
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · アニメ·コミックス
89 Chs

28: Mongrel Mania By KtyouVsWriting( Fate/stay night + RWBY Crossover)

Fic type:Crossover

Gilgamesh in Remnant.


Mongrel Mania

By: KtyouVsWriting

Gilgamesh's constant failures have begun to grate at him. More than anything, he just wants to succeed at something, anything. What he was not counting on was someone responding to his wish. A strange new world awaits him, one rife with conflicts that are new and old to him. This time though, he will NOT fail. The King of Heroes will accept nothing less than absolute victory.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Gilgamesh - Chapters: 10 - Words: 55,526 - Reviews: 319 - Favs: 1,213 - Follows: 1,606 - Updated: Mar 11 - Published: Apr 21, 2018 - id: 12910990



Chapter 1: Killing a Mongrel

Hall of Heroes

Gilgamesh was not happy one bit, and why not? The Holy Grail, in a final act of desperation, absorbed him in an attempt to gain a vessel, but as the rules of the war dictated, only a mage could be a vessel. Servants could only add mana to the grail. The grail must have become really desperate to try and make him a vessel.

In the end, he'd failed again to secure what he had wanted and calling him upset or even angry would not be capturing the true scope of what he was feeling. It was hard to believe that some mongrel had managed to defeat him; it was even more insulting that it was the lesser pretender that had defeated him. The other one, the one who was far stronger, being beaten by him would have felt less humiliating. He was at least competent, strong, even ruthless, something to be admired. This mongrel who had cut off his arm and left him a bloodied mess, he was a bumbling fool with no concept of anything other than being a 'Hero of Justice' and blindly following his ideals.

Then again, somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt that this wasn't a completely unexpected outcome. He had been done in by a snake before, a lowly creature with barely an ounce of intelligence. Was it really unthinkable to have been beaten by a human and a faker? In hindsight, perhaps it was not. Nevertheless, he was appalled at his own failings. He most certainly had the power to take down the lesser faker, but the mistake of holding back and taunting his foe was his first and last mistake.

Gilgamesh might have died in battle, but his legend would continue to exist. Additionally, if he had lost, then there was no doubt that the Holy Grail had been destroyed. That Emiya boy had made it very clear that there wouldn't be any other way forward. The King of Heroes would shake his head if he had a physical body. The boy was naive, stupid, a complete and utter fool, but he had won the battle. The former king had even conceded victory, and it was the victors who wrote the history books. It might just be a sign that his time was long gone and Mankind would move forward without him.

Still, there were a great many things he wanted to do that he could no longer do. He was a man who had many ambitions and goals, many of them which had not come to fruition. In his current state, he was in no position to be picky about how he got to his goals. If he was willing to sacrifice the vast majority of Mankind the Holy Grail's power, then he could afford to broaden his horizon a little bit, even if it was distasteful.

"Truly, I am astonished at myself." Gilgamesh growled at himself. "Foiled not once, not twice, but three times."

He was the King of Heroes, a name that denoted his superiority above all those that had come before, those that came in his time, and those that would come to be. That was what he should have been, yet here he was, no closer to what he wanted than when he had first become a Heroic Spirit. Yes, his goals did entail him being the absolute ruler of the world, not something that many humans even considered let alone were able to set out to do.

The easiest thing that he could do is just give up. He understood the human desire to give into incompetence and failure. He would be lying if he said that he didn't harbor that very same desire, and he would also be lying if he said that the urge wasn't strong. Could he accept another failure again? Would the next one be the final one for good? Would he be condemned to ultimate failure for all of his existence? If that was the case, would he ever be able to break free from it before insanity took over?

Then something came back to him, something that hadn't occurred to him before.

Shirou Emiya, the lesser Faker. Faker though he might be, there was something to him. His idealism was one that only a select few would ever carry, and it would be an impossible ideal to achieve in the world because only a few would only ever carry the ideals. Almost all people in the world were instinctual at heart, selfish, and capable of many acts of violence. Why bother putting on the face of a 'Hero of Justice?' Everyone called the notion foolish, which only made such a honor to be nothing more than empty.

But the Faker didn't give a damn. He just fought for what he believed until the bitter end, and although his ideals were worth less than nothing, he still fought for them, and he had won the battle.

It was simply who he was. Shirou Emiya was a Hero of Justice, like it or not. It was his identity. The war might mature his viewpoint, but he would never give up that ideal. It was belief, plain and simple, that drove him.

"Belief, is it?" Gilgamesh chuckled in realization. "Is that what it takes to win the battle, to win the war, even when the world is against you?"

Apparently it was so.

"No matter the viewpoint you carry, what matters is who wins in the end." He continued to lecture himself. "The survivors are the heroes who write the final tales in legends."

He laughed a bit more. It had been a while since he had a good laugh. A simple solution for a complicated problem. In hindsight, he should have foreseen his own folly, and now he felt a strong urge within himself.

"It might be foolish of me to make a wish now, but it's not like I have anything lose." Gilgamesh reached a hand out in front of him. "I desire to return to life, to walk a path where my victory is assured fully.

He held his head high, his resolve renewed.

"Let not man, monster, or anything else stand in my way, for I am son of the King of Uruk Lugalbanda and the Goddess Rimat-Ninsun. I am the King of Heroes, one whom all heroes copy and imitate. I am the one who is feared by God and Man. I am the wielder of all the weapons and treasures of the world. Those who know my name shall quiver in fear and kneel before me.

"I am Gilgamesh, and I may be bent, but I will NEVER be broken!"

His declaration complete, he didn't realize that his wish had been heard.

And received.

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

Gilgamesh found himself taking in a breath of fresh air as his eyes opened. His body felt… normal again, like it was mortal, like he was alive, not a Heroic Spirit, and not merely a physical body being powered by magic.

"What is this?" He rose from his prone position on the ground. "This place… I don't recognize it at all."

Even with all of his knowledge from the Hall of Heroes, there was nothing recognizable that he could even see. In fact, the only thing he was seeing was wildlands for as far as the eye could see, nothing that would otherwise give him a clue as to his own whereabouts. While where he was mattered to him, there was another more pressing matter.

"Why was I brought here?" Gilgamesh considered out loud. "Why am I not a Servant? Why am I… wait… my wish… my desire…"

Although it was barely worth considering in light of the rules of the Holy Grail War, it was the only thing he could think of. It had to have been the Holy Grail who heard his message, his defiance, his millenia-old desires reignited. Either that, or Alaya had released him from the rules and regulations of being a Heroic Spirit. On second thought, both options were borderline ridiculous and impossible, but how else could he explain this?

"It doesn't matter." The King of Heroes decided after a minute, getting up and checking himself over. "I will assess my situation before committing to a course of action."

His armor had returned to him, but a quick check told him that he also retained his casual attire attained from his time on Earth. Although his armor and his own casual wear from his own time suited him well, he admitted that the casual attire from the modern era suited him just as well. In fact, it might do him good to keep it as his default appearance. It didn't matter what he wore as he didn't care for the opinions of mongrels, but he did like variety.

With nowhere set to go, the only thing to be done was to pick a way and hope for the best.

Hope… right…

With his hand shoved in his pockets, the former Heroic Spirit chose to head for what looked to be a clearing. While he could enhance his own abilities and make it there many times faster than walking, it was a drain on his energy, and he wanted to be prepared to fight if the situation demanded it.

I'm already acting so cautious. Gilgamesh clenched his hands in his pockets. That mongrel really did get to me, didn't he.

His own slightly change in attitude aside, things were going smoothly. He spent the next half an hour walking through the wilderness. The only sign of life were animals that scattered at the sight of him, with not a single human in sight. The sight of familiar animals was a sign that he had to at least be nearby human civilization. Still, it was deciding if he should be optimistic or pessimistic.

Despite the fact that he recognized the wildlife, he also took the time to take in the air and savor it. He couldn't sense a trace of human pollution anywhere. If that reading was correct, then he was in a place where there likely wouldn't be civilization, at least not a large settlement of any kind.

The only time he stopped was to grab himself some food and a drink from the Gates of Babylon, a waste to be sure, but it was easier this way. If it came down to it, he could search for food and water himself in this environment, but better to trust in what he knew wouldn't potentially be harmful to him. However good it felt to be alive, there were drawbacks to be sure. At least his divinity and god blood remained intact.

Gilgamesh had also taken the chance to take a look at himself via a mirror, and he was pleased, yet confused. He looked like a teenage version of himself, except he had all of his treasures and objects and his powers were at their peak. Many mysteries seemed to continuously pile themselves upon him, but he continued to made his way forward.

It wasn't until he came upon a very large clearing that he saw something that interested him even little bit. The forest gave way to what appears to be a field that contained a pathway that was clearly marked with a fence. This was what he was looking for. His pace quickened, but something made him stop.

He was sensing an very overt and potent source of magical power. Based on what he could feel, it reminded him of the season of fall. He also couldn't miss the presence of a human within that very same power.

At the same time he sensed this human presence, three more humans began to come to him as well. Two of the sources were relatively weak, not worth looking at for very long, but the third source, it was violent, like a rabid dog barely clinging to human sanity and intelligence. It was foul to say the least.

His eyes trained on something coming into the distance from one side of the path. It was a girl on horseback. She wore a hood, which could mean a few different things. She might be on the run, or she might be someone easily recognizable, or she could simply disliked showing her face. Still, a simple piece of clothing couldn't do much to hide her face. Brown hair, amber eyes, and somewhat decent features.

Opposite of her was another individual, one with dark skin, mint-green hair, and eyes almost as red as his own. She appeared to have hostile intent towards the girl dressed in autumn colors if her ready stance was anything to go by. What was strange was that the first girl couldn't seem to see the second girl. Moments passed and the browned-haired one disembarked, retrieved an apple from her person, then bent onto one knee and offered it to the ground.

An illusion. Gilgamesh figured out what he was seeing. One is seeing an illusion and the other is creating the illusion.

Then the battle began. The green-haired girl pulled out two firearms and began shooting in rapid succession. The brown-haired girl responded with a staff and deft deflection with her bare hands, at least that's what it looked like at first. When he saw a barrier flicker, he realized that this was a power, but nothing that he had seen before.

A boy with silver hair and eyes jumped into the fight. He was of the more aggressive type, launching himself into the heat of battle without so much as a care. It soon became apparent that his confidence was due to a set of prosthetic legs, probably a means to enhance his own fighting style.

With a two on one battle, Gilgamesh was content to sit in a nearby tree, conceal himself, and watch from afar. As far as he was concerned, this was entertainment. If there was something worth it for him, he might just intervene.

As it turned out, he didn't have to wait long. The lone combatant began to rise into the air and the sky itself darkened as a storm rolled in. The use of magic was now obvious, and very powerful. The King of Heroes, while perched on his branch, watched with slightly more enthusiasm. Now the odds were in favor of the lone maiden as she rained the elements upon her two opponents. The two dead mongrels resisted. It was pointless really, because they wouldn't win in the end.

Then the third presence came into play, and one look at her showed that she was determined to win this battle. Her skills in combat were leaps and bounds superior to that of her compatriots, that much he sensed. She had to be their master or their leader, someone of central authority. They way she carried herself demanded respect.

Gilgamesh was not impressed in any way. He didn't have to demand respect, ask people for it, or even earn it. Merely existing at all was enough for him to become the center of attention.

At least in my time that would be the case. He mulled to himself. But I doubt these mongrels would know of me.

He had a hunch as to what was going on, and until he had more evidence, then he would hold back; this wasn't his fight in any way. The last thing he needed was to tie up loose ends that he might create by foolishly becoming a part of this.

The battlefield began to shift. With the black-haired woman joining the fight, the tides had turned against the single maiden. She might have raw power and a lot of talent on her side, but her three enemies had more collective skill not to mention cunning. If his predictions were correct, and they always were, then she was going to die, but probably not quickly. Something about this whole thing smelled.

Gilgamesh clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he contemplated the moves. While tracking the fight blow for blow, he began to watch the facial expressions of each combatant.

"The energy in this vicinity is quite immense." He observed the battleground. "Even those without magical know-how will realize that a battle took place here."

If they didn't end this quickly, then witnesses would come into the mix. While it wouldn't be disastrous or even bothersome, it did limit his own choices. Any warrior with even the dullest senses would come snooping around. When that became reality, he would have to back off and retreat.

In that case, he needed to assess the magical power that the maiden was displaying. Reaching out with his own mana, he began to try and get a read on the power. It was only a second that passed by, and what he was able to discern was novel. This power, while not as ancient as himself, was enduring. He could tell that centuries of history rested with it, but looking even further, the origin of the magic went back further. Thousands of years would be the more correct age for this power. This fact alone was enough for him to make a decision; even if he hadn't seen the power himself, anything that could endure for multiple millennia was worthy of taking.

Gilgamesh rose from his perch on the tree, waiting for his opportunity. It would appear that the lone maiden had turned the tables once again, unleashing her powers and scattering her three opponents. With them all down, she grabbed her staff and made her way to the green-haired one. One look and it was clear she had the intent to kill.

If she's killing them, then her power must be secretive. The King of Heroes noted to himself. That must mean the power is important to someone.

It was too bad that she didn't see the arrow in the back, but it was too late. She was now on the ground and in serious pain. She no longer had the strength to fight back, only to beg for her life as she was held in-place by the henchmen and faced with the leader. The black-haired woman began to form something in her hand. It looked like a parasite. A black substance latched onto the face.

"She's being drained of the power." Gilgamesh knew that it was now or never. "Well, I suppose introductions are in order."

He hopped down from the tree and got onto the path. With that, he began to walk at a casual pace, all the while intentionally making a lot of noise. As he expected, all heads that could turned to face him.

"Well, well well, what have we here?" He wasn't concerned about his safety. "Some thieves trying to steal power that isn't rightfully theirs?"

He opened the Gate of Babylon, then fired.

RWBY - - - Fate/Stay Night

Cinder narrowly dodged the projectile that was launched at her along with her two minions. Everything had been going according to plan until this fool decided to meddle and with a smug look no less.

The servant of Salem took a moment to recompose herself. She needed to retrieve Amber quickly and drain the power. She had gotten half of it. When she looked up, she saw the new figure holding the prone Fall Maiden in his arms, now with a look of utter victory plastered on his face.

If something like this was to happen, Emerald had been given orders to mask all their faces so that they couldn't be identified.

"I will be taking this now." He was positively glowing in his arrogance. "Power like this belongs in the hands of someone who can wield it properly."

Cinder's response was to use her semblance. She would not be denied her prize, not when it was within her grasp. Wanting to test her new powers, she launched an attack against him. He didn't have his aura unlocked, so his death was a certainty.

The she saw him bring out a shield and place it directly in front of him. She brought up the heat, but to her surprise, there was no effect. She relinquished the flames.

"Really, that's the best you can do with your new power?" He laughed at her. "I've faced mongrels who could do so much more with much less."

He dared to call her a mongrel?!

"Kill him!" Cinder ordered Mercury and Emerald. "Now!"

"Do not even bother." He threatened them. "If one of you so much as moves in the wrong direction, then you will die."

Cinder couldn't deny that she was in a really bad spot. Her new opponent was somehow summoning weapons from portals. She couldn't count them all, but she knew there was no way that she could dodge them all.

"Do you realize what a fool you are?" Cinder decided to see where conversation would go. "That power can only be wielded by a woman."

"Of course I know that, you mongrel." He was completely unphased. "But that will not stop me from doing this."

With a casual attitude, he raised his arm and plunged his hand straight into his hostage's chest. He then deftly ripped out the heart, dropping the girl from his arms, a bloody pool beginning to form at his feet. He then crushed the heart within his hands. This should have been the victory. The rest of the Fall Maiden's powers should have gone to her.

To her horror, she watched the other half as it instantly transferred into the man, and then it went dormant. Was the power extinguished? No, she could sense it still, but… it was like it was sleeping.

Maybe the power was not able to be used when in his possession, but he had it and she didn't.

"The power continues to deny me." His face dropped its previous smile with a light scowl. "No matter, I have what I came for."

With a snap of his fingers, he unleashed a torrent of death upon them. The three of them were barely able to dodge. His previous threat had to have been fake. He hadn't intended to kill them all along, but to force them into a position of his choosing.

Cinder cleared away the smoke, but by that time, he was gone.

"No." She clenched her hands. "NO!"

Fate/Stay Night - - - RWBY

After that brief bout, Gilgamesh decided that it was time to do some searching around this world. Before her death, the girl known as Amber had provided him with all the information that he needed to know. A brief glimpse of her mind while her defenses were down and he obtained vital details.

This was Remnant, a world with both Humans and another species called Faunus. The Faunus were essentially Humans with physical traits resembling that of animals and creatures. This tie to animals also gave the Faunus sensory abilities that Humans were not capable of having. In many ways, they were superior to Humans, yet their numbers were considerably lower than Humans and they were discriminated against. In that sense, if the Faunus were unable to rise up against those who were inferior to them, they were weak themselves.

Humans and Faunus both fought against the Creatures of Grimm, ancient and unknown beasts who wanted nothing more than the destruction of Mankind and the Faunus. Well, ancient and unknown to most of the world. In reality, they had a master known only as Salem, and this being had backers at her beck and call. It wasn't really clear what she intended, but Humans and Faunus clearly weren't part of that equation.

To fight the Grimm, there were warriors called huntsmen and huntresses. They all used aura, the manifestation of the soul, as well as the power to use a unique semblance, a special power tied to a person's character and life experiences. Additionally, this world relied upon the trade and use of dust, a mineral unique to this world. It was dust that made this world go round. It was a cornerstone to all advanced technologies.

All of this, ultimately, was logged as secondary information. What really got his attention was the wielders of what he now knew as the power of the Seasons Maidens. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. All of them were blessed with the powers of the seasons, but that power was also the key to opening the gates to the greatest treasures in this world.

There were four relics that Mankind had been gifted with by the Gods of this world. They were creation, knowledge, destruction, and choice. Winter could access creation, spring knowledge, summer destruction, and fall choice. Each of the relics were located at the huntsman academies spread across the four continents.

"The power to remake this world as I see fit." Gilgamesh, maybe in another lifetime, would have jumped immediately at the chance to create a new world. "Would I even wish to do that? So far, these mortals have proven to be interesting sport."

If he even did get the urge to make a new world, then he would go to Beacon Academy and retrieve the relic. For now, it was his time to explore the world. He had time, and what better way to kill that time than to go exploring, see what else was entertaining.

"The Kingdom of Vale is the closest major civilization." The King of Heroes went through his facts. "There might be something worth seeing there."

Whatever reservations he had about using his powers now went out the window. There were numerous villages and settlements between himself and Vale. The less people that saw him, the better, and massacres, while nothing uncommon in the territory outside the kingdoms, were loose ends not worth being saddled with. One dead village was one matter, but a string of dead villages, and in a predictable pattern, was another matter.

Based on what he knew, most people in the world didn't have aura or or even magic. Those were reserved for warriors, and even though the proportion of warriors on Remnant compared to on Earth were far more, still the vast majority of Mankind and the Faunus did not have either aura or magic. That could work to his advantage either way.

And speaking of aura, he considered getting himself some aura. All one needed was a soul in order to generate aura. Since the Creatures of Grimm lacked a soul so to speak, they were incapable of generating aura. There were two known ways to unlock the power. The first and most common way was for someone else with aura to unlock aura. This was usually reserved for those that trusted one another enough. The lesser-known way was for aura to be unlocked via intense emotional moments.

Those were the ways that Amber knew, but Gilgamesh wouldn't bother with either way. The first one was out of the question seeing as he didn't trust anyone in this world, and his trust wasn't given out lightly. The second option was even less likely to happen as he had spent most of his emotions in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

There had to be another way. Perhaps he could force his aura to unlock itself. There was a special chant that went with unlocking aura, but since that applicable only to when there were two participants, he wasn't sure it would work.

"There's no rush." He reminded himself. "My magic alone can pose as my aura for now, but I will need to discern the best possible method to unlocking my aura."

Perhaps he could trick someone to grant him aura under the pretense of it being necessary for a greater goal. Killing heroes wasn't the only thing that he was good at. He hadn't been the ruler of Uruk for nothing. A sharp mind combined with a silver tongue and a way with swaying others to his side was something he was still very capable of.

Gilgamesh had been walking on the path for some time, yet he couldn't quite tell for how long. His thoughts had interrupted his concentration in the real world. It was only the smell of something burning and searing that caught his attention.

Looking up, his eyes took in the sight. Someone had come through this village and burned it down. Buildings and structures were either destroyed or ransacked. This looked to be the work of bandits and lowlife scum, no doubt preying upon the weak so as to take what they could not make or produce themselves. Yes, the strong did overpower the weak, but if the people of this town couldn't properly defend themselves to begin with, then it was merely the weak overpowering the weaker.

Then something came at him. It was Beowolf, and if he were a normal person, he might run in fear. The only thing he did was pause in his steps and use one of his treasures to spear the creature clean through its mouth and the blade came clean out the other side.

"A primitive beast to be sure." He observed the dissolving creature. "Yet it has taught hardiness in the people of this world." He looked around. "Well, almost everyone."

Still, these unnatural things weren't that much interest to him. If he desired it so, he could raze this entire village himself in the blink of an eye and not even break a sweat doing so. The Grimm might be numerous in number, but they lacked true intelligence. Even the so-called powerful ones that had existed for hundreds of years and maybe even longer were only using intelligence as a means to achieve a primitive goal. There was little to be found in the Grimm, so the idea of controlling them himself wasn't appealing. Additionally, he liked the mongrels and dogs that were Mankind and the Faunus better than he did the Grimm, although they were still just mongrels and dogs.

Gilgamesh heard the sound of rubble tumbling down. His head turned and from a pile of destroyed building material, he saw something sticking out of the rubble, something was distinctly not the shape of rubble, but rather the shape of a hand, and a very small one at that, so it was a person. His curiosity getting the better of him, the demigod made his way over, careful so that he didn't dirty himself. Cleaning himself would be expend energy than he cared to use.

When he appeared only a meter before the person, he peered down. It was a child, a Faunus girl at that based on the very distinct lion ears protruding from her head. Her bright green hair went down to her waist and he could tell she was a girl due to feminine features that men could not possibly have.

It was all of these features that made him stand still and freeze in place, and only one word came from his mouth.


I perused a bit through the Fate/Stay Night and RWBY crossover, and the one thing that really stuck out to me was a lack of Gilgamesh. Most of the stories revolves around Shirou, and while I love Shirou, I love Gilgamesh just as much. He can kick major ass and if you really look into his character, he's not a completely heartless person. I will say that he's no good guy, not by a long shot, but he's not without one or two sympathetic characteristics.

This story is my response to a lack of Gilgamesh, and let me say this right off the bat. Since this is based upon the Unlimited Blade Works route, then you know that there will be no holding back. Gilgamesh is going to do whatever he wants and whatever he pleases because he can and will.

So what do you guys think? Did I royally mess up RWBY forever? Well, it's Gilgamesh, and he has a way of throwing a wrench into people's lives, so there you go. In all seriousness, please leave feedback.

A final note: because I am a huge fan of RWBY and Fate/Stay Night, I want to do justice for this story. To that end, I would like to have the help of a beta-reader, primarily for ideas and concepts and overall story-telling purposes. If you think you can help me, you can include a shoutout in a review or PM, whichever is most convenient for you.

I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter.

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

Milton Berle

Pat reon . com (slash) Ktyou

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