excuse me. Have we met?"

"No. We haven't. I have a message for you."

"From whom?"

"Dan said I should ask you about when you will go on a date with him cutie."


"I'm Eve. Dan's sister."

"I'm so sorry I thought you were someone different."

"I know. I just wanted to surprise you. I hope I didn't come too early. I don't have anything doing today. So why not spend the day with my favorite writer."

"Carl. Who was that at.....Eve?"

"Alex?! Oh my God. What are you doing here?"

"I decided to spend time with my brother."

"This is actually a small world."

"You guys know each other?"

"Yes. That's Eve. Brittany's best friend"

"What is she doing here?"

We turned and saw Brittany standing there and the look on her face was not good.