
My Sexy Vampire

Young Terra gets a horrible birthday present. She’s involved in a horrible accident and dies, or so she thinks at first. Before she can pass, she’s turned into a Vampire, a powerful supernatural being. But before her new Master can take her away, he’s stopped by a valiant man who saves Terra from a fate worse than death. This mystery man turns out to also be a vampire and offers to take Terra under his wing and help her with her transition. Turning isn’t an easy thing. It involves pain, emotional stress, among many more challenges that Terra must overcome. While she navigates this new life, feelings for her savior, Cameron, start budding in her chest. Luckily, she’s not the only one! When she and Cameron finally come together as one, the union is beautiful for all of a few weeks. Cameron is urgently hunting down the man who turned Terra into what she is. This man broke the biggest rule of all: cause no harm to a female vampire. You see, their kind is very rare, and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, he must leave his new mate alone for a while so that he can bring this villain to justice once and for all. While he’s away, Terra won’t sit idle! Her best friend, a young werewolf, comes to her aid and helps her become stronger for the one she loves. Will Terra finally come into being a vampire? Will Cameron survive his mission to hunt down her Master? Will they all be okay in the end? Read more to find out about this world brimming with romance, mystery, and supernatural creatures! ***Please be advised, this novel is rated R17+ for a reason! It contains crude language, sexual content, and portrayals of mental illness that some may find upsetting.***

SteamyWriter · 幻想
43 Chs

Ch 6: Friends

I somehow made my way back to the bed, my legs a little stronger after drinking Cam's blood. He didn't say anything, so I'm going to keep calling him that for now.

After a bit, he knocks on the door and pokes his head in. The red on his face finally going away, leaving that nice smooth complexion that most women would kill for. "Are you doing okay? Are you hungry?"

I think about it for a second. My stomach is pretty empty, and its been days since I've eaten, but I'm not starving. Is it the blood? But why would I pass up the chance to try this wonderful man's cooking? "Something small would be fine for now. What can I eat without getting sick?"

A fun fact: Vampires don't live on just blood, but they do have a sensitive digestive system. The biggest issue for most people is meat, so that's pretty much cut out all together.

He smiles and steps into the room. "Can you stand okay?" He holds out his hand like I'm some Lady getting out of an old fashioned carriage.

With a smile of my own, I use his hand to brace myself and get out of the bed. "I can manage, thanks to you."

His grin widens. "Then lets head to the kitchen, I've got something good cooking."

Walking by his side, we leave the bedroom. Hot damn though. His house is huge! How can a social worker afford a mini mansion?! My jaw must have hit the floor, because he laughs at me.

"To answer the question on your mind, I've built up a decent sum over time, plus inflation. The house is 5 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms. There's a sizable kitchen if you like to cook, a parlor, a living room, and entertainment room. Plus the pool deck in the back."

I think I can feel my jaw on the floor now. He gently puts his hand under my jaw and snaps my mouth shut. Winding my arm in his, he leads onward. After a small walk through a maze of hallways, we reach a kitchen that would put Paula Dean to shame. White cabinets and white marble tops, it looks like I stepped into a magazine. How can I life here?

As a sinking feeling of inadequacy kicks in, I smell something utterly mouthwatering. "What are you making?"

A grin still on his face, he says, "Think chicken soup, but with tofu instead."

"Tofu? Is that okay?" I didn't think that's on the list. Unlike most, I actually like tofu. Not many people know it, but I haven't eaten meat for a while already.

"Yes, it's fine for our diet. You should like it. I haven't gotten any complaints yet." With a wink, he sits me down on a stool at the center island of the kitchen and goes to stir what's in the pot.

It smells so good, too. Is this man real? He's attractive, understanding, rich apparently, and now a good cook. Am I in a fantasy novel? There has to be something wrong with him.

Cam dishes out a bowl and sets it in front me. Then, a bowl for himself. Sitting across from me, he says "Bon appetite"

I take a tentative bite. I swallow, surprised. This is amazing. But I can't inflate his ego, of course. "This is pretty good." I take another bite.

He looks at me with a knowing smile before he starts eating. After a few moments of quiet, he starts talking again. "So, you've heard my name, but allow me to introduce myself properly. I'm Cameron Demonte. Its a pleasure to meet you, Miss Star. "

Is he serious? "Please, just call me Terra. I'm not a fan of formality, honestly."

Looking satisfied, he continues. "So I've given it much thought and I think I've found a way to keep you busy once you regain your footing." Eagerly waiting to hear what he had to say, I sat quietly and waited for him to continue. "How would you feel about doing things around the house? Laundry, basic cleaning, cooking and whatnot."

Thinking it over, I don't see how it'd be that bad. But you know me, I've gotta ask the important questions. "Is it just you and I in the house?"

"Yes, and I have a maid come in and deep clean once a week, so you won't have to do too much."

Who could beat a deal like that? "I think that's fair. I mean, I owe you my life."

His face turns grim all of the sudden. "Please don't think of it that way. I did what was right. You don't owe me a thing. If anything, think of me as a roommate, or a close friend."

I think that's one of the nicest things I've ever been told... "If that's how you'd like me to view it, of course. Friends?" I hold out my hand.

He grasps it and shakes once. "Friends. Now, let's finish eating before it goes cold."

After we finished eating, Cameron walks me back to my room. I think I'll get lost in this house plenty of times before it sinks in. Once we get to our destination, Cam walks me in and helps me sit back on the bed.

I take advantage of him being here to ask something that's been bugging me. "Hey Cam, is there any way to get like, a TV or something in here? I'll be honest, I'm a little bored."

He laughs and picks up something on the dresser. Looking at it, I see its a remote. He brings it over and points out a button on the side. "If you press this" He pauses to show me. a panel on the wall slides open revealing a big flat screen. I think my jaw dropped again. "There's the TV. Is it alright?"

Closing my mouth, I answer. "Yes, more than alright. Thank you."

He sets the remote down, and sits on the edge of the bed. "Now, I know it's early, but lets go ahead and top you off on blood for now. I have a few things to attend to, so I'll be out of the house for a bit."

You know what I didn't think of? "Oh jeez, what time is it? Do you have to go to work?"

He chuckles at me. I'm starting to feel flattered that he finds me amusing. "Its about 9pm, but yes, I do need to go into the office for a bit. I'll be taking time off and need to fill out some paperwork. Will you be alright?"

I didn't realize it was that late! But I guess vamps keep different hours than im used to. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Do you want to go ahead and get it over with?"

He must have known what I meant, because he straightened and dropped his arms to his side. "Yes, let's go ahead and get it out of the way for the evening."

I leaned forward, and for the second time today, bit into the soft part of his neck. He stiffened like last time, but now he started relaxing by the end of it. Pulling away, I wipe a small bit of blood from my lip. "Are you ok?"

With an almost imperceptible sigh, he stands. "Yes, I'm fine. Unlike you, I'll be okay on human blood. It helps me recover from your blooding sessions."

I feel kind of bad. First he has to give up his blood for me, and now I know how me biting him makes him feel. Its almost like knowing a secret I'm not supposed to. Oh well, I guess.

Nodding, I say "Have a good night then."

Cam looks like he has something he wants to say, but thinks better of it at the last minute. "You as well, Terra."

And with that, he leaves me for the night. Thinking back on the events of today, I'm confused. So much has happened, and I don't know how to process it all. Well, we're friends now, and there's no getting rid of him. May as well think about it later.