
My Sexy Vampire

Young Terra gets a horrible birthday present. She’s involved in a horrible accident and dies, or so she thinks at first. Before she can pass, she’s turned into a Vampire, a powerful supernatural being. But before her new Master can take her away, he’s stopped by a valiant man who saves Terra from a fate worse than death. This mystery man turns out to also be a vampire and offers to take Terra under his wing and help her with her transition. Turning isn’t an easy thing. It involves pain, emotional stress, among many more challenges that Terra must overcome. While she navigates this new life, feelings for her savior, Cameron, start budding in her chest. Luckily, she’s not the only one! When she and Cameron finally come together as one, the union is beautiful for all of a few weeks. Cameron is urgently hunting down the man who turned Terra into what she is. This man broke the biggest rule of all: cause no harm to a female vampire. You see, their kind is very rare, and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, he must leave his new mate alone for a while so that he can bring this villain to justice once and for all. While he’s away, Terra won’t sit idle! Her best friend, a young werewolf, comes to her aid and helps her become stronger for the one she loves. Will Terra finally come into being a vampire? Will Cameron survive his mission to hunt down her Master? Will they all be okay in the end? Read more to find out about this world brimming with romance, mystery, and supernatural creatures! ***Please be advised, this novel is rated R17+ for a reason! It contains crude language, sexual content, and portrayals of mental illness that some may find upsetting.***

SteamyWriter · 幻想
43 Chs

Ch 2: To Die is to Live

Everything is dark and fuzzy. My ears are ringing like crazy. Is someone leaning over me? I can't tell. Fuck, my head is killing me! To top it all off, I taste blood in my mouth. A lot of it actually. I gag on the warm liquid sliding down my throat. Ugh! That stuff is nasty!! Like copper penny's been soaked in saltwater for ten years then melted down and poured in my mouth. I don't see how vamps stand the stuff.

Trying to cough it up, I go to turn on my side. The world gets fuzzier, if that's possible, and all I see is black.

Is someone talking? I can't hear them...

"Hey, hey! Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Oh, there they are. Mm, what a smooth voice. How could I not hear that before?

I feel rummaging in my pockets. Oh crap, am I being mugged too?

"Are you Terra Star? Hello, miss? Is your address correct here?" Ah, there's that sweet voice again.

I try to answer, and tell him yes, but it comes out closer to a grumble or maybe a grunt. Whatever. He seemed to catch my meaning, because I feel hands slide under my shoulders and knees.

"It'll be alright" the voice says. "Just stay with me, and you'll be okay. I promise."

Mm, sexy voices making me promises? I must have died and gone to heaven. I feel like I'm pressed against a rock, but it starts moving, so that must be the person who's helping me. Man, I wish I could open my eyes and see what they look like, but they wont move.

Am I really going to be okay? I can't feel any pain, but then again, I might just be in shock. Actually, I think I do feel something, but it's cold, not pain. Yep, that's good old shock for ya. Maybe Sexy Voice can get me to a hospital before the internal damage kills me. I can only be so lucky.

We stop moving, and I hear knocking. Do people knock at hospitals? Oh good, now I hear talking.

"Hello, are you the Star family?" Huh? Did I hear that right? Why are we home?

"Yes what do you...Oh gods! What did you do to my baby?"

Dad? I'm okay, really. At least that's what I want to tell him, but my mouth won't move.

"She'll be fine, Sir, I promise. If I may please come in, I can explain the situation." That's right, you tell him, Sexy Voice!

"Explain?! You better do more than that!" Oh dear, Dad is yelling. This isn't going to end well.

But, I feel us moving again, so Dad must have stepped aside for my new acquaintance. Hey Dad, is he as hot as he sounds? Oh if only my mouth would move. Though I suspect my innate sarcasm wouldn't be appreciated at the moment. It never is, really.

Mr. Sexy must set me down, because I feel soft cushions under me. Was the couch always so cushy? I can't remember.

"Now, Sir. If I may introduce myself, I'm Cameron Demonte, with Social Services. I was out for a walk when I witnessed your daughter being hit by a car."

"She was what?? My baby!!" Oh, I know that voice. Definitely too shrill to be Dad, which means it's Mommy dearest. Now that I think about it, what must I look like, being hit with a car and all? Probably bloody and mangled. Jeez, poor Mom and Dad...

"If she was hit by a car, why didn't you call an ambulance, you dunce!" Come on Dad, don't call him names. He probably has a good reason. Let him finish!

"With all due respect, sir, I also witnessed another passerby try to help in their own unusual way." Huh? When was this? I thought he was the only one there.

"What do you mean?" Oh no, Dad's voice just got really dark and low. If that's the case, it can only mean one thing...

"I witnessed him give her blood, in what I assume to be his attempt at turning her into a vampire. If I may be honest, if it weren't for that, she would have died at the scene. He saved her, but when I tried to talk to him, he ran."

The room got quiet. No one is saying a word. If I tried to say something now, would they hear me? I doubt it, really. If I know my Dad, he's thinking nothing good. Mom lets out a quiet sob. I wish I could hug her, and tell her I'm okay.

Does this mean I'm not human anymore? But I thought the turning process was long and complicated? If that guy didn't finish what he started...

"What does this mean for my baby girl?" Oh, Mom, leave it to you to ask the important questions.

"Well, ma'am, since he ran off, things are going to be difficult. In all honesty, if she doesn't receive care from another vampire, she may not survive the transition." Hm, how can such a soft, sexy voice sound so sad? He must be good at his job if he's that empathetic. "That's why, I'd like to offer my help. As I said earlier, I'm with Social Services, so I'm authorized to assist and take control of these kinds of situations if I feel it necessary."

"How could you help, huh?" No, Dad, please don't start! "Some dirty, inhuman social worker taking my baby away and forcing her to live as one of you?"

"Tom! You watch your mouth! This is our only child we're talking about!" Thank you, Mom, you saint. I don't want to die yet, honestly.

"Sir, I assure you, she'll be the same person she always was. This is the only way she can survive the situation."

"Please, I'm begging you, ignore my husband and help our girl." I hear the tears Mom is choking back. My chest aches for her.

"Thank you, ma'am. Will you assist me with packing a few of her things? She'll be away for a while, unfortunately."

"Helen, how could you?! Do you really want her living as a monster?"

"The only monster I see here, Tom, is you! She's our daughter! Our one and only child! I would rather her live as a vampire than die on our couch here and now!" You go, Mom! I hear her take a deep breath as Dad tries to find his words. "If you'll follow me, Mr. Demonte, her room is this way." I hear footsteps, so they must be walking to my room. Dad must not be happy, because he isn't yelling after them. To be fair, this is the first time Mom has called him out on his bigotry. If I weren't in this situation, I might've laughed.

To be honest though, the gravity of the situation is starting to hit me. Is this going to be the end? I really don't want to die yet, there's so much I haven't done. Where is he going to take me? Some kind of facility? I hope not...

I hear footsteps and a rolling luggage bag. They must be done. That was fast.

I hear mom ask a question. "Do you have a car to load this up in?"

"I've called my partner, he should be here by now. We can put it in the trunk." Partner huh? I didn't know social service guys got partners. He must be high up there.

I hear the front door open, but not close. Then, a few minutes later, I feel those strong arms slide under and pick me up again. Man, I could get used to this. But I don't get long to enjoy it. I can feel my mind starting to slip. It's getting all foggy like before. Maybe its time for a small nap...