
My Stepsister Is My Mate

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother. As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation. The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

favy_writes8 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Episode 1

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother.

As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation.

The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

Episode 1

Leanor was lying on the bed when her friend mind linked her.

When she opened the mind link, Raina's voice in a flash reverberated on the opposite end.

"Are you really not planning to go to tonight's class get togather party?"

Leanor snarled delicately as she got up from the bed.

"I can't come."

Leanor murmured gradually..

"Why can't you come?"

Raina sat up at the opposite end, her lovely face canvassed in a drowsy dimness.,

"I have to have dinner with my mother's new boyfriend tonight. So, I can't come." Leanor said helplessly.

She had a striking appearance.

She had a genuinely killer look.

"Fair enough. If you won't go, I won't go either." Raina said before ending the mind link.

Leanor murmured, got up, and opened the curtains. The morning sun light unexpectedly overflowed in from outside, making her squint her eyes somewhat.

She had heard that her mother's new boyfriend's last name was Carter. Each time she heard this name, she really wanted to be dazed.

The trees outside the window were lavish and equally lined.

She absentmindedly looked at the trees and walkways.

While lost in her thoughts, another mind link came through.

"Ms. Leanor, the backdrop and floor tiles you needed are unavailable. Should we go with the old design?"

Leanor scratched her head, disheveling her hair, in spite of the fact that her voice resisted the urge to panic,

"I'll go to the market now to see. We don't need to use the old ones. I'll reach you once I'm done." Leanor said then disconnect the mind link.

She stood before the mirror and brushed her hair.

The appearance in the mirror showed a face so little that it very well may be disguised inside a palm.

Her lips framed a sensitive and intriguing shape that couple of had. The smooth lines of her face were incredibly gorgeous, spellbinding anybody who looked into her petal-like eyes.

Her eyes had a unimaginably dull shade, at this point they were strikingly clear.

She looked through the window.

Also, in a big estate.

"You have to be present at the dinner party and please don't embarrass me once we're there."

Mr. Carter emptied red the wine into a wine glass and pushed it before his son, Rufus.

Rufus had cold and attractive eyebrows, yet his demeanor kept quiet and unruffled, as though it was not an issue for him.

"Father, are you serious? She's the fifth woman you've brought home within the span of six months..."

But his voice carried a hint of a smile, laced with clear mockery.

Mr. Carter suppressed his anger and attempted to speak pleasantly.

"All of that is in the past. Mrs. Kate is different. Moreover, she has a daughter. Her daughter also attends Gifted Academy. You'll definitely have a chance to talk to her."

Rufus spun the fork between his fingers. He scoffed derisively and talked relaxed,

"So, she already has a daughter?"

His father's last girlfriend likewise had a daughter.

The girl was all over him him at school, persuading everybody to think that they were seeing each other. Indeed, even the girl he was pursuing avoided him.

Rufus thought that it is completely crazy.

Mr. Carter looked at his son, unable to hide his coldness.

"You must be there. Do I make myself clear?"

Rufus reclined somewhat, leaning against the rear of the seat. He scoffed and softly separated his slight lips,

"Fine, I'll go."

"Good..." Mr. Carter patted Rufus back, then stood up with his tall and straight figure. He picked up his jacket hanging on the back of the chair and walked away.

Soon after his father left, a mind link came in."

It was Adam, his old buddy from middle school.

"Dude, did you hear? Our middle school classmates are having a get-together party. You could possibly see her there, if nothing else."

Rufus left the dining room, and the second he heard the word 'her,' his mind froze for a moment.

"What time is it?"

"Nine o'clock."


Rufus ended the mind link.

Standing at the balcony, a girl's face unexpectedly flew into Rufus's mind.

She had a wonderful face and seldom grinned, however her extraordinary sets of eyes were remarkable.

Rufus' long eyelashes, looking like wild crow feathers, daintily brought down, and he tucked his hands into his pocket, going downstairs.

At night, Rufus showed up at the estate, expecting to meet his supposed stepmother and new sister.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the sort of woman his father had deluded this time.

Be that as it may, when he really saw Mrs. Kate, he was shocked by her look.

She was really different from the past ladies who were aggressive and wore weighty makeup, anxious to turn into his stepmother.

Mrs. Kate's lovely face, notwithstanding giving indications of maturing.

"Apologies, there was traffic jam on the way.."

Rufus's demeanor was gentle and accommodating.

"It's okay. Kindly grab a chair." Mrs. Kate said, murmuring.


Rufus made a weak murmuring sound, showing an interesting calm look as he sat close to his father.

"My daughter was also delayed on her way here. She'll join us soon." Mrs. Kate said before disappearing into the kitchen.

Rufus brought down his eyes and checked his watch smoothly.

"No problem."

However, he promptly got up and left his seat.

Mr. Carter knew he was about to leave yet again, so he called out to him sternly,

"Where are you going?"

Rufus smiled at Mrs. Kate, disregarding his father.

"I'll go to the restroom first, Auntie, Can I?"

With his attractive appearance and a grin all over, his tone absent any trace of hatred, it was simple for people to shape a positive impression of him.

"It's okay, You can go.."

Rufus got his jacket and left immediately.

His father couldn't denounce him before Kate.

Strolling through the faintly lit corridor, the examples on the marble tiles appeared to assimilate the light, with the faint center of the gem ceiling fixture keeping the light from getting away without any problem.

Periodic bystanders should have been visible.

Rufus' appearance was stunning to the point that most ladies passing by really wanted to stop and take pictures with him.

The somewhat more obscure lighting encompassed the forms of his attractive and strong face.

He was tall, with expansive shoulders and long legs. Notwithstanding, an atmosphere of chilliness exuded from him, making a demeanor of egotism and reserved quality that made people reluctant to move toward him.

Meanwhile, Leanor was in a rush as she left the lift.

She was late.

Lost in her thoughts, she crashed into somebody.

Leanor immediately apologized.

"Sorry! Sorry!"

Her voice unexpectedly stopped as she met the individual's face.

Rufus' eyes showed shock, however his look remained generally unaltered. He just frowned somewhat and peered down at her condescendingly.

Neither of them could recuperate from the unexpected shock.

Leanor was quick to recover and apologize again..

"Apologies, my bad..."

Rufus raised an eyebrow and asked,

"Leanor Ford?"


Leanor 16 yrs old

Rufus 17 yrs old

Please note these story is not your regular kind of werewolf story.

Thank you ☺️