
My Sister's Husband Loves Me

When Charlie's ghost couldn't let her younger sister Marlie live in peace, Marlie takes her sister Charlie's face to take revenge on Chad, Charlie's high school love and husband, together with his family members for the death of her sister. Knowing so well the dark clouds surrounding the... family, she would stop at nothing to let her sister's soul rest in peace. However, through that process, Marlie came to realize she was falling for her sister's husband and tried to suppress her feelings for him. Not only that but Marlie also realized that the person whom Chad had loved from the beginning and wanted to marry was her and not Charlie, her late sister. "Why do you have my sister and I picture in your wallet?" Marlie, having the face of her sister Charlie asked... "I didn't keep it because of you. I kept it because of Marlie. She's the one I loved and wanted to marry since high school." Chad replied to Charlie [ Marlie ]. What will Marlie do after hearing this big Revelation that would turn all her plans outside down? Will she face her feelings or deny them? Let's find out...

DaoistruhAil · 都市
40 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The scene that unfolded before Audrey's eyes left her completely shocked. Her brother and I were in each other's arms, partially undressed. It was a wonderful moment, and Audrey had managed to stop everything.

The look on Audrey's face was filled with pure horror. She couldn't hide her disgust and anger towards both of us. It was as if she wanted to vomit at the sight.

Her facial expression served as a wake-up call, bringing me back to reality. What have I just done? What possessed me at that moment?

Downstairs, Charlie patiently waited for her fiancee-to-be and a doctor to arrive and tend to her sister.

While I was upstairs engaging in a passionate moment with him, without any consideration. God, I should have stopped when Chad asked me to.

I was so consumed by my own desires and lust for my soon-to-be brother-in-law that rationality escaped me.

I knew the harsh words were coming, and they did. Audrey wasted no time in hurling the insults I deserved.

"You despicable, shameless whore! You disgust me to the core. How could you do something so disgraceful? Your family is right downstairs with the hall full of guests. How could you!" Audrey pounced at me, gripping my hair and yanking at it.

I felt she was truly concerned about my sister or family.

As Audrey violently pulled my hair, I endured the pain and refrained from screaming or fighting back. Firstly, she was truly right.

Chad was my soon-to-be brother-in-law, and I should never have engaged in such an act with him. Secondly, there were indeed plenty of people downstairs. Drawing attention by screaming or fighting back would surely expose my scandalous secret to my family.

Furthermore, the last thing I wanted was for my father or sister to witness me in that compromising position with Chad.

With Audrey's painful grip on my hair, Chad swiftly stepped in and separated us. God, that was painful you know.

I couldn't help but glare at Audrey.

We could have had a civil conversation. Why did she resort to such violent actions? Damn her!

After Chad separated us, he ran his fingers through his hair, clearly frustrated.

I felt an overwhelming urge to cry for him at that moment.

Not just that, I also felt guilty for putting him in this predicament, as I had somehow seduced him.

What have you done, Marlie? I questioned myself.

"Audrey, please calm down and lower your voice. There are people just a few steps away, and they might overhear us." He said in an attempt to calm her down.

What a display of shamelessness and irony. Did we not consider the consequences before engaging in that disgraceful and shame-worthy act?

Audrey glared at her brother with complete disgust before turning angrily towards me.

"Marlie, you have no shame. Your sister is down there, eagerly awaiting her fiance to-be's arrival, little does she know, her dear sister is up here, ready to..."

"Enough, Audrey! You cannot place blame on her!" Chad's defensive voice interrupted her.

I have to admit, I was impressed by his defense of me, despite I being the one who initiated everything.

He continued, "I am the one to blame. I started it all. I should have known better and not taken advantage of her. So, do not blame Marlie!" He addressed his sister sternly.

What was happening? Why would he lie for my sake? I was truly speechless.

I had lost my ability to speak like a cat had gotten my tongue. What was there to say? I was at fault, no doubt about it. As much as I hated to admit it, her insults did not suffice.

I felt a deep sense that I deserved more and Audrey served it to me with gusto.

"Marlie, you are so cheap. I despise you. You don't merely disgust me, No... using the word disgust would be an understatement, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT TRASH!" She spat, and damn... that hit the nail on the head perfectly.

She was right in calling me trash. I deserved to be thrown in a dumpster. I was disgusted with myself.

Truthfully, I was grateful to her for the insult. it really did me good.

My eyes watered, and tears streamed down my face. The demon possessing me a while ago had disappeared, and I returned to being my normal self. The insult was now okay.

But Audrey was not finished with me yet.

"I heard you despised my brother so much that you didn't want your sister to marry him. Could it be that you are jealous of her?" She scoffed at the notion.

"What? Absolutely not! Why would I be jealous of my sister?" I exclaimed. I would never be envious of my sister. I love her more than anything.

"But you were engaging in a make-out session with her fiancee-to-be!" Yes, she stated it again. Couldn't she just stop? I acknowledge my mistake, okay? I feel both disgusted and guilty about it.

From Audrey's reaction, I could tell that she was full of venom. And it must be acknowledged that she was taking it too far.

"Please, just stop!" I pleaded with her, but she had no intention of backing down. It was as if she was determined to thoroughly roast me.

"Meeting the two daughters of the Anderson family only reaffirms my decision to not like you. Today proved to be a stroke of luck for me as I reluctantly accompanied my brother to this event. Little did I know that I would bear witness to such audacious behavior that only served to confirm my assumptions about your family. Ha! Simply astounding!" she continued ranting.

Wait! What did she just say? Did she not like us? But why? I fail to recall any offense on our part that could have provoked her.

Nevertheless, Audrey persisted with her insults and character defamation...

"On one hand, we have an irritatingly innocent and highly naive person, while on the other hand, a deceitful snake lurks beneath the surface. What exceptional daughters..." she smirked wickedly.

"You have no idea how much I long to expose your disgraceful actions in front of everyone. Oh! The joy that would bring me... To witness your sister shattered and consumed by a sense of betrayal!" she declared, her tone dripping with malicious intent.

"Audrey, enough!" Chad whispered sharply. It was clear that he disapproved of his sister's behavior. In fact, his anger was beginning to surface.

Yes, how could Audrey be stopped... "My brother was supposed to marry Angela, my closest friend, but due to that incident--"

"Audrey, I said enough!" Chad almost shouted at her.

Audrey cast a disgusted look at Chad and continued

"But don't worry, Marlie! I won't tell anyone about your disgraceful act. No!, I won't relieve you of that guilt. I want you to live the rest of your wretched life, burdened with guilt each time you look at your sister." With those final words, she struck a nerve within me.

She was right. I will forever bear this guilt.

Chad and I had already dressed ourselves when she was done.

Chad wanted to speak with me, but I requested that he leave. I wanted some privacy, and Audrey escorted him out of the room.

Once the door closed with a thud, uncontrollable tears cascaded down my cheeks, as I wallowed in humiliation. I had committed the gravest mistake of my life and, undoubtedly, betrayed my sister.

Out of shame, I remained confined to my room, refusing to show my face. I stayed within those four walls until the ceremony downstairs dwindled.

I couldn't bring myself to meet Charlie's gaze. My conscience simply would not allow it.

Hence, I resorted to avoiding everyone by feigning illness throughout the engagement ceremony. For a week I stayed inside distancing myself from the preparation for the wedding.

I was able to pull this through with the help of our kind family doctor.

Finally, it drew to a close. Chad officially married my sister within a week of the engagement.

I was informed that they appeared blissful during the festivities. And then it dawned on me—I was the root of the problem all along. My initial animosity towards Chad and my treacherous actions towards my sister made me realize that I was the source of all the issues.

I had come so close to ruining my sister's life. Thus, I decided to leave and distance myself.

Without any prior notice, I hastily gathered my belongings and left the house, unable to bear the weight of guilt and saddened by the constant reminder of my transgressions.

I needed to relocate to a distant place, where encounters with Charlie would be nonexistent.

I couldn't fathom how Chad could bring himself to wed my sister, disregarding the reprehensible act he committed with me.

He displayed no remorse and proceeded with the marriage, seemingly concealing our shared secret from Charlie.

I harbored doubts about Chad's feelings for my sister, and now those suspicions had been confirmed. Yet, what options did I have? It was too late to question him, especially considering my own unforgivable actions.

My sister had entered into a marriage with a man who had betrayed her by engaging in a clandestine act with me, her younger sister.

What trials will she face in the depths of that man's home? Would she be okay?

Should I expose the truth in an attempt to protect her? I thought to myself.

No, I wouldn't! This course of action would only serve to complicate matters even more as both Chad and I share responsibility for this unforgivable transgression. Furthermore, I was the instigator of it all.

Oh, God! Will my sister find contentment in her married life? Will she ever uncover the truth? And if she were to learn of it, would she ever find it in her heart to forgive me?