
My Senior Crush

Get to know about the life of Jane (Janet Friola) and swoon over her crush of a lifetime. Brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster starting from the first butterflies to intense passion. Curious about how it turned into a love story and whether or not they get their happily ever-after? This novel takes you through the experience leaving you wanting for more...

Star_Queen · 若者
15 Chs


It is a very elegant dress in the shade of blue. And as I slip on the dress, I realise that it hugs my body perfectly showing off all my curves with a sweetheart neckline and full sleeves. The hem reaches upto my ankles with a slit on the right side below my knee. It looks flattering. As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I start blushing like a cherry on the thought that, he knows my exact size and what would look good on me even though I've never told him either of the things anytime.


I descend the stairs in my black stilletos and say goodbye to Dad. The cab I booked earlier has been waiting for a couple of minutes outside. I quickly get in as soon as the car starts, heading towards the party.

The car stops in front of a huge black gate decorated with blue and white balloons and streamers. As I step inside the threshold, the distant sound of music comes within earshot. 'The party has already started.' I said to myself. There are guests everywhere. He went big for this party. The swimming pool, garden and other open spaces are filled with people. I have seen some familiar faces in the crowd, some are his friends from high school and others are his hospital colleagues. The nurse who attended me during my stay in the hospital after the accident waves me over.

"Hey, aren't you Jane?" I nod and smile in agreement. "I've heard a lot of things about you from Mr. Austen. Good things ofcourse!" She smiles. "I'm Lina Asher!" She extends her hand towards me and I take it in a firm handshake. "You already know that I'm Mr. Austen's colleague in the hospital. Well, that work of mine has a different background story. By the way, you seem like a decent person since I've met you. We should hang out sometimes since we're almost the same age." "How do you know about my age?" I ask out of curiosity. "Umm... I guess the medical chart came in handy." She laughs. "Oh, I almost forgot!" I put up a smile to hide my embarrassment. "There's nothing to be embarassed about, really! Since I'm new in this town, socializing is a part of the plan." She grins. "Oh! Where did you live earlier?" I ask. "From Dover! The weather change can't be felt much. It's almost the same here in Lewes." She replies. "Don't worry! Consider me as your newly gained tour guide and ally." We both giggle. "Alright, alright! I won't keep you for any longer. Someone's been really impatient, looking for you the whole evening. Now go!" I blush.

I make my way through the crowd towards the entrance and inside the house. The hallway is comparatively less congested. I've never been to his house before, so the unfamiliarity kind of makes me a little anxious. At the end of the hallway there's a large room adorned in the same theme as outside. As I walk in another person catches my eye in the middle of the room. It's him! As soon as he notices me, he shoots up from the couch and starts walking towards me. His hasty movements tugs at the perfectly tailored suit he's wearing, flexing his taut muscles underneath. The royal azure suit seems to perfectly compliment his slightly tanned handsome features. "He looks gorgeous!" I gasp in an almost inaudible whisper.

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up." He says in a restless tone. "I've been waiting for since..." he trails off, sweeping his eyes all over my form. And when he finally realises it, he grins. "You look absolutely stunning Jane. I must say, the dress found it's rightful owner." My cheeks starts to flush at his compliment. Just when I was nearly successful in composing myself, he kisses me on the earlobe and then under the ear, on my neck. Goosebumps break out all over my body and I shiver at the sudden contact of his soft lips on my sensitive skin. He smirks. I look at him and smile, giving him a look of annoyance right after. "You surely like to tease me, don't you?" I frown mockingly. He gives a hearty laugh.

It's been such a long time since I've seen him laugh like that. I stare at him, adoring his cuteness for a few seconds until I remember that I haven't wished him yet. "Happy Birthday, Mr. Parker." He immediately stops laughing and stares at me intensely. "Uhh..umm..Did I say something wrong?" I stutter. "Of course! You've made a grave mistake, Jane!" "W..What?" I get anxious. With a somber tone he continues, "You should have started calling me 'Baby' or 'Babe' by now. But you're still calling me by my last name!" I can't hide the heat rushing through my body and settling on my cheeks making them red. "I..I..will try..to..call you that!" He chuckles. I look up at him and realise that he's teasing me again. "You...You naughty guy!" And just when I was going to pinch his cheeks... "Hey, Parker!" The sweet voice of a woman interrupts the moment. He looks up. "Oh hi, Keila!"

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