
My Sexy Vampire

Young Terra gets a horrible birthday present. She’s involved in a horrible accident and dies, or so she thinks at first. Before she can pass, she’s turned into a Vampire, a powerful supernatural being. But before her new Master can take her away, he’s stopped by a valiant man who saves Terra from a fate worse than death. This mystery man turns out to also be a vampire and offers to take Terra under his wing and help her with her transition. Turning isn’t an easy thing. It involves pain, emotional stress, among many more challenges that Terra must overcome. While she navigates this new life, feelings for her savior, Cameron, start budding in her chest. Luckily, she’s not the only one! When she and Cameron finally come together as one, the union is beautiful for all of a few weeks. Cameron is urgently hunting down the man who turned Terra into what she is. This man broke the biggest rule of all: cause no harm to a female vampire. You see, their kind is very rare, and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, he must leave his new mate alone for a while so that he can bring this villain to justice once and for all. While he’s away, Terra won’t sit idle! Her best friend, a young werewolf, comes to her aid and helps her become stronger for the one she loves. Will Terra finally come into being a vampire? Will Cameron survive his mission to hunt down her Master? Will they all be okay in the end? Read more to find out about this world brimming with romance, mystery, and supernatural creatures! ***Please be advised, this novel is rated R17+ for a reason! It contains crude language, sexual content, and portrayals of mental illness that some may find upsetting.***

SteamyWriter · 幻想
43 Chs

The Morning Light

The bath had made me feel a million times better. Walking out in the robe was a little awkward, but Cam was asleep so it was fine. To be fair, I didn't want to put on pants. I don't usually sleep in them. But Cam was wearing them, so I figured I had to as well. When the sun rose, he and I were going to have to have a very long talk about these sleeping arrangements. It'll have to be fine for now though. He might flip his lid if he woke up to me half naked. In my opinion, the nightgown I'd been wearing wasn't much different, but at least it covered my ass.

It is freezing in this room though! Maybe I had my bath water too hot, because it wasn't this cold before, I swear. In an innocent attempt to stay warm, I skooch my back closer to Cam. With my back pressed against his side, I'm finally starting to warm up. Boy, this man was a furnace though! Was he getting sick? Because he's putting out enough heat to run an oven. Honestly, it's kind of nice.

Cam lets out a gentle sigh and shifts in bed. Does he do this a lot in his sleep? As he shifts, he turns facing me and wraps his arm around my waist. His breath on the back of my neck almost makes my squirm out of my skin, but I don't want to wake him up. I swear it gets a few degrees hotter, and not because of Cam. Between the breath on my neck and the arm around me, I'm starting to get a little hot and bothered. Welp, its official, I'm smitten. No guy has gotten me this worked up over something so simple.

With my mind deep in the gutter, I think of what it'd be like to kiss him. Are his lips soft? Does he use tongue? For that matter, does he use his tongue for other things? Oh jeez, my own thoughts are making me blush. I'm so glad he's asleep for this. Curiosity gets the better of me though, and I can't help but think about how well built he is. I can feel the muscles on his chest and arms, but what about below deck? Does he have a high powered engine, or a small rutter? Where the hell did these nautical references come from, while we're at it?

A wicked idea pops into my head, like an evil lightbulb turning on. He's the one wrapped around me. So what would happen if I were to back up just a bit, and find out what he's sporting? Would that be wrong of me? Thinking about it, the answer is probably yes, that'd be very wrong. I think better of it until he does something cute. He buries his head in the crook of my neck and sighs again. Oh jeez. I'm a goner if him doing something so simple turns me on so much.

You know what? He asked for it at this point. I carefully scoot back and press my butt right up against him. I hate and love this idea all at the same time. I should probably regret it, or be ashamed of myself, but I can't say that I am. Why, you ask? He's as hard as a rock. And hung. Like you would not believe. I can't help but think if there's anything wrong with him at this point. Is he a minute man? Or does he have issues keeping it steady? There's no way this can be real. It's just too good to be true!

I think about this for a while. Longer than I should really, because we laid like that for a long time. Until the morning sun broke through the window and showered everything in light.

Cam was the first to stir. I could tell when he woke up because he started with a jump. I guess he wasn't expecting to be that close when we woke up. Its his own fault, really, for saying we had to be close to each other for a while. He carefully unwrapped his arm and gently moved back until he was sure he wouldn't disturb me. Honestly, I was so deep in thought that I barely noticed him moving at first. Then he fled from the bed and into the bathroom like it was on fire. I heard him start the shower.

With a sigh, I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Is he that afraid of me? Or is he just trying to be polite and gentlemanly? I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I figure is about time to get up anyway, so I get out of bed and had towards the closet. Walking in, I still can't believe how big it is. Its bigger than my bedroom at my parent's house! It has a little chair, a wall mirror with LED lights around it, a shoe rack and shelf upon shelf of racks for clothes. It even has a little built in jewelry stand. Compared to this grand masterpiece of a closet, my small section of clothes looks kind of pitiful. I grab a t-shirt and throw it on, then grab my slippers and slide them on as well. After a night next to Cam, the room feels cold compared to it.

As I walk out of the closet, Cam is stepping out of the bathroom in a towel. He must have thought the coast was clear, because the look on his face is utterly priceless. To be fair though, I think the look on my face is similar. All I can think is a phrase from an old cartoon I used to watch growing up. How does it go? Oh yeah, helloooooo Nurse! I knew he was well built, but feeling it through clothing and seeing it bare and dripping wet was another thing all together.

We stand there and look at each other for a few heartbeats, until I can't stand it anymore. I can't think of anything to say that isn't lewd or crass, so I awkwardly give him a small wave and say "Morning, Cam."

He clears his throat before speaking. "Uh, hi?" I'm so sorry about this, I thought you'd stepped out. Let me just... go get dressed. I'll be right back after I die of shame."

I can't help myself. It was too funny and awkward. I start laughing as he quickly walks out of the room. Oh jeez, I hope he doesn't think I'm laughing at him, but that was more sarcasm than I'm used to hearing from him. I take a deep breath to collect myself. This is going to be a fun morning.

A little while later, Cam returns, dressed in jeans and a batman tee. Him and DC, I swear. His face was also a deep strawberry red. Maybe he was about to die of shame after all.

I tried my best to contain my laughter, but a giggle escaped. "How are you feeling?"

With a sigh he says "Like I want to curl up in a hole and die."

"haha okay drama queen. Are you ready for breakfast? I'm starving."

"I suppose" He says. "Lets get your feeding over with so we can go get some real food."

At the mention of blooding, the image of him half naked pops into my head, causing me to blush. I hope he doesn't see it. "Can we put it off for a bit? I really want real food."

He sighs again. Man, he sighs a lot. Maybe he is a drama queen. "Unfortunately not. Its been 7 hours since you've last fed. If we wait any longer, you'll get sick."

"Are all baby vampires this fragile? Or do I get special treatment because I'm a girl?"

I'm joking when I say it, but he gets a serious look on his face. "You have no idea how right you are. Its true. Female vampires are very fragile at this stage, so it's important to keep your blooding sessions regular."

Oh. Well that's new. "Fine, but only if you stop pouting." I start towards him, and he meets me in the middle of the room.

"I'm not pouting"

"Sure you are" I say with a smirk. "You're upset that I saw you in a towel." I decide to tease him a bit. It'll make the day more interesting if I don't let him live it down. "If it bothered you that much, you could have just dropped it. Then I would've seen the whole kit and kaboodle, and you'd have a real reason to pout."

His face burns red and he's about to reply to my comment when I sink my teeth into his neck, having to stand on my toes and pull him down slightly. Tall motherf*cker that he is. As I begin to drink his blood, I feel him shudder. I'm not sure if it's because he's so much taller than me or what, but he leans down into it, and gingerly places one hand on my hip, the other on my shoulder. I don't know why, but it sends a chill up my spine. Maybe it's because his touch is so gentle, or maybe it's how intimate this feels. All I know is that I never want it to end.

Eventually though, it must, and I gently pull away, staying in place for a moment to see what he'll do. Cam removes his hands, though he seems like he doesn't want to. So, I step away, and in order to protect his pride, or maybe mine, I act like it didn't happen. Like the dumbass I am.

Smiling up at him, I say, "So can we go get something to eat now?"