
My Stepsister Is My Mate

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother. As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation. The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

favy_writes8 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Episode 15

Leanor fell hard and was rolling down, tumbling down uncontrollably. Each impact hit different parts of her body, from her legs to her waist, arms, and even her head. There was no escape from the relentless force.

Amidst the chaos, the scene in front of her flashed by, making it difficult to discern where she had fallen into. The surroundings grew darker and darker, enveloping her in an eerie atmosphere.

Despite her numerous attempts to stop the fall, Leanor continued to descend until finally, she landed heavily on the ground. The last impact was on her butt, causing excruciating pain that left her unable to get up for a while. It was only when a pair of arms extended towards her that she managed to rise.

"Are you alright?" Rufus's voice broke through the silence.

"Yes, I'm fine," Leanor replied, massaging her sore buttocks.

Before Rufus could say anything else, a piercing sound echoed from the direction they had fallen. The sound reverberated, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Did the wild wolves fall with us?" Leanor panicked, turning to Alice for reassurance.

Alice shrugged her shoulders. "I hope not."

"Let's keep moving. If there's a way in, there must be a way out," Rufus suggested, leading the group towards the nearest crack in the ground. However, it proved to be a dead end. He then turned his attention to the other cracks, searching for an escape route.

Suddenly, Raina called out to everyone. "I think I know a way out." With those words, she took the lead and ventured forward.

Alice followed closely, her worry evident as she held Raina's hand.

Raina smiled at Alice, a glimmer of happiness in her eyes.

With heightened vigilance, the group proceeded through the unknown cave. The howling of the wild wolves gradually faded behind them, replaced by the echoing sound of their footsteps on the ground.

"Hold on! There's something here," Rufus exclaimed, retrieving a short stick from his backpack.

In an instant, blades were pressed against everyone's necks.

"Don't move," a base voice commanded from beside them. Several individuals emerged from behind, their blade pointed at Leanor and the others.

"Leanor?" Evan was very surprise.

The individuals who had threatened them with sharp blade turned their attention to Leanor, equally surprised by her presence.

"Is she the one? Leanor Ford," the group of people observed Evan and then turned their attention to Leanor, scanning her from head to toe.

"Enough with the nonsense," Evan interrupted, glancing at Leanor before speaking.

"Put away your blade."

Without hesitation, the group obediently sheathed their blades.

Leanor noticed that Evan Sterling held a significant position among these individuals. Although surprised, she kept her composure. "Why are you here?" she asked.

Evan's eyes flickered, accompanied by a smile. "We stumbled upon this place by accident. And you?"

Initially unimpressed by Evan and further fueled by the cold treatment from the group, Raina responded with a scowl. "No one invited you here..."

"Alice," Leanor glanced at Raina, silently urging her to ease up. While she didn't particularly like Evan either, she didn't want unnecessary trouble.

"We were being chased by wild wolves and ended up here. Now we're trying to find a way out," Leanor replied, her expression remaining neutral.

Evan's smile grew elegant as he suggested, "Why don't we join forces? After all, we're all seeking an escape."

"No need. If I'm with you, my life might be in danger again," Raina retorted.

"Raina!" Leanor called out, reaching for her hand.

Leanor looked at Raina and let out a sigh. She understood that Raina was acting out of concern, but she wished it didn't have to be this way.

Turning her attention to Rufus and the others, Leanor proposed, "It would be more efficient if we all worked together to find the exit. What do you all think?"

Rufus grumbled under his breath. "Do we really have to work together?"