
My Sexy Vampire

Young Terra gets a horrible birthday present. She’s involved in a horrible accident and dies, or so she thinks at first. Before she can pass, she’s turned into a Vampire, a powerful supernatural being. But before her new Master can take her away, he’s stopped by a valiant man who saves Terra from a fate worse than death. This mystery man turns out to also be a vampire and offers to take Terra under his wing and help her with her transition. Turning isn’t an easy thing. It involves pain, emotional stress, among many more challenges that Terra must overcome. While she navigates this new life, feelings for her savior, Cameron, start budding in her chest. Luckily, she’s not the only one! When she and Cameron finally come together as one, the union is beautiful for all of a few weeks. Cameron is urgently hunting down the man who turned Terra into what she is. This man broke the biggest rule of all: cause no harm to a female vampire. You see, their kind is very rare, and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, he must leave his new mate alone for a while so that he can bring this villain to justice once and for all. While he’s away, Terra won’t sit idle! Her best friend, a young werewolf, comes to her aid and helps her become stronger for the one she loves. Will Terra finally come into being a vampire? Will Cameron survive his mission to hunt down her Master? Will they all be okay in the end? Read more to find out about this world brimming with romance, mystery, and supernatural creatures! ***Please be advised, this novel is rated R17+ for a reason! It contains crude language, sexual content, and portrayals of mental illness that some may find upsetting.***

SteamyWriter · 幻想
43 Chs


Cameron got up long before Terra did this morning. He had a hard time sleeping, nightmares plaguing every dream. For a while, he just curled up next to her and tried to relax, but once the sun rose, he needed to get up.

Slipping out from around Terra, he snuck out of the room and into his own. He hadn't used it in weeks, but he wanted Terra to feel like she had her own space, so he kept it as his room. Mostly he just came in here for clothes.

And speaking of, he grabbed his work outfit off of a hanger in his closet. It was a simple three piece suit, but it made him blend in. No one really looked twice at him and that's the way he liked it, especially now that he was bonded. Terra was the only woman he'd be with for the rest of his life.

With that being said, he had to do everything he could to protect her. In this case, he had to find that bastard that made her and bring him to her on his knees. Yeah, the council would want a swing at him too, and would ultimately get final say on his punishment, but Terra got first dibs in Cameron's eyes. He's put her through so much without even being around. When Terra's emotions gripped Cameron's heart over their bond the other day, all he could feel was guilt and self loathing. The thought of what was going through her mind broke his heart and almost made him sick. That night, he promised himself that he would never let her feel that way again.

After he got changed, he walked back into Terra's room. She was still asleep, but stirring. He hated leaving without saying goodbye, but he just couldn't bring himself to wake her up either. Cameron writes a brief note and places it on her bedside table, making sure to put his and Lawrence's numbers on there. He didn't like the thought of Lawrence being so close to her, but in certain situations, he was better equipped to help than Cameron was. After placing a kiss on his mate's forehead, he leaves the house, careful not to make any noise until he gets to his car.

As he drove to his office, Cameron thought about different ways to punish this Crimson monster once he got his hands on him. Once he had stopped in the parking lot, he was motivated enough to spend the next several hours trying to find him. It was a long, complicated task to find someone when you were a social worker. Unlike the police, social workers couldn't walk the streets and just ask around. Instead, they had to comb through piles of files, witness statement, camera videos, and cell phone records until they got a hit. It was brain numbing work, but for Terra, Cameron would put up with all of it.

As Cameron walked into the office, he was stopped by the receptionist.

"Excuse me, Mr. Demonte, but the president wishes to have a word with you."

His heart sank into his stomach. He nodded and trudged in the direction of the council room. The president was the leader of the Vampire Council. If she wanted anything to do with him, it couldn't be good.

The council room was pretty large, taking up almost a whole floor of the Social Services building. It had a large table in the middle of the room, and then seating places around the room for when it was an open meeting. When Cameron walked in, he only saw the president of the council sitting there. This was worse than if it had been the whole council, somehow. Sitting there, at the head of the table was Eldra Knightwood. The woman was the youngest ever sitting president, and almost the youngest on the council itself currently. She and Cameron didn't quite get along though.

"Sit down, Mr. Demonte. We have a lot to discuss."

Having a seat at the table, as far away from Knightwood as he could, Cameron said "Good morning to you too, miss President. To what do I owe the honor of a private audience?"

"Cut the crap. What is the progress on your current investigation?" Her face was hard as stone, any form of expression other than annoyance not daring to cross her features.

"Well, we know what city he's in. Christopher "Crimson" Cellar was last reported to be seen in Alpha City. We're currently working on finding evidence of where he may be staying and who he may be with." Having said it out loud, it wasn't a lot. Cameron fought not to get discouraged, but Alpha City was so large that there was no way they could find such a small needle in that haystack.

"Why would a vampire be hiding out in a city of werewolves, Demonte?" Knightwood's tone was equal part's curiousity and condescending. Cameron was very familiar with hearing the latter from her mouth.

" He was sighted in the nightclub of a known accomplice of his, a one Justice Wolfsbane." Cameron fought to keep his tone even.

" And what reason do we have to think that they might be together now?"

"Well, ma'am, if you'll remember, Wolfsbane was the key witness that got Crimson off on all charges during his last trial. He testified that Crimson was with him all that night, and that he hadn't seen any women near him at the time."

A look of displeasure plants itself on Knightwood's face. " Oh, how could I forget. After all the work we did last time, we simply couldn't make the charges stick without any solid evidence. And speaking of evidence, how is the fledgling?"

Cameron tensed up. He hated talking about Terra with this woman, but he had no other choice. If he withheld anything, he'd get in serious trouble. "She's making progress, but is still very fragile. Lawrence is trying a few things that may help stabilize her, though I don't know the details."

"Oh? And why not, Mr. Demonte? She's your mate, is she not?"

It's all Cameron can do to keep his voice even. This woman had a way of pushing his buttons. "Terra wished for it to be private. I respect her decisions."

In a rare display, Knightwood looks satisfied with his answer, smugness hinting her voice. "Is that so? Well then, you best keep an eye on her. I know how protective you Demonte men are of your women. You're dismissed." She waves him off.

As Cameron goes to walk out of the room, Knightwood says " And tell your mother I said hello."

A pit of disgust drops in Cameron's stomach. "I don't have much communication with my mother. You should tell her yourself, Knightwood. You're her sister, after all."

With that, Cameron walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He really hated that woman.