
Is he my fated mate?

The only thing that came to my mind when the both of them started to fight was to call my mom.

"What's the matter, Dave?" Julian asked from the other side of the phone "Are you near the hospital now?"

"Yeah... I need to speak with dad, please."

"Why is that?"

"Two alphas fighting!" I said and the other side got quiet.

I panicked, if my father come it will be worse, my mom is the only one who can control two alphas.

"YOU TWO!" I heard a scream beside me, it was my mom and he was angry.

I got inside the car again and after a while, the two alphas got out of the alley, each one with a punch on the face.

"I hope it's the last time I see you fight a kid, Adam."

"I am so sorry, baby." he said while getting inside the car.

"And you?" asked mom looking to Henry and he looked down, sad "Aren't you coming in?"

He pointed to the car not far away but I know that my mom wants to speak with him so I give space for him to enter.

"Is better if you enter." Adam said before starting the car "Do you want to see him mad?"

Henry got startled before he secured his car and get inside Adam's car, he didn't even dare to look at me.

"Your dad is scary." he said through the link.

"You didn't meet my father yet." I said and he looked at me for a split second, that my mom didn't miss.

"Do you know each other?" he asked and I looked to Henry, he was terrified of my mom.

He looked like a lost dog that got reprimed for doing a bad thing so I decided to make him a little happy.

"He is my friend from school. Mom, meet Henry."

"Friend?" Henry murmured confused looking at me but I kicked his leg.

"Yes, friend!"

My mom smiled and started to speak about what could have happened to my brother and I looked at Henry, that was smiling.

'You look like a fool.' I said and he laugh 'Is not every time that I said that I have a friend, rejoice.'

'Yeah. Thanks, sweetheart!" he answered, getting back to normal 'Are you like your mother?'

'Do you want to know?' I asked, looking right into his eyes.

He smirked and I averted my eyes, embarrassed, how he could treat me like that. He is only going to be like this until he met his fated mate, then everything will change.

"Dave! Can I speak with you?" my mom asked and I gulped, I know what she was going to talk about.

'Everything will be fine!' Henry said, tapping my shoulder before giving a little squeeze 'You're not a filthy omega.'

"What did I tell you about that topic?" I asked, angry "Are you saying that my brother is filthy?"

"No... I..." he tried to explain but my mom interrupted him.

"Were you both talking?!" Mom questioned, crossing his arms, waiting for an answer. "Dave, none of us can talk you through the link."

Henry looked puzzled and after that my mom said.

"Did you tell him that only the fated mate can talk through links?"

"Mom!" I exclaimed, embarrassed "How can a beta and an alpha be mates?"

I started to cry, she knows very well that I want a mate but to have a family I have to stop liking guys.

"My mom is a beta and my father an alpha." Henry said, getting my attention "They were fated for what they told me."

"Do you like my son?" he asked, amazed with his hands near the mouth "I can't believe it."

"He said that omegas are filthy." I said, trying to make them understand why I don't like him "Not even if I was an omega I would like him."

My mom laugh and Adam came back to see what happened and hugged my mom, making me stop talking and walk through them without saying anything.

"How much time are you going to be like this with Adam?" my mom asked, worried "I know that it happened, but can we let it pass?"

"It was his fault that Ryan and Will died." I said before starting to run to the hospital, Henry right behind me "Leave me alone."

'Are you ok?' he asked without stopping, even inside the hospital 'I will treat omegas better, you have to understand that I lived with an alpha.'

'I lived with two.' I said, calming down so that I could ask where my brother was.

"Where is my brother?"

"You have to calm down, child. Who is your brother?" the nurse asked, trying to calm me down.

"Liam from Sun's pack." I said and Henry started to back away.

"What's the matter?"

"I remember I have something to do."

'That's weird. Why did he go away when... Don't tell me he is scared of our pack."

"What the matter, Dave?" Father asked and hugged him, relaxing a little "Did that guy hurt you?"

"No! How is Liam?"

"He was rejected." he said and I pushed him, scared.

"What do you mean? Will he die?"

"I don't know." he said, sad."

Out of nowhere appeared a teacher from my school, looking for my brother and I didn't think twice before charging at him but before I could go near him, Adam appeared and hit him, no one stopped him.

"How dare you reject my kid? I know it's you because you have his smell."

'His smell?' I thought and my mind go blank for a moment before I jump to him in my wolf form "Did you touch my brother, filthy alpha?"

I know that someone was trying to stop me but until I kill him, I will not stop, no one touch my brother.

'Sweetheart!' I heard Henry's voice and I stopped, looking at the person under me full of blood. 'It looks like you are like your mother.'

"I am worse." I said, crying while he hugged me "I almost killed someone."

"It's alright. Everything is fine now, see?"

I looked behind him and I saw my brother and the teacher hugging each other, happy.

After I calm down, on Henry lap, I apologized to the teacher and everything was fine after that.

"I hope it's the last time you use your power without think." My father said to me and Henry looked at him, growling "It was lucky that your boyfriend was there or it could have been worse."

"I know." I said embarrassed, before hiding my face on Henry's chest "And he isn't my boyfriend."

"You are right. You are my mate."

After I heard him, I got out of his lap and gave him a slap on the face before getting out of the room.

'I liked it!' he said.

'You are such a fool!'

'I am starting to like that word.' he explained but I ignored him and got out of the hospital.

After getting some air I was a little better, but I still could feel his touch everywhere.

"You should slap me more times." Henry murmured beside my ear, making me jump."You are such a scary puppy."