

"How great, I am cursed with a blessing... is this what I deserve for Moms sin?". Li Yu muttered quietly and looked at the river ahead of her. "Mom, don't worry I will end what you never finished...".

LiliCrown57 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Thunder rumbled loudly in the sky, as wind howled madly.

Admist all this, Li Yue still stood calmly right in front of a Temple with a blue coloured lantern in her hands.

Her long black hair cascaded down to her feet, not because they were naturally long, but because she has been standing here for ages almost like a statue causing her to ignore herself. Her long once White robe is now tattered and soaking wet with dirt all over, her beautiful face that conquered the heart's of thousands looked nothing like it was before, now Even her skin was way more dry than that of a servant. At this point, she looked nothing like the well known Goddess of War, the Almighty Queen of the Azure Dragon Clan.

A Monk suddenly appeared beside li Yue and bowed slightly, "Amitabha... Li Yue Goddess of War, why are you so stubborn?!. Stop stressing yourself and just leave... you should know well enough of the fact that Buddha will never grant your request". The Buddhist Monk said calmly.

Li Yue heard this and calmly knelt on the ground. As this happened, lightning flashed in the sky.

"Buddha, Your loyal surbodinate Li Yue... is here again_". Li yue then stretched the lantern in her hands forward and continued, "Please give my daughter her soul back!..... or else..... I will make This realm suffer!". li yue uttered all this with a calm voice but her eyes said otherwise.

Her orbs glowed fiery blue as she looked up at the sky waiting for any response.

Time passed slowly an still nothing. Li Yue then chuckled. "I li Yue, Goddess of War, Queen of the Azure Dragon Clan, Protected and fought for this realm with my life! and at the end of the day... you people took the life of my most priced possession.... Hahahahah!!". Li Yue suddenly laughed before saying with anger. "What a joke!".

The Monk looked at Li Yue and felt extreme pity for her, but there is nothing he could do to help her, so he just stood silently and watched her, while he racked his brain to find more excuses to make her leave.

li Yue looked at the lantern on her hands and a tear slid down her cheek. "What a joke I am, I can't even give my own child a life... what a joke.... what a joke Hahahahah!". She laughed out loud as more tears dripped from her eyes.

Seeing her like this, the Monk couldn't take it anymore and said. "li Yue, don't_".

But before he could complete his sentence, Li Yue suddenly stood up with the lantern still in her hands. She rubbed it gently as she muttered, "My child I will give you the life they took from you!".

Hearing this, the Monk's heart raced because he knew what the Goddess of War us capable when she looses her cool. 'Looks like the heavenly realm is about to suffer another catastrophe'. The monk said internally.

li yue threw the lantern up in the hair and flew up with it. Her once tattered clothes suddenly changed to a pure and long white garment adorned with jewels.

Her eyes were fully covered with firery blue light as her body radiated a very powerful chi. Now this is The Queen of the Azure Dragon Clan.

Her chi could be sensed in the whole realm so they all felt her anger, those around the area quickly cleared away, because no one wants to face the wrath of the Goddess of War. They don't understand what Buddha was thinking when he took half the soul of Li Yue's unborn child.


Floating in the air, li Yue clasped her hands together as she began to chant.