
Leoux, Split Selection

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Welcome here, Earthlings!" a low voice said.

When Ling Jiu looked over, he saw bloody light dripping down from the blood moon in the sky and forming a bloody humanoid.

It was less than one meter tall, with a pair of demon-like wings growing on its back, a single horn on its forehead, and dark eyes. It was blood-red all over.

"You are…"

Ling Jiu stared at the humanoid closely. He had probably guessed who the humanoid was, but he was not so sure.

"I am the brain of this battleship. You can call me Leoux."

The demonic humanoid spoke slowly in standard Chinese, to Ling Jiu's surprise. "1269 just told me you passed the Emissian test, didn't you?"

"If the Emissian test refers to the absorption of dark bio-energy in the dark universe and becoming a stellar life form, then I have indeed passed it," Ling Jiu said.